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Everything posted by Strafe13

  1. Although I made my post on Miguel much shorter and less detailed than my normally submitted reviews so as to not run afoul of the forum's rules, apparently it came across as more of a review, rather than a general 411 response. Since the forum's terms & rules don't explicitly define what makes a review a "review," then given the prevalence of 411 requests on this site, whether a response will cross the line is essentially a judgment call left to a moderator's sole determination. Although I didn't think of my response as a review at the time, upon further reflection, I can see why the moderator viewed it differently. Had I been alerted to the possibility of an infraction, I would have gladly edited my post to conform to the forum's standards, if given the opportunity to do so. Nonetheless, I accept that I erred. My apologies. I attempt to make amends and still help the OP below. For the OP who originally sought more recent info on Miguel: to the extent that you can't figure out the gist of it from @Scjim992's reply, I essentially said that I hired Miguel within the past 2-3 years and I thought that he's still handsome, so I disagree with a prior poster's less than flattering description of his face. Also, Miguel, while a nice guy, is not a cuddler or a BFE type of escort, but more of a "wham bam, thank you, sir" type. If that's what you're into, then give him a try. Best of luck to you!
  2. I don't disagree with anything you said. The point of my post was that, given the history of this forum, I just knew that someone would use this escort's participation in this thread to air a personal grievance against him. Several years ago, it was much more common to see escorts actively engage with clients and each other on a wide variety of the public threads here. We lament all the time about providers not participating as much on the forum as many of us would like, but this client's post is a prime example of why so few of them do anymore. And for the record, I don't consider it to be "rude," generally, for a service provider of any kind to not respond to every inquiry. Depending on the circumstances, it simply may not be practical (or even possible, due to the volume of inquiries) to respond to everyone, or the provider may get a bad vibe from the anonymous prospective client and feel it's better not to engage him at all. It may (or may not) be the best business practice to not respond to some, or many, clients' initial forms of outreach, but it strikes me as too much to say it's rude, which, IMHO, typically connotes some kind of affirmative act of disrespect or discourtesy, like insulting the client or standing him up for a confirmed appt.
  3. How did I know that a post like this was coming?
  4. I did erroneously insert an underscore in the url, so thanks for the correction. It may not look it in the photos on his RM ad, but Ryan's hair is a very light shade of brown, with highlights galore. He's not platinum blond, but what many would call a dark blond. Trust me, those pubes are a golden hue.
  5. Tony Bishop in NYC https://rent.men/Tony_Bishop Ryan in San Francisco https://rent.men/theSF_Stud Tony is more wham, bam, thank you sir, but ruggedly handsome with a deep, sexy voice, and a thick member. Ryan is much more sweet and affectionate. He’s also very tall and IMHO pretty, and hung like a horse.
  6. Wish I had personal experience to share with you. He’s visiting NYC at the end of next month for Pride Weekend, so I plan on seeing him then. I’d gladly offer info after my meeting.
  7. He’s a tad small, but I like what I see! Glad to contribute to the bump. Looks like he’s bringing his sexy little self to NYC at the end of next month for Pride. Might have to take one for the team.
  8. In my experience, frequent name changes are often a sign that the escort is trying to prevent prospective clients from linking him to poor word-of-mouth experiences shared within the community.
  9. He also asked me (repeatedly) to give him a 5-star review on RM before we'd even met! He seemed satisfied when I told him that I'd gladly do so after our appointment. Interestingly, when I complained to RM management about him, they said they're just an advertising service that doesn't ensure positive experiences (!) and therefore they can't do anything unless he breaks their rules. They also said that their rules also allow only for clients to issue one review per meeting without any further back and forth (kind of like Daddy's rules for just 1 client review followed by 1 escort response). I pointed out to them that this guy had bypassed their rules and found a loophole: 1) he undermined the integrity of the review system by asking prospective clients for 5-star ratings before meetings even occurred; and 2) he blocked me right after he absconded with the $, which prevents one from seeing the ad or leaving a review. RM management just stopped replying and decided to do nothing to either take down this guy's ad or warn others about him. Obviously, for everyone that he does this to, none of us can use the RM review system to warn other prospective clients either. The truly sad and predatory part of all this is how he seeks out clients like he did you and me, by initiating contact once he sees that we've viewed his ad, and then striking up conversation that has the effect of getting one to lower their guard. At least that's how I took it, because it seemed over the top to put in such long term effort into victimizing people (he emailed me several weeks before I'd made it clear that I'd be visiting Las Vegas, and then followed up during the interim). I'm just glad I had the restraint to not try to stop him from leaving on the day of the botched appointment, or it could have resulted in a dangerous altercation in the hotel lobby. Oh well, live and learn I guess. P.S., I've actually had decent experiences with Eastern Europeans in this field (with guys of all backgrounds, really), so I don't follow you on that particular point.
  10. Ditto. The request was whether anyone had experience with this escort, not for us to offer our individual opinion on the escort's level of attractiveness. That post stating that the poster found the escort unattractive was not at all relevant or helpful to the original poster. The fact that threads (unfortunately) get derailed and/or hijacked all the time does not excuse doing it here or at any other time. To actually address the OP's query, I haven't had an actual session with Alex Tikas, so my experience is limited to communication with him. If memory serves, although we couldn't coordinate our schedules, he was polite enough so that I haven't been discouraged from reaching out again when my availability opens up in the future. @Yankee , I hope you find this to have been at least a little bit helpful.
  11. I met with this guy in February. He's a total scammer. He asked for the payment upfront and then left. I perceived certain warning signs but ignored them because he's a charmer and he'd initiated contact with me months in advance through the rentmen website. Between that, his plethora of 5-star reviews on that site, plus his verified status on the friendboy.pro site (all of which I believe now to have been falsified and can explain why privately), I let my guard down. Feel free to send a private message if you want details.
  12. Thank you. I’d actually did a quick search on RM but couldn’t find this escort. Turns out that the poster misspelled his name with two “n’s” instead of two “a’s”. Oh well, the mystery has been solved, so no big deal. Thanks again
  13. Sorry, but who are you referring to? Maybe an earlier post has been edited or deleted, but I don't see a link or any other mention of this guy in this thread. Is there an ad of his you can point us to?
  14. Clearly something's wrong with me, because I'd let each and every one of these news guys you've posted have his way with me!
  15. Looks like something to try out on my next weekend brunch trip to Philly! Thanks for alerting us to this.
  16. He's been discussed briefly before. Check out the following thread: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-orus.146610/ Try sending a private message to @Geriatric Otter who's met Orus and reported positively on him.
  17. Sam used to have a rentmen ad for Trenton, New Jersey, but I don't see it up anymore. So, at one point at least, he used to see clients privately. I don't know if he still does. I've spoken to Sam a few times at the Adonis events, and he comes across as a really nice guy. I believe he identifies as straight though, for whatever that's worth. I'd suggest asking the Adonis coordinator Tim about Sam the next time you attend an event. Tim might share with you the next time that Sam is scheduled to appear, and might even pass along a message to him that a customer is interested in his services. Good luck!
  18. That's a lot to process at first, but I get it now. The different pics don't bother me all that much, so long as they're approximate a reasonably accurate representation of what the actual professional looks like when he shows up. I'd certainly prefer a guy who uses his own pics, but I understand some guys' need for discretion may manifest in ways that seem unusual (or even super paranoid) to me. Am I correct in understanding that despite this Adam having placed ads on rentmen, he's strictly a masseur and not a professional escort?
  19. I wholeheartedly concur with the 2nd and 3rd sentences here.
  20. He seems adorable and he looks like he meets one poster's reference to twink/jock types (@Lee_jeff). But we should all keep in mind that the OP never put such a limitation on the recommendations he sought. The OP and other readers of this thread should also keep in mind that this Mr. Scott only meets with older guys, whom he defined as either over 45 or 50 years old. I don't remember the precise threshold, since the ad is currently expired. But I distinctly remember that he imposes this type of limitation because I wanted to see him when I visited San Francisco last month, but despite being more than a decade his senior, I'm too young for this 28 year old!
  21. I've met with 2 of the 3 professionals mentioned in this thread: http://rent.men/thesfstud and http://rent.men/Jack_Dixon. I had fantastic times with both guys, each of whom is very well hung, as well as extremely nice to boot. I'm not saying that they're not capable of f**king a willing bottom into oblivion, but my sessions didn't take on that tone, and neither guy gave off a vibe that that kind of scene was his forte. That being said, I'd be delighted if @Axiom2001 or another forum member reported that these guys took on that challenge and performed it well.
  22. Thank you. I was aware of all that actually. That's why in my initial post, to which @buckguy responded, I said that I am "interested in seeing the now free Robert Van Damme on a potential trip to Czechia." I've always wanted to visit Prague, so the possibility of meeting Van Damme would serve as the impetus to finally turn that desire into reality. If anyone can help me with that, I'd very much appreciate the info.
  23. Thank you! Clearly, I was sleep deprived when I wrote my post. Not only did I have glaring typos (since corrected), including misspelling Kayden’s name, but once I followed your link, I saw that Kayden is already on my Buddy List on RM! Now, if you can help me out with Mr. Van Damme, you’ll be my best friend
  24. Is there a link to a professional ad for Kayden Gray? I didn't see one on his Twitter profile. He looks scrumptious! I'm also interested in seeing the now free Robert Van Damme on a potential trip to Czechia, but his Twitter profile also doesn't provide an ad or contact info. I concur with whoever mentioned Jake Havoc (who now lists as Marek on RM). I had a really fun session with him a few years ago. Extremely thick, well-hung guy who's also a total sweetheart.
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