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Everything posted by Archangel

  1. I’ve hired porn stars and found them less satisfying than guys who stick to their own thing. I agree with the OP. It makes you feel like you’re inadequate. Or it makes me think they’re not really all that great. Either way not a fabulous experience.
  2. I’ve found the AI chat frustrating. And I feel like I know it’s not a real person so it would annoy me more if I were seeking companionship from that. It would be like a fleshjack or doll for sex…I would know it’s not real. That said, I don’t think sexting would work for me either.
  3. Roget called… Entitled, owed, due, deserving, merited
  4. Maybe if I get a share in the proceeds? A collab? 🤔
  5. Or the disappointment. I don’t subscribe to the notion that more paid means more received. As you say, it’s opinion. And I shared it. I didn’t feel the need to add a caveat stating as much.
  6. Well, I would also hope everyone is also getting paid more in the next decade. I also don’t hire in the New York market, even now. There’s good talent elsewhere.
  7. This is an interesting question. Sometimes I hire with little-to-no expectation of sex. That said, we hire for time. So if we pay a different amount when sex isn’t involved, are we in fact paying for sex. I’m going to follow this topic.
  8. As far as I’m concerned, no escort is worth $1000 of my dollar per hour 🤷🏼‍♂️ star or otherwise. Others are free to disagree with me of course, but that’s my opinion.
  9. My! So many strong opinions on this topic!
  10. A voice can definitely be sexy. I was certain a guy a few months back was gay and would have the stereotypical “gay voice.” Turned out he had a deep “masculine voice,” which totally threw every time he asked a question…I couldn’t reconcile his looks with his voice, but I will say I liked it!
  11. I’m happy to opine on the subject at hand, and have, but I also want to share this GIF that I find absolutely hilarious:
  12. On a forum such as this that’s bound to happen. People tend to revisit the same topics. And rehash the same talking points. No one is forcing anyone to click on a topic here.
  13. There seems to be an unspoken working assumption here among some that escorts speak unquestionable gospel and clients always seek to deceive. So that’s likely behind the disconnect…
  14. @Jamie21, normally I say upfront with a potential new hire that eventually I’ll want a telephone call before settling on a booking. That said, I will not hire an escort I text who calls me without agreeing to do so. I’ve had several potential escorts uninvited just call during a text exchange. Akin to the train, I’m not always in a place to take a call. Furthermore, in today’s world, it’s pretty common to ask if it’s okay to call if you’re in the middle of a text exchange. So I’ll just dismiss a potential hire if he keeps calling when I tell him I can’t talk in the moment.
  15. @Emir, I’d move on since the head is clearly cut off. And it’s probably cut off because those verified pictures aren’t even his, if he’s real at all. I had one guy, early in my dabbling stage, tell me the pictures he posted looked like him although they weren’t him. Pass…
  16. As to “hot guys with old fat men” – 1) Some guys think fat guys ARE hot guys. 2) Some guys think “hot guys” are NOT hot. 3) Some guys think old men ARE hot. 4) What counts as fat, hot, or old?
  17. Every new escort I hire, I require a telephone call. If we can’t have a few minutes of conversation, then how’s an overnight going to work out?!
  18. Sounds mentally ill, genuinely. Not meant as a derogatory remark against mental illness, but why else behave so inconsistently? Sadly your experience is the experience of many people of larger sizes, and many face even worse discrimination. Sizism is one of the still acceptable modes of discrimination in our culture today. It hides behind many guises. Like so many forms of discrimination.
  19. @LaffingBear, I’ve grown much more discriminating about hiring since I started. I don’t think of it as problems I have, or barriers. Just I know better what I want. I do find a lot of “new guys” are very poor at attending to my need for attention. But I’m not sure if that’s an age thing or a me thing…
  20. I go to RM to…rent men. If I wanted other social media or another “product” (such as OF, I wouldn’t look on RM. If for some reason I need more photographic or videographic material of a potential escort, I’ll ask and depending then consider based on which platform I’m directed to. I won’t subscribe to OF as a precursor to hiring or discussing hiring.
  21. This looks like a serious case for Terry Dubrow and Paul Nassif! 😆
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