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Everything posted by Strafe13

  1. This Irish guy and https://rentmen.eu/GingRugger really turn my crank. But it looks like I'd be sexually incompatible with them because they're both bottoms. Woe is me! :-(
  2. I can’t find fault with your take on this. Beauty is often in the eye of the beholder. But I also can’t fault those escorts who, for professional or personal reasons, have decided that they need to maintain at least some measure of discretion or anonymity by not posting face pics on their ads. As a client, I certainly don’t post face pics on my RM profile, nor do I send them out to prospective hires, so I’m in no position to judge those who take similar protective measures. To each his own.
  3. I met Jake a few years ago. I found him to be extremely handsome. I was taken aback actually.
  4. Thanks for the info and advice. I'm actually from NYC and only very recently moved, so I know all about New Yorkers' reluctance to cross the river. I just happen to be in Newark for one night, and I've got a lot of work to do (that's why I booked the hotel), so I can't waste time traveling to and from Manhattan. I just wanted to treat myself to a break during a long night's work, and was hoping that forum members could point out some previously undiscovered gems who defied NYC stereotypes or were even based in NJ. I got some suggestions via private message, so thanks to all who offered help. I'd appreciate additional suggestions if anyone else still has them.
  5. I'll be staying in a hotel in New Jersey near Newark-Penn Station, about a 20 to 25 minute train ride outside of Manhattan (only $2.75 fare each way). Can anyone recommend any top or vers/top escorts who service that area, or NYC-based ones who'll come out there for a 1 to 2-hour appointment? I haven't had much luck searching on rentmen. Thanks in advance.
  6. FYI, it's a common colloquial expression used in Brazil. I forgot what "kkkk" means there, but it doesn't carry anywhere near the historical baggage and negative connotations associated with "KKK" in the U.S.A. All that being said, I have no idea if this masseur is Brazilian. Just food for thought.
  7. You forgot to include the link to the thread.
  8. Is this the masseur you guys are raving about? If so, he's pretty cute. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/29878/
  9. He'd normally be my type, but why oh why is he a bottom?!? I'm going to try to stop swooning over this beautiful man with whom I'm sexually incompatible, and get back to work.
  10. I agree that including the location in the subject would have been ideal. But still, if a poster won't be interested in a thread without that, then as you reasoned, we'd expect that he/she would simply not bother to open or respond to the thread. What happened here, instead, is that a poster opened the thread anyway; didn't bother to open the provided link, which, based on experience, was virtually certain to answer his query; and then, when another poster graciously provided the answer, rather than say "thank you" for the info, and then contribute to the information sharing the OP requested, he reiterated his desire for the OP to have inserted the location in the subject line. None of that snarkiness was necessary. Why can't we just be kinder to each other here?
  11. I agree that including the location in the subject would have been ideal. But still, if a poster won't be interested in a thread without that, then as you reasoned, we'd expect that he/she would simply not bother to open or respond to the thread. What happened here, instead, is that a poster opened the thread anyway; didn't bother to open the provided link, which, based on experience, was virtually certain to answer his query; and then, when another poster graciously provided the answer, rather than say "thank you" for the info, and then contribute to the information sharing the OP requested, he reiterated his desire for the OP to have inserted the location in the subject line. None of that snarkiness was necessary. Why can't we just be kinder to each other here?
  12. Yeah, he could have, but the masseur's location showed immediately when I reviewed the ad via the link the OP provided. People on this forum (myself included) bitch all the time about those who request info on masseurs and escorts without including a link to providers' ads. Here, the OP did that, and Ultramarine's ad displayed everything anyone would need to know in order to identify him, including his location. It would have literally taken just a few seconds for any interested poster to click on the link to learn this masseur's location. So, why was the question (along with all the snappy follow-up retorts) even needed?
  13. It looks to me like that’s Esteban, a big-dicked Spaniard who’s appeared in a lot of B.B. porn over the past few years. He’s had U.S.-based escort ads up on rentmen and Adam4Adam before, and they tend to appear when he visits from Europe, usually to NYC, LA, and Miami. I’ve never been with him, but good luck on finding a current ad for him and having fun.
  14. I've had luck on both sides of this scenario. Once I successfully contacted one of my visiting regulars for a last minute appointment when I saw that his RM ad listed him as "available now." It was super fun, and he even chided me for being naughty for being so impatient to meet up (we originally had an appointment for the next day). More often than not, though, escorts have either not responded, or declined to meet for last-minute appointments in the evening or late night even when their RM ads say that they're available now. I get that many guys leave that indicator on just for marketing purposes. But I prefer truth in advertising, so I still find it annoying when they act like I'm disturbing them when I've contacted them based on the settings they've enabled on their own ads.
  15. Even without any face photos, that looks like an escort who went by the name of Ivan. He's of Russian or other Eastern European origin and had mixed reviews, if memory serves.
  16. Adam is ridiculously sexy, and the sweetest guy. I’ve had several dances with him at the Adonis Lounge events in West Hollywood. He probably gives one of the best, if not THE best, lap dance(s) there. But Adam’s ad seems to indicate that he’s got some restrictions, so be sure to clarify the services he’ll provide to make sure that he’s a match for what you’re seeking.
  17. I've had quite a few lapdances from Adrian over the past year or so. He disappeared for quite some time, but resurfaced at Adonis within the past few weeks, but now he has an ad on RM. I was supposed to see him privately last summer (pre-RM ad), but my schedule didn't work out and then I lost track of him. He gave good lapdances, but he wasn't amongst the best Adonis dancers in that department. (He made up for it in other ways!) Adrian is smoking hot in person (even moreso than his photos), and he was always cordial, even if he didn't always display the warmest personality. I think some of that was due to English speaking issues. We've conversed by text this week while he's been in LA, and it seems like his English has improved a lot since last year. I plan to get more lapdances and finally see him in private this weekend or next week. I'll post a review if/when that happens.
  18. This guy's an escort, not a masseur, so you'd probably get more feedback if you posted in the Deli section. That being said my limited experience is that he's a friendly professional. He saw that I had checked out his ad a few months back, so he sent me a message and unlocked his private photos. I never made it to Philly, so I didn't get to meet him, but I appreciated that he reached out.
  19. I've only been with 2 of the escorts you've listed (JayCal and IronMaus; each multiple times), so my response is based upon whether I think they can provide what you're looking for. First, please forgive me for not fully understanding the first bullet point in your post. I don't know if you left out a word, such that you are "looking for a piggy experience [rather] than a boyfriend experience"; OR if the sentence was typed phonetically, such that you meant to say that you're "looking for a piggy experience [then] a boyfriend experience." My response depends on which of the above more accurately describes your query. If you're looking only for a piggy escort session, and don't care about the BFE, then I'd say that you should probably go with IronMaus. He can provide both kinds of experiences, but he's definitely got a piggy streak (he's also fully versatile, and an amazing top). Maus's Twiter feed will give you an idea of how he enjoys all kinds of non-vanilla activities. He's not a big guy, but he's not tiny either. He's about 5'9" or 5'10" with a regular slender build. Maus is pretty well endowed, but not humongous (he did reach my 2nd hole every time, though, so he's got some length). Absolutely cute as a button, and really sweet too. I absolutely adore JayCal, and I've seen him countless times over the past several years, so I'd probably marry him if it wouldn't violate the Pro/Ho code (him being the former and me the latter, obviously). So, I say this with love: Jay can be a tad rough or aggressive, which I really like, and he's super fun in bed, but I'd never ascribe the "piggy" adjective to him (he's all top, by the way). He's a big guy (probably about 6'3" and 200 lbs - solid and well built, but not overly muscular), so he probably fits more of what you're looking for in terms of height and size. Jay's well hung, but not humongous. He stays rock hard, too. I love being with both guys, so I don't think you'll necessarily go wrong with either. It just depends on what you're looking for each guy to provide. If you'd like to ask me for any more details beyond the above, feel free to send a private message. Good luck!
  20. Not so much with this guy. He’s certainly not hideous, but not only is he the least attractive arrestee in this whole thread, his crime was so heinous that I can’t even imagine fawning over him. But seriously, I have enjoyed this thread. You have a good eye for handsome men.
  21. This is the only Chris I saw on that site, but his ad lists his location as 43rd Street and 10th Avenue. Is this the right guy? https://www.massagem4m.com/masseur/11688/
  22. His ad lists anal as one of the activities he's "into", and it also says he's versatile, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that Dylan bottoms. You can't ever be too sure these days though...
  23. How could he resist such temptation? (Speaking from personal experience.)
  24. The first two pics look like they're of a completely different man than pics 3 and 4. Miguel identifies as Latino (which is more of an ethnicity, than a race), but pics 1 & 2 seem to show a brown-skinned person of black ancestry, while pics 3 & 4 seem to show a much fairer-skinned man with different textured hair. It's not uncommon for escorts for whom anonymity and/or discretion is paramount, to use pics of other guys, justifying it by saying that the pics show a good enough approximation of themselves. But this seems to be a little ridiculous.
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