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Everything posted by nate_sf

  1. The reference to $500 rates confused me too. I expect it refers to female escort rates, and the template for the letter may have been written with that market in mind, just guessing. I'd think the version of the letter focused on men should mention $300, or maybe $350 as having been the top end from a year or so ago. Before Rentmen removed rates from their app, I'd been tracking rates and had been noticing things dropping a bit over this past year so I think the overall point still applies, just the number is wrong in this case.
  2. Though I haven't been doing as much adult entertaining as I once did, I'll be there for the weekend.
  3. Maybe it's a ploy to lure the types of guys he likes to his massage table. You know, burly-Giants-fans-kinda-guys. The Giants tickets themselves seems believable enough until he gets to the part about also meeting the players and special VIP passes, AND heritage night, AND the Gotham club. I mean, you could have stopped at the sky box... But then again, do you care if he has a full body pic of you? Send him your pic and see where it goes next. Though he says he needs someone to host... not sure I'd want him coming over to my place!
  4. The sign on the door says they were not able to renew their lease.
  5. The end of an era: after 39 years, the hot tubs on Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco closed at the end of February. Over the years I'd been there more times than I could count, both on the clock and off. It was always good to know it was there as an option for a rendezvous. Though in concept it seems like it could be kinda nasty, and hard to believe such a place could exist, I always found the rooms to be really clean and well suited to the need at hand. Definitely had some fun times there. Anyone else been there over the years, memories to share?
  6. Welcome @PrettyboyJake to the forum! You're right, screening with male escorts is much different than female escorts, from my understanding. From my experience as a (cis) male escort seeing male clients, the screening is done through the communications and is not usually formal. But each guy has a way about it, trying to establish a comfort level through the communications and looking for red flags along the way. It's based on a lot of intuition and with practice and experience you start to see patterns of where things might go sideways. From my advice, the basic questions that need to be asked and answered to set up an appointment are a variation of the old journalistic rule of thumb of answering who, what, when, where, and how. The goal is to get those figured out to a degree of comfort and certainty, and look for any trouble along the way. Who will you be meeting, where will you meet, what will you be doing together (at least a general direction), and how will you confirm the appointment. You may not be able to get everything answered, particularly the what if either side is being cautious, but you'll at least need the bulk of the info to set the date. The communications technology keeps evolving, and different folks (both clients and providers) have different preferences and requirements for phone calls vs text vs email. Some people, both providers and clients, prefer or require a phone call at some point to book an appointment. This is useful for screening, and also for building some trust and bonding that will help make a better appointment. Personally I like email, since you can have a decent exchange with some substance and get a sense of who is on the other end. Until fairly recently texting was frowned upon for its perceived flake factor, but now lots of people are comfortable with texting and it's possible to have a decent exchange and get to know someone (and look for potential trouble) through texts back and forth. There are generational preferences, so be sensitive to that and try to be accommodating. I can't speak to screening for FTM escorts and how it might be different, but glad to see @FTM Zachary Prince has chimed in.
  7. To those still on the fence, I'll say if not now, when? Don't delay and don't regret, just say yes. It's a really good time, even for (or especially for) introverts like me to bust out of our shells. The first PS weekend I attended, I got in town Saturday morning in time for a meetup at a leather shop with others from the forum here. I hadn't met any of the guys before, and was pretty scared shitless, but mustered up my courage and found I was immediately welcomed. @Ace helped me pick out my first pair of leather pants, and it was off to the races. Though I've never been to an Elk's Club meeting, I'm betting this is way more fun.
  8. Just watched it tonight on Amazon. Fantastic film, really twisted in a good way. I loved at the end where they showed the scenes side by side. And of course Dave Franco <swoon!>...
  9. When I was in grade school on the way to school I stumbled on some torn pages from a Playgirl lying in the gutter. I was walking with my sisters so couldn't pick them up, but thought about them all day at school and grabbed them on my walk home alone. For years I kept them hidden away between pages of a "Blue Peter" book in my room. This was the beginning of a long relationship with Playgirl... I wrote a blog essay here for anyone so inclined. Watching my first porn video was a bit weird, in retrospect. In high school a friend was working at a video rental store, and one afternoon he announces he's swiped a porn video (VHS) and why don't all of us friends (guys and girls) go over to someone's house and check it out. So about ten of us, about half girls and half guys, went over to one of the girl's houses and we all watched it together. Granted probably at least half of us were still virgins, myself included. The video was laughably bad - I just remember it involved a business executive in an office putting the moves on his secretary, with dialog so bad it offered us comic relief. I can't remember how long we watched it, and how far the couple on the screen got into it, before people started leaving or maybe we just turned it off. And I thought to myself afterwards it was kind of weird that the video shop guy working at the video shop had suggested we all watch it together in the first place.
  10. I'm a fan of the Palms Place condo hotel (http://www.palms.com/palms-place.html). I've stayed there a couple of times and really liked the rooms (particularly the shower!), plus since it doesn't have a casino it's much more low-key than the usual strip hotel. Parking is in a garage right downstairs with no fee, so everything is really easy to come and go. It's connected to the Palms hotel and casino so you can venture over that way if you want some adventure. I can't recall if the elevator is card-keyed but the lobby is sufficiently low key that you could meet someone there without any problem. There is a resort fee, but just figure that into the total.
  11. http://www.natebeck.us/BCC2019.jpg Some of you may be familiar with the Bare Chest Calendar here in San Francisco. It’s become an institution of sorts, and is now in its 35th year. Though the men in the calendar are a big part of the attraction, it is at its heart a fundraiser. The calendar and its events exist for one purpose: to raise funds to support the AIDS Emergency Fund (AEF) and Positive Resource Center. PRC and AEF support people with HIV on many fronts, including job retraining, benefits counseling, and emergency grants. I have friends and family who have utilized the services of these organizations, and can speak from experience of the great things they do and the huge impact they have on people’s lives. This year is the 35th edition of the calendar, and the final print version. With that in mind, I've decided to take the plunge and compete for the 2019 team. It's something I've always wanted to do but never mustered up the courage to pursue, until now. I'm inviting members of the forum here to join me on this journey and support this great cause. There are a couple of ways to do this: Come join me on March 15th for my "Prelim" competition at the Powerhouse bar. This is the first chance for the guys to compete, selling raffle tickets, grabbing crotches (with permission of course), answering embarrassing questions on stage, and of course stripping off their shirts. If you're here in the Bay Area, please join me as these things are really fun and entertaining. And for what it's worth, I'll have a tab open at the bar. The event starts at 8 pm and goes to about 10:00. Since this is a fundraiser, I've set up a gofundme page to start raising funds for the cause. The goal for each guy is to raise $300 for the Prelim, either before the event or by the end. Small contributions are welcome - the point is to get the ball rolling. Here is the link to the page: www.gofundme.com/nate-barechestcalendar. Thanks for reading this far. I hope you'll join me on this journey and support this great cause!
  12. That's a lot of cash just to do some sexting. I wonder how much he charges to unlock his private photo's?
  13. My recollection from reports at the time was that Andrew Cunanan's body had been going to seed, and this had been upsetting to him. So perhaps they had Darren Criss get in shape/out of shape accordingly. But I sure wouldn't kick him out of bed (Criss that is, not Cunanan!). Just watched the third episode, and really enjoyed Judith Light's performance. I have no idea if her depiction is faithful to the original Mrs. Miglin but she sure was entertaining!
  14. Roku is surprisingly easy to set up and use. Great for Netflix and the other streaming services. Just finished watching The End of the F***cking World, really loved it. Quirky and very wry.
  15. Such a wonderful tribute to a special friend. Hugs to you and the rest of your pack.
  16. I like the camping option offered at the end of the ad... for someone like me that doesn't know anything about camping, that sounds like fun.
  17. Thanks @GregM and @Keenan for jumping in. Other gents, I invite you to do the same here and/or in the Travel section should you be inclined. As organizers we aren't posting an attendance list since we don't see that as our role or decision to make, but that isn't to say someone can't make themselves known and available. From my experience with these weekends in the past, there can be great opportunities for the working guys if they let that be known!
  18. Awright, we're counting down to the weekend! Looking forward to seeing friends again, and meeting new ones. One minor change to the itinerary, is we've learned Rock Hard Sundays has gone on hiatus indefinitely. So we'll look for something else for Sunday evening. If you have suggestions, we're game. Just get in touch with me or @ArVaGuy, or post something here. If you're wanting to join us but haven't RSVPd, be sure to get in touch. We'll send out another email in the next day or two with any updates. See you soon!
  19. Happy Birthday Fluffy! May you have a celebration that's the cat's meow!
  20. Back in the earlier days of TV, couples (even married ones) not only were fully clothed, they had twin beds: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wcfCdFMtaDY/VbH2mJZ_PJI/AAAAAAAAWIE/DnP-dE-L3fM/s1600/vandyke.jpg As for me, sex or no sex I sleep in the buff. Though I keep a pair of sweatpants next to the bed for taking the dog out, or if I need to go to the door for anything,
  21. Yes definitely. I think the most significant thing has been knowing how the hire is arranged, structured, that I can ask for what I want, etc., which I've learned by being hired myself. As @Rudynate mentions, the reason to hire is because you want to. Or as I would tell clients, you hire "who you want, for what you want, when you want it." Most significantly, you know they'll show up and will be professional, so you know you'll have a good time. It's great to be able to pick out a guy you're really attracted to, get to meet him, touch him, and just have a lot of fun. I did some hiring when I was still escorting, and that created some wierdness in deciding whether or not to tell the guy I was also an escort. I wrote some blog posts about them at the time here and here. But now that I'm retired for the most part I usually don't make any mention of it.
  22. The confirmation emails with the event details have been sent out. If you've RSVP'd to us with your email address you should have received yours. There's still time to RSVP if you'd like to join us, or if you haven't sent your email address. Send a PM to @ArVaGuy or to me @nate_sf, or send me an email directly. If you've confirmed but have not received your email confirmation, please get in touch. We'll send another reminder email next week. If you have questions that have not been covered in the email, or you have suggestions, let us know. We're looking forward to having fun and creating some heat in DC. See you soon!
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