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Posts posted by BSR

  1. 1 hour ago, BuffaloKyle said:

    I'm all for kicking them out as quickly as possibly of course but the way these ushers are talking to her was very uncalled for. No need to be screaming f bombs in her face. Just an orderly let's go please would suffice and she wasn't resisting leaving.


    If the climate protester was offended by all the f-bombs, tough sh*t.  But if the Met patrons were offended by the salty language, then I agree -- the f-bombs were unnecessary.

    Did the protesters succeed in moving the needle on climate issues even 1 nanometer?  No, of course not.  In fact, this stunt probably hurt their cause.  Unfortunately, they will never see that.

  2. On 11/20/2023 at 1:02 PM, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    good question 

    the recent coverage of Bezos & Sanchez is a paid public relations campaign.  It’s not a random event & the press coverage you see is not random either.  The entire thing was a carefully orchestrated paid media campaign with lots of money behind it. And it’s thinly disguised as random news.
    They paid to be on the cover of Vogue magazine and for the article inside.  They paid for all the mentions in adjacent traditional media & social media.  Of course, there is some spillover because they’ve gone to such lengths and cost ensure they capture the public attention- that in and of itself is now newsworthy because it’s so unusual. 

    And that’s the point - this insanely rich couple aren’t satisfied with their extreme privilege & position.  They want more.  That’s what’s gross & disgusting about it.  It’s an insatiable hunger for more money & more fame. 

    I’m not on any social media - yet, the Bezos/Sanchez “news” pops up in Apple News feed.  I’m not looking for it. It’s been hard to avoid it actually.  I didn’t read the fawning Vogue article - but rather the Slate piece about the reaction to the article & pics.  That’s what’s interesting- the analysis of why they would do it and the general public reaction.  

    It’s not about a super rich celebrity couple - it’s more a critique of American culture and why does the average person worship these people when they are destroying the very basics of our society. Amazon is an unsustainable business model for a number of reason too lengthy to discuss here. The more basic proposition is that Amazon put the final nail in the coffin of American Main Street shops because now it’s far more convenient to make a few clicks to buy vs patronizing a local retailer.  If you think this is an abstract concept - just visit a European city and you will see thriving small local stores in every city of every size.  Amazon is in Europe, but it has not devastated the local retail - they still prefer to shop in stores and buy local. You do not see buildings like in NYC where it’s flooded with dozens & dozens of packages.

    Amazon is a cancer devouring American retail. When this becomes a common thought, it’s way too late. Bezos represents the billionaire class so much that’s it’s a cliche of a very wealthy mid-life crisis, complete with a surgical second wife and some super cringe pictures and desperate for attention.
    Obviously, money does not buy happiness - just look at those two.


    You are so easily triggered.  Everything you dislike really sets you off:  men who drive flashy cars, people who are armed, even this vapid photo shoot.  I get passionate about a few issues, don't get me wrong.  But a hissy fit over a Vogue photo shoot?  Never.

    Hate less.  Love more.  You'll live longer.

  3. A big thank you to @soloyo215 and all contributors to this thread because I made it a point to watch Nuovo Olimpo out of the countless items on my endless Netflix watch list thanks to all the enthusiastic recommendations here.  I doubt I would have gotten around to it if I were left to my own devices.

    Wow, what a beautiful film:  beautiful leads, beautiful Rome, and a beautiful (albeit bittersweet) ending.  I started watching it a week ago but didn't get very far because I was so distracted by Enea & Pietro.  Who da heck can read subtitles with such gorgeous men on screen?!  With more focus and determination this time, I got into the groove of the subtitles and immersed myself in the tale, a simple story beautifully told.

  4. 11 hours ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    I grew up there too, and continued to go back for my parents. after they passed, no reason to return 

    I had to do a drive through rural America this summer.  Guns in holsters with belts full of bullets in a chain restaurant (Ruby Tuesdays) in N Carolina. No thanks 

    they seem to be very afraid of something - I’m just not sure what it is 

    Whenever someone does something you don't like, you make nasty assumptions about them:  men who buy flashy cars have small penises, people who are armed are "very afraid."  Maybe try to understand those who are different from you instead of just making nasty assumptions about them.  Diversity and tolerance are a two-way street. 

    An armed citizenry is the foundation of the American dream.  Unfortunately, I can't delve further into this point because of the forum's ban on politics.

  5. On 12/2/2023 at 9:18 PM, Km411 said:

    Sure, there are many who have lifted themselves up by their bootstraps against all odds. But please consider that there are many who historically have been denied and continue to be denied all that is needed to achieve the American Dream; it simply is not available to everyone.

    It's hard to discuss your point when you're so vague about who exactly has been historically denied and continues to be denied, and why.

    If you're referring to blacks (my guess, but please correct me if I'm wrong), remember that millions of blacks immigrate to the US, many at great sacrifice, in pursuit of the American dream.  If the US were the racist horror that some like to portray, African and West Indian immigrants would have stopped coming decades ago.

    I agree that far too many black children face near insurmountable obstacles to success but disagree with conventional wisdom (racism, white privilege, etc.).  Rather, black kids are all too often raised by single mothers and absent fathers, a combination proven to have devastating consequences for children of all races & ethnicities.  Far too many children are trapped in failed government schools.  Even if they manage to graduate high school, the "education" they received leaves them grade levels behind where they need to be for university.  Combine single motherhood with horrible schools, kids end up in a hole almost impossible to climb out of.

  6. 1 hour ago, nycman said:

    The only thing worse than going to the Opera….

    Is listening to people talk about going to the Opera.

    Tired Season 1 GIF by BET Plus

    Reminds me of a story told by Clarence Thomas (not political, just giving names to show it was an actual conversation) ...

    When Antonin Scalia asked Thomas if he wanted to go to the opera, Thomas declined.

    Scalia asked, "Why not?  You don't like opera?"

    Thomas responded, "I like opera.  But I don't like people who like opera."

  7. 9 hours ago, Rudynate said:

    We just started watching this on Neflix. It's very good - definitely worth watching.  I have a real thing for steamy Spanish leading men and this show doesn't disappoint - Javier Ray and Tamar Novas are both stunning and great actors.

    I wrote a post recommending The Patients of Dr. García in another thread.  I'm glad that others are discovering the series because it's well worth watching.

    I've been a big Javier Rey fan for years.  Any role he plays, he completely transforms into the character.  Honestly, in the other series/movies where I've seen Tamar Novas, he mostly stands around and looks pretty.  But he really rose to the occasion in Dr. García.  I was glad to see him hold his own against an actor of Javier Rey's caliber.

    Like I said in the Netflix thread, you might need some patience to get through the first 4 episodes because they're more of a history lesson.  But when the storyline kicks into gear in Ep 5, it's a heckuva good story.

  8. Now that an Illinois appellate court denied Smollett's appeal, he will have to serve his 150-day sentence.  Smollett's false police report caused the Chicago PD to waste a vast amount of money and resources that should have been dedicated to dealing with real crimes.  In my opinion, Smollett deserves a lot more than 150 days.

  9. 5 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    Btw most gay men also work their asses of knowing their family might find out and not be there to help them, they're also more like to be successful compared to straight guys. Just a fact!

    Can you prove this "fact"?  I doubt it, but feel free to prove me wrong.  I point this out only because you have a habit of presenting your opinions/assumptions as "fact" when they're not.

  10. 1 hour ago, viewing ownly said:

    Are opera performers known for their anti-planet ways to justify this? I hope every attendee takes every person involved with disrupting the program for everything they got in court. Just outrageous.

    Yeah, never thought of opera as particularly harmful to the environment.  When climate activists brainstorm and strategize on how to help their cause, it amazes me that stunts like this is what they come up with.

  11. 15 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Although I certainly don't condemn people for making money and enjoying it, I feel this level of consumption and display of wealth is tacky and reveals a grotesque kind of selfishness. Rather the opposite effect that Ms.Kardashian is likely going for in her public image.

    The purchase blasted her name and photo all over the Internet for the zillionth time. Kim didn't pay six figures for a bag, she paid six figures for some (more) attention.  Without hype, the Kardashians are nothing.

  12. 15 hours ago, CuriousByNature said:

    I would only buy a $300K car if I was able to to drive it through the poorest part of town and not feel incredibly guilty for spending that kind of money on a vehicle - when in reality I could have spent less than $50K on a new car AND used the balance to help a lot of people in challenging situations.  

    Driving a $300,000 car in the poorest part of town, well before guilt set in, you would be carjacked and probably beaten to a pulp.

  13. 4 hours ago, augustus said:

    Everyone forgets that Argentina was considered rich in the very early 20th century.   It took a big turn to the left in the 30s and has been an economic basket case for decades.  

    Blessed with almost ideal geography and an abundance of natural resources, Argentina was indeed one of the wealthiest nations in the world pre-1930.  Today, more than 40% of Argentines live in poverty.

    Would I invest in Argentina?  Eek!  No way!!

    But I still dream of visiting Buenos Aires one day for a long stay, like at least 3 months.  That porteño accent just melts me.

  14. 14 hours ago, Lucky said:

    Another reliable guess (statistic?) from our friend. Why don't I believe it?

    I hope we will always be able to share personal observations on this forum.  Some are interesting, some amusing, and yes, occasionally some are questionable.  But I like hearing anecdotes, like gay bars back in the day serving holiday meals.

    Questioning personal observations is fair game, of course.  But there's a nice way to do it, and a nasty way.  Right, @Marc in Calif?

  15. Martina cited a WaPo/Kaiser Family Foundation poll that found that 69% of men who identify as trans women have not undergone hormone therapy and 84% have not had surgery.  They can identify as women all they want, but physically, they're just like any other man.

    Martina herself got wrapped up in a battle of the sexes kerfuffle when Vitas Gerulaitis at the 1984 US Open said he would bet his house that the #100 ranked man could beat the then supremely dominant Navratilova (she went 86-1 the previous year).  When Martina responded that she thought she'd have a chance, oh boy.  Chris Evert basically said fat chance (not those exact words), and John McEnroe said that the #1,000 ranked man could probably beat Martina.

    It sounds like Martina has since changed her tune.  As of the last ATP ranking, 372 men have a single ATP ranking point, and they're ranked between #1670 and #2042.  My guess is more than half of those guys could beat #1 Iga Swiatek (hey, just my opinion).  The 4-time world champ US Women's soccer team lost 5-2 to an under-15 boys soccer club.  There's a reason for separate men's and women's divisions in sports.

  16. 5 hours ago, Rod Hagen said:

    My partner has always wanted to take a Transatlantic Cruise on one of these larger boats, and I'm sure I would enjoy it as well, so much reading!, but I'm terrified of discovering I'm seasick and being stuck with it for a week!  I know they have medications, but what could those medications be?  Reglan is awful.  Composine is dangerous.  Zofran is ineffective so that is it, Dramamine, or that one that goes behind the ear?  Those prevent motion sickness, if they work, but do you do when you are seasick and you can't leave the boat?  The idea, the possibility, terrifies me.

    My aunt suffers from terrible motion sickness (even a 5-minute car ride can make her green to the gills) yet is able to go on cruises without a hitch.  She does what @Vegas_Millennial advises, lower deck midship cabin, plus she sticks to bigger, newer ships because they usually have better stabilizers.  She does take medication (some European prescription she gets in the Philippines) that works like a charm, but I'm guessing something quite similar is available in the US.

  17. 4 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    I don’t think it’s nasty to “think” someone has a small dick & maybe compensating with an expensive sports car.

    If you're going to be nasty, at least be honest about it and take responsibility.

  18. 45 minutes ago, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    When I see men driving Lamborghini, Ferrari, and the like - my first thought is small dick

    Like I said, either you're a car guy, or you're not.  It's quite obvious you're not.

    I'm a big believer in letting people enjoy their hard-earned money.  If you can't enjoy your money, why bother working?  Just because a guy spends his money in a way I wouldn't, I'm not going make nasty assumptions about the guy.

    Live and let live.

  19. 24 minutes ago, pubic_assistance said:

    This is generally the difference between new money and old money.

    Old money doesn't give a damn.what most of us think about them.


    As a wise old investment advisor once told me, "the reason old money has money is that they don't spend it."  Or at least they refuse to spend it on something like a $400K Rolls Royce, yet they don't bat an eyelash about sending their kids to $50K/year private schools.

    I just googled the profile of the typical Rolls Royce owner:  median net worth $30 million, salary $1-2 million/year, median age 43 (I would have guessed much older).  Wow, if that's "aspirational" rich, how much $$ do the "real" rich have??

  20. 1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

    Don't forget all the people who moved to Florida from Blue States over differences in "viewpoints".

    I can't say more without getting into a political discussion.

    Honestly, I don't know how many people moved to Florida for political reasons.  I'm guessing finances were a much more significant factor.  High state & local taxes used to be fully deductible but are now capped at a $10K max.  Residents of high-tax states got crushed, including a fair number of forum members.

  21. Insurance costs have skyrocketed in Florida.  If you live in a single-family home, not only are you dealing with staggering increases in premiums but also (for many) mandatory costs like roof replacement.  For condo owners, their individual homeowners premiums have increased as well as the building's policy, which means much higher HOAs.

    Homeowners also face increases in property tax due to inflating home values.  Huge increases in insurance and property taxes on top of too-high median home prices mean that many homeowners will be forced to sell, which leads to ... uh oh

  22. On 11/15/2023 at 9:34 AM, Bokomaru said:

    Sounds amazing. I miss the days of having true foie gras on the menu. It’s pretty rare to see, even in high end places. And of course NYC is trying to ban it completely. 

    Forget the gambling, alcohol, and escorts, come to Las Vegas for the foie gras!  Plenty of posh restaurants offer it (usually seared, as an appetizer), and a couple of gourmet food stores sell whole foie gras.

    Even in California, where foie gras is banned from restaurants and retail stores, you can order it online and have it shipped to your CA address.  Just ask the online seller if they send it in discreet packaging, LOL.

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