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Posts posted by sniper

  1. On 9/10/2024 at 1:56 PM, JayBK said:

    Thanks. I’ve been tipping 80-100% based on affordability and the experience. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t unknowingly being cheap. Also wasn’t sure what the masseur was expecting.

    At the lower priced ones(i.e. 60ish per hour), 40-50% is low for a happy ending. Consider that the rentmasseur people are charging 160 that they keep for similar sevice. If you're tipping 40-50% the masseur is netting less than half what the rentmasseur guy gets.

  2. On 9/9/2024 at 4:47 PM, LookingAround said:

    It was on hkmenspa Instagram. On their stories. It's been taken down. Not sure why. 

    Instagram stories only stay up for 24 hours. 

  3. I have a health professionak friend who, in his time post-vaccination but still testing daily, had a single positive test bracketed by negative tests. He was asymptomatic but did note that his fitbit showed his heartrate that day was several beats higher than normal. Had he not been testing he'd never have thought he had it. There are probably quite a few people in that boat.

  4. 16 hours ago, Bobbiedrake said:

    Has anyone tried a massage with Alex? would appreciate some details! 

    Excellent massage, strictly therapeutic but also, not shy about working your glutes or whatever.  He's never going to cross the line IMO but as a technical masseur he's the best of them.


  5. 16 hours ago, fancyboot said:

    Are these usually sales positions? Thanks for the advice 

    No they have tons of boring desk jobs, underwriting, policy language, etc. Actuarial I would not recommend this late in career because there is a set of exams that deternines your career progress/$$$$ and even if you pass them quickly,  the payoff time you have left in your career is short.

  6. 11 hours ago, ShortCutie7 said:

    That is one of my main reasons for not being on PreP and being a “condom n*zi”- I have the same doctor as my family, and my (very infrequent) sexual activity is nobody’s business.  I’m on one med (for an unrelated condition), and that’s one more med than I’d like to be taking.

    Yeah when I was out of commission for a few months.after surgery, I debated "donating" my extra pills to a married friend who doesn't take it because he doesn't want his wife seeing it on the insurance.

  7. 3 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I'm sure there are plenty of "party boys" who lose track of their meds for days at a time while snorting meth and "taking loads".

    But -

    Those aren't the only people contracting HIV while on PreP.

    If you take it without missing a dose your chances of infection are small. However research shows that only 50% of the population of gay men who are prescribed the drug take it every day without fail.

    The PreP adherence stats are likely strongly skewed by the party boys because initially they were the only ones who met the prescribing criteria. I'd expect better of most of the hobbyists here who probably tend to be above average in the characteristics that facilitate adherence.

    I don't actually fuck all that often and should probably consider the 2-1-1 regimen but I think taking it daily is easier to remember and less likely to screw up than when the norm is NOT taking it.  I have missed a dose on occasion but never two in a row or even in the same week.

  8. I seem to recall reading that when they've done studies and then drawn blood from the people who became HIV+, they determined that there was basically zero medication in their system, it was too low to have just been a skipped dose or two. And guys in their 20s aren't known for being on top of their health insurance and change jobs a lot.  The party gays who go to Fire Island to do coke and meth for a week straight while they powerbottom for a dozen strangers probably aren't packing their pills. Or pre-workout and/or those mega-fiber supplements for bottoming are making them shit the pill out before it's absorbed(that's why Pure For Men says take it at least 2-3 hours away from any medications.)

    If you know YOU are taking it properly, you're safer than a condom, statistically speaking. But condoms do protect against other things.  Before there was also HPV to worry about but there's a vaccine for that too(which btw they raised the age on insurance for to 45 and you can still get it past then if you pay out of pocket. I was 46 when they changed the guideline...grr).

  9. On 4/7/2024 at 9:06 PM, Cubscout13 said:

    Just a FYI, went to Qua Spa which is usually the most cruisey of the bunch , and was notified the steam rooms are now under construction and won’t be open for a couple of months. So best to inquire before going here.

    I always found Qua is only cruisiest in terms of number of people showing off: the staff is a lot more visible which prevents much from happening there.

    To be fair, the showoffs ar Qua tend to be more attractive. But it's more look but don't touch in recent years. More stuff happens at other places(unless you yourself are exceptionally attractive).

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