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Everything posted by Bokomaru

  1. Clarification: not true in general for doms. True in general for findoms, is what I meant. If you disagree with that, then we must agree to disagree.
  2. Maybe OP wants to feel loved. “He can get hard with me naturally, no need for help.” 😂 I strongly prefer that any top I’m with use ED drugs. The difference between mostly hard and 100% rock hard is like night and day, in terms of how it feels for the bottom.
  3. @Simon SuraciFindom is not simply an activity it is a dynamic, and a category unto itself. Imagine for a moment the client who is into findom. In general he’s looking for an asshole (AKA self proclaimed “alpha,” complete with some level of toxic masculinity). Fine. That’s what he’s into. Do you want to portray yourself as that? If you merely tack it onto your list of interests you get the downside (clients assuming you’re into an activity that can be very coercive) without the upside (being seen as a dom capable of pulling off this tricky scenario… unless of course you take pains to explain how you manage to do findom well). I would usually not consider hiring a dom who listed findom because I think it lends itself to unethical behavior. Like PNP it can be done responsibly, but that’s the exception. And someone who’s engaging in it at all is a red flag for me. Even if he’s not doing it with me. I will add that since money is being exchanged anyway, I can see how that might open the door to some findom roleplay. But certainly I think it would be a mistake to include this in your marketing because the issues are too nuanced.
  4. Indeed. I have a play buddy with a cock that’s literally like a beer can. It’s the result of two penile fractures. He’s very careful having sex now, to avoid a third incident. The “if it doesn’t fit, force it” method of fucking doesn’t work for him anymore.
  5. She’s 63 yo and has only been married twice? Sounds like she’s way ahead of the game, by entertainment industry standards.
  6. People who consider themselves Catholic and gay.
  7. Boomers raised Gen X. And everyone knows Gen X is the last great generation. 😂 No menu anxiety here! But I guess we are the ones responsible for the anxiety prone snowflake phenomenon.
  8. This is true. In fact you’ll get around double the official exchange rate. Several friends of mine were just there last month.
  9. Just about any approach can work as long as there is open and honest two-way communication. Cliche, but true. I pay for 100% of everything in my decades-long relationship. (Heh, love makes you do crazy things, haha!). But I’m very careful to acknowledge any resentment, first to myself, then voicing it to him so that we can talk it through. Agree the terms that you are comfortable with, and if you find something isn’t working, address it quickly, before it festers.
  10. Looking back on this thread there are a number of smart people who predicted doom and gloom, which has yet to materialize. Point is, no one knows. Slow and steady wins the race in investing. I’ve stopped trying to predict anything. Dollar cost averaging is my strategy.
  11. I have 2 Grindr profiles, 1 top 1 bottom. Guess which profile is 100% easier to hook up with? The boys love an older top (if hung). An older bottom? It’s like winning the lottery to hook up on Grindr. Better to hire.
  12. I pretty much agree with your post, but I’d like to point out that there’s a simpler explanation for your Tumi example, rather than facial recognition: location tracking, which is also pernicious and much more ubiquitous thanks to the tracking devices we all carry on our person.
  13. Unlike most of the country, South Florida has a bright line beyond which it cannot develop. It’s called the Everglades and it’s the reason that Ft Laud is now building UP. The lack of property for development will very much help support the market there, which has a supply shortage. Prices might be inflated, but the days of a huge, cyclical crash are nowhere to be seen. Insurance increases are certainly a real issue. But please note that home owners are protected from large increases in their property taxes. A 3% max increase for your primary residence has been state law for decades. So no one is getting priced out of their home due to tax increases from increasing valuations.
  14. Yes. If you go, be prepared to scratch your head. The audience will laugh at every line that’s uttered because the Kiki character has been built up over the years, so it’s one giant in-joke. Also, Kiki’s voice is… unpolished (I’m being kind). Don’t go for the singing.
  15. One of my favorite shows. Conventional wisdom is that it’s impossible to get right because of the supposedly flawed book. Yet this is the third time in 10 years when the “perfect” production has been mounted, if you believe the buzz.
  16. If you’re going to tattoo 1991 on your body, people will naturally assume you’re 32 rather than the stated 26. Not that it matters much. He looks amazing.
  17. I haven’t seen the new season. Why is that cringe?
  18. Sounds amazing. I miss the days of having true foie gras on the menu. It’s pretty rare to see, even in high end places. And of course NYC is trying to ban it completely.
  19. I’ve gotten into cooking sous vide and ran across a suggestion that foie gras is sometimes done by this method in restaurants because it can completely alleviate the problem of ending up with a pan of fat and almost no liver. Of course, no browning.
  20. @Vin_Marcowhich begs the question, what does it open up for? Love?
  21. Agreed. That leads us to the main point of this recent news. Not that there’s a new antibiotic, but that there’s a new model for antibiotic development. The development wasn’t funded by a single, for-profit pharmaceutical company. From the NYTimes: ”Pharmaceutical companies have largely abandoned antibiotic development as unprofitable. The development of zoliflodacin represents a new model: G.A.R.D.P., which is funded by many Group of 20 countries and the European Union, developed the drug in collaboration with an American pharmaceutical company called Innoviva Specialty Therapeutics.”
  22. His name is Vinny, he’s Italian and he says “wise guy” in reference to himself twice in his profile. What a strange way to market oneself. Maybe he doesn’t realize the implication?
  23. Why is that strange? Many tops prefer similar sized or smaller bottoms. Just because a provider is getting paid doesn’t mean he can’t have preferences. Of course, he’ll end up with fewer clients, but he seems to be ok with that, given that he’s actively turning down business.
  24. Bokomaru

    Syedvens in LA

    To everyone who has trouble with acronyms: LMGTFY. 🤣🤣🤣
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