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Guy Fawkes

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Posts posted by Guy Fawkes

  1. No, No, No! I no shove eggs up your ass; I be removing eggs.

    But if you want to walk around Palm Springs with eggs up your ass,

    Who am I to interfere with your enjoyment of Oliver's wonderful deviled eggs?


    Personally, I agree with Good Grief. Very few people can tolerate a conversation with me. Ask Oliver and Epigonos. Good Grief simply has the decency to be honest about it.


    Besides, it doesn't matter. Seeing the above, I've decided I'll be skipping this year's party as well.


    I mean, I love Guy, and he's a sweetheart. But with all due respect, there is no way I am coming to a party where he is going to shove deviled eggs up my ass. ;)

  2. Google: site:daddysreviews.com transman


    Please forgive me if I make no sense, or come off as a complete imbecile. This is my first time posting on this site, although I've been around reading and lurking for a while.


    I greatly admire the industry you're all involved in, and completely support the career choices that have been made. Obviously. I'm here on this site, after all. Lol.


    My name is Orion, and I suppose this is also a little hello on my end. My questions are probably going to be very dumb, so just have patience with me. I'm a trans man, FTM, and was wondering what kind of market there is for that. Would anyone even be interested in me without having a penis? I mean, I'm sure there is one, but what is it like? I'm pre-op, but on hormones as of this moment. My body isn't great, although I'm working on changing that. I know my physical appearance probably has quite a correlation with how much money would be involved, but I guess before I would want to even know about that I would want to know if it's even possible for someone like me to become an escort. I'm not exactly a beautiful person, and I'm okay with that. (I'm actually a truck driver.) Just, curiosity is eating at me.


    I apologize if this thread is out of place, or I've conveyed my question in an odd way.


    Thank you for your time. ^_^

  3. Silly Rabbit! Eating Deviled Eggs is better than Sex! That fact that your ass is there has nothing to do with it!


    Jesus Fucking Christ!


    If it's not one thing it's another. First my cock. Now my ass. Why is it always about me?


    I mean, you guys sound like you always think about sex or something.


    Focus, okay?


    This is a gentleman's party. Would you all please leave me alone and get your mind out of the god damn gutter!



  4. Be prepared for lots of requests to photograph your asshole. I remember "Oh Calcutta." I'll be sure to bring the necessary prop.


    *Public Service Announcement*

    I'm attending 4/12-17. I'll be staying at the Canyon Club. The flood gates are now open for appointments. Otherwise, carry on with your everyday activities.

  5. Agreed. It's so bad, that it's flawless. The picture of a Naked Man sitting on his egg will eventually show up a meme.




    I've been trying to give The Orville a chance, but it seems like they don't know what they want the show to be. It was marketed as Spaceballs meets Galaxy Quest. It comes across like an homage to Star Trek: The Next Generation with weak plots, poor writing, and a little bit of snark.
  6. Yes, you did. You violate his privacy.

    Ok. So I'm asking...


    I was doing my research on a potential escort, they have limited reviews, and no one has talked about them on here. So, I did phone number and image searches. The phone number came back with there name and I did a Google search on that. Nothing on the image search (which is good, I guess).


    Anyway, in our back and forth, I mentioned his name, instead of his screenname (which isn't a stage name but a description). He started questioning me on if I knew him and how I found his name. After I told him, he went quiet on me (I think the term is ghosted, but not sure).


    Well, I heard back and he admitted that he was thrown a bit and taken aback.


    My question... did I do something wrong? Should I have kept my research/vetting secret? How do you respond to things your clients find out about?

  7. You're going to need to use your fall-back hedge fund buried in front of the house. The parked funds were found with the aid of a metals detector.



    If by investment portfolio, you really mean a satchel full of money buried in a park by my house....


    If any money wizards have any recommendations about finding a financial planner, please feel free to PM.

  8. Next you'll rant about bathroom pictures with the toilet in the background.... But you did get my #2 peeve.


    For what it is worth, which is absolutely nothing, this former photography teacher has NEVER seen a hand held selfie that he thought was worth shit as a photograph. I hate seeing the gay staring at his cell phone rather than a distant point or a camera held by a photographer. Photographs can be taken by the subject himself on a timer without him holding the fucking cell phone in his hand.
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