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Posts posted by Ace

  1. SO MANY good times there! It was sad to watch it's decline. I was there a few weeks before it closed & you could "feel" something in the air, almost like it was running itself. 

    Hopefully the family will sell to someone who will refurbish it & above all, keep it gay.

  2. I too, like several others replying here, started my escorting career at what some would consider late: 40 (GASP!).

    After 17 years & counting, I'm now semi-retired...cut back on a LOT of the traveling I used to do and see mostly regulars. I will admit there's still that rush that comes with each new client, though.

    There seems to be a "market" for us older guys, and personally, I enjoy what I do too much to give it up because of a number.

  3. For several years now, I have been working on what will hopefully become either a book/one man show about my adventures in this crazy business...the first call was pivotal in my development. (Not for the timid).

    I'm too shy/embarrassed to share it in an open forum like this, but I will say this: No regrets....(even after all these years later).

    If I can sit down with a writer/writers & get it where I want it, I look forward to getting it out there.

    Oddly enough, the title was suggested by a one time forum member!

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