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Guy Fawkes

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Posts posted by Guy Fawkes

  1. I will admit to having lots of fun in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Only because I could only handle about three days of Oklahoma before I was ready to start shooting people. By going to DFW, I was able to go back to OKC for another three days. The family only barely noticed.


    Clearly, you haven't spend much time in Texas.


    I'm not a native, but I've found the state charming. I try not to stereotype people or places and it's worked in my favor more times than none ;)

  2. Dallas/Fort Worth is your lover; Houston is your friend. For positions I'm partial to this one:



    Going to be relocating to Texas in late Spring for a new position.


    hope the mafia will agree to play nice.

  3. They had skid marks in their underwear? Oh my! You are good.


    Not that I look like any of these guys in the kitchen, but after having people over for dinner, I've often declined their offers to stay and help clean up by saying "No thanks, it's actually easier for me to just strip down to my underwear and get moving on the dishes". After hearing that, some of them have left so fast they leave skid marks.
  4. Klingon/Vulcan with a splash of Romulan/Antarian.


    Exchange between myself (M) and a young man (YM)...


    YM: I'm sorry. I have to ask. But, what are you?

    M: Beg your pardon...

    YM: What are you? Obviously you are not like me...

    M:I am classified as a mammal within the order of primates. More specifically, my species is Homo sapiens. In short I am a human; much like you.

    YM: umm... I meant what is your race...

  5. I'm willing to have him as one of the judges; What do you say stud? One Quarter at a time; or a spiked watermelon smoothie?


    If you are thinking: "Huh?" right now, you need to find out who has the most experience giving BJs in Las Vegas. (which is an entirely different thread)

  6. I get 30 points if I can get a young man to laugh and blush at the same time.


    If I can get you to blush down to your pubes, that's a jackpot!


    The problem is that I haven't found what the points are good for.


    No one is fighting over that dude... I mean girl. Well except maybe Madison. :p
  7. Hummmm.... He snuck into Las Vegas when I'm in the need of a hug?


    I just had an incredible day with Tristan in Vegas! He arrived at

    Paris early afternoon and we decided first to get a workout in at the spa. Then we went back to my suite to spend some quality time together. After going down to the Diamond Lounge for drinks, we headed over to MGM to see Ka. Back to Paris for a late dinner at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant and then to the room for the night. There was time in the morning for some fun before we had breakfast. Sadly it was time for him to leave. Happily we plan to repeat this again in June!

  8. A most unusual and earth shattering event has occurred.


    The grumpy Grinch upon request for a pardon from an unknown shadowy figment of his imagination has relented and wiped the slate clean.


    He's in the bathroom yelling about turkeys, not making any sense at all.


    He still has his green crayon so I'd be nice if I was you.



  9. Why do you think they have Urinals?


    Here's a quandary. You are going to urinate in a bathroom that will be used by a female next. Do you leave the seat up and listen to the complaints of how inconsiderate it is that men ALWAYS leave the seat up, inconveniencing women, or do you put it back down and risk being accused of pissing through the hole in the seat inconveniencing women? I've been ruminating on this one for nearly six decades.
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