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Posts posted by OneFinger

  1. Why not get the Hep A and Hep B vaccines?

    I'm working in San Diego where Hep A is a crisis. My primary care in San Diego can't get Hep A until January and then can only give it to 1st responders. So, I got my Hep A at my other home in Utah. They told me that the combined Heb A & B only contains an adolescent dose of Heb A. Said it was better to avoid the combined dose and get them separate. That's exactly what I did. FYI, we've already had 1 coworker in San Diego come down with Heb A. Only made sense to protect myself.

  2. I never wanted to father a child. But, when I was in my 30's I seriously considered adopting an 8-year old or older child. I really don't like younger kids but kinda wanted to help older kids. However, at that time, it was very problematic for a single gay man to adopt a child in Utah.


    So, I remain childless. But I am a father-figure to my great nephews who's father abandoned them and my niece in 2011. They live in my Utah house and I try to visit them at least once a month. They are now 7 and 12 years old. In fact, we just made arrangements this weekend for them to spend Thanksgiving with me in Portland.

  3. The theater is 80 miles from my house, but it's a favorite drive....

    Assuming you're driving down. FYI the company I work for is shutting down AMTRAK this weekend. The train ends in Oceanside and you'd be bused to San Diego.

  4. @OCClient and @OneFinger, I am this close to just driving to La Jolla to catch this movie earlier...please let us know how it was!

    Something to whet all our appetites some more.

    Would love to see others travel to La Jolla for this. Really looking forward to seeing this.


    FYI for people that do travel here to see it, the company I work for is shutting down Amtrak (again) this weekend. The train will stop in Oceanside and you'll be bused to San Diego.

  5. Are you from around there OneFinger? Looks like the theater is at a mall. I attended the Burbank Film Festival last year, also at a mall. Was fun. Arclight has no bad seats, except I try to avoid down front.

    I'm currently working in San Diego for the 3rd time. I actually work 5 minutes from the theater. Yes, it is in a mall (currently under renovation). This will be my first time at the San Diego Film Festival but I have attended Sundance in the past.

  6. I did too OneFinger. Waiting until end of November was too daunting, spoiliers and all. So I'll be buzzing down to La Jolla. Not too far. Sounds like it's general admission so I'll line up a bit early I imagine.

    I was disappointed to see it was general admission, too. I also plan on lining up early. Maybe we'll run into each other. Always fun to meet other people that post here.

  7. When you have bariatric surgery, they basically reduce the size of your stomach to like 8 oz or less. You eat any more than that at one time, it's gonna be forced back up. That's why people lose weight so rapidly - they physically CAN'T eat normal amounts of food, much less large amounts.


    I had problems with vomiting if I ate too much or too fast. And, there were some foods my body would immediately reject (like pork). So, yes, I was forced to eat less so I didn't have the side effects. And, after about 8 months post-surgery, my body had stopped rejecting foods. I can now eat anything I want. But, still in much smaller portions.


    Not sure if this is related to the surgery, but I've developed an allergy to red wine. So, I've now switched to white wine with no problems. I suspect the allergy to red wine is due to the way it is processed.

  8. Picking up another addiction can be an issue. Also, many patient's (I'm being specific to bypass surgery here) palate changes in the months/years after surgery. Some lose a taste for red meat, sugar, carbs - and/or vice-versa to the same! Hard to predict.


    My surgeon had performed 3500 procedures prior to mine. He had developed a very strict pre-surgery protocol that included mandatory multiple group sessions with other pre/post bypass patients, psychologist visit, dietician consult, a raft of medical tests including treadmill stress test, barium radiography, bloodwork, etc. I signed a "contract" outlining my post-surgery followup exercise program, more group sessions, annual visits for five years, etc.


    It's not a simple decision, nor a quick cure. As a patient you are sometimes mocked as having taken the "easy" way or "shortcut" to weight loss. It's not simple to keep,the weight off. Yes, there are post-surgical horror stories (as with any required or elective surgery). I'm one of 4 close relatives/friends who did the RNY or similar, I'm the only one to keep 100% of my weight off, 8 years for me now.


    It was a massive positive game changer in my life, but it's not a quickie cure all.


    Totally agree with this. Picking up another addiction is a common risk.


    My surgeon also had the strict pre-surgery and post-surgery requirements. Luckily, I've not had any issues with lose of taste (thank goodness). Still love food but in much smaller portions. For example, if I go out to eat for lunch and order a sandwich I end up eating half and using a doggie bag for the other half (dinner).


    I originally lost about 150 lbs (much than I wanted) and it took a while for the body to stop losing. I'm now at a loss of 130 lbs and at the weight my doctor recommended. Went from a 48" waist to 36". Best decision I ever made.

  9. Why would anyone regret it? Especially the traditional roux-en-y surgery disrupts your natural anatomy, is associated with a large number of side effects, some of which can be life long problems and weight loss, while initially quite good, is frequently less in amount and shorter in duration than one thinks going in. I have had numerous patients with blind loop syndrome, marginal ulcerations, stoma stenosis, rapid transit, intractable iron deficiency and B12 deficiency. Recurrent abdominal pain with pancreatitis. That is not to say that there aren't success stories of uneventful recovery with long term weight loss. But ultimately, if you are expecting a non weight gaining free lunch, do not be surprised if there is a big bill at the end.

    The gastric sleeve and other gastric size limitation procedures have fewer side effects and in general do not generate the same weight loss that the diverting procedures do.

    Best advice, if you are having other medical problems associated with morbid obesity and you have had failure with other weight loss methods, then carefully consider the surgical option. If you think it is a quick fix, you may find yourself in a fix that lasts a lifetime.


    I had RNY in 2010 and loss about 150 lbs. Have had no side effects and NO regrets over the surgery. I keep up on my labs to make sure there are no problems post-surgery.


    Have relatives that went with gastric sleeve but while their results have been good results but less than mine.


    Totally agree that this is not a "quick fix" that should be undertaken lightly. This is serious surgery that can have long-term consequences.

  10. ...And speaking of ALW, don't throw something at me, but I've been hankering for a Joseph revival. Would love to see it modernized and cleaned up a bit. I think it's one of those ridiculously inoffensive musicals that would do well with today's Broadway ticket buyer.


    Totally agree. But, one of my favorite Joseph shows was with the Osmond boys. And, I did see a local rendition where the brothers wore leather and rode motorcycles (instead of camels).

  11. Is there a special website for Gay AA and LGBT(G?) addicts?


    A quick Goggle search brought this site:




    I did a quick search for the 3 cities where I have homes (Salt Lake City, Portland, and San Diego). My whole day could be occupied in either of these cities with the number of gay / LGBT groups that are offered. There's even a group in San Diego for leather guys who want AA.

  12. That is my situation also. My resume and social media is routinely searched as I'm listed for a significant position on federally-funded projects. Currently assigned to a $1.5B project and any association with hiring escorts would kill my current assignment. I'm certainly not in the closet or hiding my preferences at work. But, I make sure that my personal info is NOT associated with my public image.

  13. My hard rule is NOT to have an escort come to my home. I value my privacy. I even use a "disposable" Google Voice number and an "escort only" e-mail when making arrangements.


    I started hiring over 25 years ago and have never regretted it. But, I've also learned to be very cautious. Good Grief has a very valid concern about the potential for extortion.

  14. I took the leap and met with a counselor today. While I didn't expect any answers, I didn't expect so many questions. :confused:


    The one question that I can't seem to answer or deal with is "how important is sex vs relationship to me". With my first hire, I rediscovered the joy of sex. While I'm not very good at it, I enjoy it immensely. At this stage of my life I think that any continuing encounters I might have would be with hires.


    I've not spoken in detail to my husband about what happened, but it's clear that he's not keen on sex outside of our sexless relationship in any form.


    Some general questions - if you were in a similar situation, could/would you completely give up sex to keep the relationship going? Would it lead to frustration and resentment on your part?

    I'm very late to this thread but there are lots of great questions and suggestions. That's why I love this place.


    My opinion on sex vs relationship is that a sexless relationship is no relationship at all. That's why I'm not currently in a relationship. I've become very comfortable being single and hiring. In fact, I find being single much preferred over a troubled relationship. I've come to grips with the fact that I'll be single the rest of my life. But, that sure beats the drama and frustration of my past relationships. I can't live on an emotional roller coaster.

  15. Hey guys I am new to the forum. I am planning a trip this weekend and have been thinking about getting an escort. I have been checking out rent men. I have never been with a guy and want to give it a shot. I just don't want to get in any trouble. I will be heading to las vegas.

    I've never used rent.men for finding an escorts. My rule of thumb is that if they don't have positive reviews on this site, I don't hire them. I'd really encourage you to search the Vegas escorts from this site. One of my favorite Vegas escorts is Peter Hung. I'd really suggest contacting him.

  16. Really enjoyed San Diego Pride parade last year. Was right outside my front door. Unfortunately, I'll be in Europe when the parade passes by this year.

  17. I got fingerprinted years ago for my Secret clearance. Anybody know how long the U.S. Government keeps fingerprints on file?


    It's my understanding the those files are NEVER removed. And, I've been fingerprinted so many times that I beyond the point of caring. I suspect there is NOTHING the government doesn't know about me.

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