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Everything posted by Strafe13

  1. Again, I want to be you when I grow up!
  2. Deposits of any kind are a no-no except for those extended sessions which are for an overnight, weekend, or trips. I’ve only had one escort ask for a deposit in advance of a regular hour-long session, but he explained that he did so only for new clients because he’d been burned in the past. He was polite and receptive to my hesitation, however, and he then agreed to proceed without the deposit after speaking with me on the phone. (Id contacted him several weeks in advance of a planned visit to his city.) he never knew that I’d already decided that I would acquiesce to his request because other forum members had attested to his quality, and also because he’s friends with (and often works with) another excellent escort whom I’d seen a few times before. Although I don’t know this for sure, I suspect that he may have felt more comfortable with me because I mentioned his colleague and my participation as a forum member and reviewer. Perhaps he did his own due diligence on me based on that. I understand why some escorts might prefer to receive payment at the beginning of a session. It’s been my personal experience, though, that those sessions have never been good, but not because the request caused tension or ruined the mood. It sucks to say this, but those escorts with whom I’ve met who’ve made such requests were typically of inferior quality. Conversely, the best escorts almost never ask for upfront payment. That’s been my personal experience, but it also seems to reflect the consensus of nearly all seasoned forum members for as far back as I can remember (well over a decade, at least). So, my rule is not to hassle over paying upfront when asked, but to simply go through with the session and then note that I’ll never hire that escort again unless he delivers a fantastic experience. To date, that’s never happened.
  3. He atttended the Adonis Lounge special events in NYC during Pride Weekend at the end of June. Sometimes he’ll be listed in the promotional e-mails for the Los Angeles events.
  4. I want to be you when I grow up! To the OP’s query, with respect to my home base area, I hire a few times a year, probably closer to a frequency of about every month or two. But I hire much more profusely when I travel. I’d ideally like to hire once or twice a month while at home, though.
  5. I'm glad you weren't ripped off, and that you enjoyed your session with Rory.* But you're actually gushing over the fact that he did the right thing, particularly when, in this context, that "right thing" is the absolute bare minimum -- honoring a client's deposit by simply showing up. I think folks are taken aback because, generally speaking, it's expected that we gush over someone who went above and beyond the norm to please us, not someone who didn't swindle us via the very means that he forced upon us as a condition of doing business with him. *Seriously, I am sincerely happy for you. I've been cheated in this biz before and it really hurts, so I'm glad Rory didn't do that to you. I also know how valuable and affirming it can be when a professional sex worker imparts a positive experience on a client. So, I'm glad for you on both fronts.
  6. Never seen him, but I Buddy Listed him a while back. Interestingly, his ad is expired, but as of this morning (Monday 9/30/19) the site shows him as having last logged on 10 hours ago. His most recent reviewer also states that he wouldn’t recommend him, but, strangely also gave him 4 out of 5 stars (which, IMHO, is still a good rating), bringing Jason’s average down to 4.88 out of 5 stars. I’d see him if I ventured out to D.C. and if his ad was still active so that his contact info was still accessible.
  7. Oh, hell to the mother-f***ing no!!! He must have fallen and bumped his head!
  8. I know that, and I, of course, sympathize with the sticker shock that many non-New Yorkers have when they see what the natives are paying for stuff here. I'm asking specifically what this escort's rate is. I only want to know whether his rate is crazy even by NYC's standard, or if it just seems outlandish to these posters because it's way out of line for the markets/areas in which they live or are accustomed.
  9. What is this crazy rate you guys keep tip-toeing around? $300/hour has been about standard in NYC for the last several years now. Is he asking for significantly more than that?
  10. I sympathize with @MscleLovr's hesitation on ID'ing the scammer. My experience on this forum also has been that, generally, warnings have been welcomed much less favorably than commendations. My own recent experience isn't about an actual warning, but is somewhat illustrative of the point. A few months ago, I responded to a 411 inquiry by relaying that an escort and I had to cut our session short due to what seemed like poor chemistry, but I thought he was a nice guy and I appreciated his professionalism in offering to not take his fee (I still paid him half, though). A poster here took that as negative, and suggested I had unrealistic expectations for our session, even though I hadn't even said anything about what I'd hired the escort for, or whether there was any particular type of scene that we attempted to get into. So, yeah, folks get defensive of escorts here and will often overreact to commentary that isn't necessarily glowing, much less when it's an actual critique. To the other point mentioned earlier in this thread about somewhat nerdy escorts who're into comic books and with whom one might be able to engage in interesting conversations over dinner or an extended BFE, I'd recommend http://rent.men/ShermanMaus. I believe he's also a forum member, or at least he used to be, although I don't recall his exact handle. I've met with him a few times, both in his homebase of L.A. and when he's visited NYC. He's a really sweet guy, who's also into comics and graphic novels. If you have similar tastes, then he could be ideal for conversation of that sort.
  11. FYI, Cord's ad is here: https://rent.men/Cord
  12. Mike Austin's newer pics on his RM ad show him as unclipped and display a decent amount of body hair. He's not a bear by any means, but I wouldn't say that hairy is an incorrect description either. I believe a recent thread indicated that William Ericsson's ad had vanished again. He is very hairy, affectionate, and into kissing. He'd be perfect for what the OP seeks, if he's still active. I would have recommended William if I thought he was still in the biz. I've never met with Cord, but his ad makes for a rather attractive overall package. I'd love to see him myself, and the OP may wish to give him a try. I don't recall any forum discussions about Cord, though, so that's why I didn't recommend him. I'm glad others here also find him sexy.
  13. I concur that Brian is a great kisser. I was wary of speaking too much in the 1st person in describing him, lest I get flagged for posting a review in the forum. Someone mentioned Victor Racek earlier. I think Victor Racek is super sexy, but discussions on these boards leave me with the impression that he's not exactly affectionate, nor an enthusiastic kisser. I've never met him though.
  14. I haven't been with the first 2 of the guys below, but based on their reviews and forum discussions, I'd guess that they fit the bill for what you seek. https://rent.men/thedudenextdoor https://rent.men/MikeAustin https://rent.men/HungBNYC I actually met with Brian (HungB) earlier this year. He's not, in my opinion, a twink, although others could view him that way due to his thin build and relative youth (listed age is 30). I found him to be very sweet and gentle, despite his size (not humongous, but well above average). He's quite tall (about 6'5") and lists kissing and being affectionate among his interests and attributes.
  15. I concur. We'd need you to provide much more detail on your tastes in order to offer suggestions on the "hottest" masseurs in NYC. That being said, have you tried doing an advanced search on rentmasseur.com, and then filtering for the specific traits you find to be "hot"? That often works for me on its sister site rent.men, although it doesn't filter for as many detailed physical traits as the now defunct RB site used to. I hope this helps.
  16. I'd also like to know about these providers in the L.A./southern California region. I've never seen him, but Sean Xavier's reviews and platitudes would seem to indicate that he'd be perfect for this scene. But he appears to either have no one set home base, or he operates mostly out of D.C. https://rent.men/SeanXavier/#platinum
  17. His English wasn't perfect in his ad (although that's not determinative by itself). But I also note that he listed his ethnicity as Mediterranean, which would correspond to his being from Spain, and thus match the identity of the model/trainer you found for his photos. If he anticipates only American clients, then it's not necessarily indicative of deception that he'd market himself as speaking English, while also omitting Spanish. This could mean something or nothing.
  18. Ditto. Please report back to us. I'd love to find out how it went. Also, if it's a good experience, please divulge the escort's name, although you may want to do that by private message. I'm excited for you!
  19. I echo this sentiment. I had several amazing massage & scrub/shower combo sessions at Super Men's spa. Unfortunately, my 2 go-to masseurs have both left the spa, so I only go there every now and then for some manscaping.
  20. But the larger point is that even if some of these men reciprocate after the fact, your description makes absolutely clear that none of them consent to the initial contact that you've initiated solely for your own sexual gratification. This retroactive consent that you believe you're receiving from the few men who reciprocate does not excuse your initial unrequested touching of all of these men. This isn't a special context like a bathhouse, darkroom, or other cruising spot where everyone is there looking for some sort of sexual experience and it's understood by all that bodily contact generally replaces verbal communication. What you're doing is wrong.
  21. My RM profile doesn't contain photos, but the name suggests body type and indicates that I'm of color, as does the text that describes what I'm looking for. I can only guess that to be the reason for the strange response, but irrespective of the reason, Conner's conduct exhibited unprofessionalism and plain old lack of manners. Some escorts are true courtesans and treat all clients (prospective and consummated) well because they view this as their job or profession. Others may do so just because they're classy and respectful in all of their dealings, even if they view escorting as a fleeting side gig. Men of such character are hard to find in general, so when I find a good escort, I try to maintain that relationship. I'm grateful to the great guys I've found in this business who've enriched my life, as all good sex workers do.
  22. I had a very strange experience with Conner. I e-mailed him on RM earlier this month with both a generic photo unlock request, and a separate message saying that I wanted to hire him in the next few days. I also followed up with a text. I didn't hear back from him until last night when he unlocked his RM photos with no other message. Then when I clicked on the link, his profile was inaccessible, meaning he blocked me. Conner and I have never met, nor even had an online conversation. So, such strange and inconsistent behavior on his part is bewildering, to say the least. I have my suspicions about his motives, but I'll keep them to myself for now. I've seen Only Viking, SgtFun, and NYC Viking. My experience with the first was okay, good with the second, and very good with the third. You can message me for details if you'd like. Good luck!
  23. What a mean, nasty thing to say! Why are we so horrible to each other?
  24. I found Randy. He's at https://rent.men/RandyHardenXXX. I think William's ad is expired because no spelling of his name returns a hit when I search on RM.
  25. I know the other two, but is there a link for Randy Harden? I didn't find a review for him. FYI, for the OP, Mike Austin's link is at https://rent.men/MikeAustin. I can't find William Ericsson's ad on RM anymore but he could never be mistaken for a Goldilocks anyway. :-)
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