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  1. Applause
    rn901 reacted to TylerGrovesNYC in Best opening text to get a response?   
    As a provider, the answer to this is simple: The messages that garner My immediate response are the messages that I know in My experience are from those who are serious + good & fun clients. 10 times out of 10 -- these are the message from the best clients. 
    Hey, Tyler - really nice profile on RM. I'm visiting NYC until Wednesday, I'd love to book a session if you have any availability? Fit, laid back, 35yo, bottom sub here, 5'10" 175lbs, easygoing. Also, wondering what is your donation? Looking for a FFisting/Flogging/Verbal Dom session, love it + if in leather. Thanks, let me know, John.
    ^ those are the clients that usually end up becoming regulars, book multi-hr & big ticket sessions (even on the first meet), and are often all set & ready to put down a deposit to pre-book at the time of their inquiry when texting
    These are the messages from clients that are usually the worst of the lot, or even worse - timewasters
    "U avail?"
    "Hi", "hey", "hot pics", "nice cock"
    "found U on RM can U host looking for right now or in 10 minutes"
    Finally, these are the texts from total worthless trolls/pranksters/fakes; these are the ones that 99% aren't even worth answering other than for entertainment before I block & blacklist them on all platforms that escorts frequent to do their screening:
    "Send pic"
    "send cock"
    "where r u?"
    "send vid"
    "can u vid chat"
    "hey can I see ur vids on fansonly? can u send here? went to the site but it says I have to pay"
    and so on & so forth, ad nauseum 
  2. Like
    rn901 reacted to MaxMuscle9x6 in Best opening text to get a response?   
    Try something with more specifics and relevant to his profile.  
    "Hi, Great profile on RM.  My name is XXX and I am in town for xxxx days.  I am 5'10, 180lbs, muscular etc etc.  I am into XXx, XXX, XXX.  I have 2 hours to hangout today/tonight and I am free anytime from 5PM -2AM.  If this sounds appealing to you, text me back and we can make plans.  Look forward to hearing back."
    When I do this, 9/10 times I get a response
  3. Applause
    rn901 got a reaction from marylander1940 in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I clearly said in my previous posts I don't require upfront payments myself (unless it requires travel). I simply suggested one should try to understand why other providers do so. Considering other reasonable points of view should be the norm on here. I said multiple times I understand why providers require it and I understand why clients refuse to do it.  Black and white thinking does none of you any good. Grow up and try to understand where other people are coming from.  
  4. Like
    rn901 got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in Have you ever not been paid ? ( for your time)   
    Yes, starting out when I didn't have the street smarts I do now. I had a very slick faux client/scammer. He asked to meet at his place which was a very nice apartment building downtown. He flattered me, said all the right things. Showed me pictures of his other homes and talked about how he had longterm relations with escorts over many years where he would pay them thousands every month. We also discussed possible places that we could travel to and showed me pictures of himself with other escorts in nice places around the world. He proposed the same kind of arrangement to me and that he would pay several thousand a month if I meet with him whenever he is available. I said yes. He was very convincing. At the end of the first visit we talked about meeting again and set up a date. He didn't pay me and said that we would need to meet a few times to officiate this arrangement. I was very stupid for trusting him. He even had a driver take me home. I figured since he had money that I could trust him paying. We met a second time. Again, this guy was good. Said all the right things, flattered me, complimented me, we had drinks, enjoyed each other's company, hooked up and he had his driver take me home again. By the third time, I'm thinking okay when do I get my money. He wants to meet again. And this time I'm insistent I get paid over text prior to meeting. He avoids my questions, kept trying to tell me is very busy with work and kept putting off talking. Finally, I got very persistent and he gets angry at me because he is very busy with very important things and is at a very important work event. He then mentions he has very good security at his building. It was then I realized I wasn't getting paid and I got conned. I had a gut instinct I should've listened to in the beginning and I've learned to trust that gut instinct all the years after this situation and for over 9 years it has served me well. He ended up doing the same thing to several escorts in our city. We then set up a network where we would warn each other about clients like this one. There was one provider who took check after an appointment and of course the check bounces and he never gets paid. He then warns the group of us and I save the clients number saying DO NOT MEET. Others would get visa gift cards from other scam clients and then those gift cards would get canceled. All the time, we get faux inquirers asking for our banking info and of course no one in their right mind gives it to them. Now I only take hard cash or instant electronic payment. It's good for providers to have a few others in their area to keep in touch with and warn each other if there are particularly bad clients. I consider it a very nice gesture if a client leaves the money out on a dresser or somewhere where I can see it so I know the money is there at the end of the appointment. I never require money upfront unless I'm traveling outside my city to meet a client, but then I ask for only a modest partial payment up front. Usually I'm fine with getting paid at the end of the appointment, but yeah money on the dresser is always nice too. 
  5. Like
    rn901 reacted to The Dude in Escort “pestering”   
    This is why I never give my real name and use a burner phone.
  6. Applause
    rn901 reacted to Leyte2019 in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    An anticlimactic ending to a spirited discussion gone nasty:
    Living up to the reputation of his unflappable, enigmatic avatar, a provider rubbed a few forum clients the wrong way when he refused to play the longstanding game, "The Client's always right" 
    Reflecting his avatar's legacy of being the classic provacateur, @rn901shook things up with this gem:  
    To which @xyz48Bvolleyed back:
    Just as things were headed toward bedlam, @glutessaved the day with
    It wasn't the Vidal-Buckley debacle of 68, which degenerated into insults and resulted in a nearly 40 year feud. But it showed us the dangers of forum members quarreling about deposits, biological or otherwise. 
    For the Forum News team, I'm Carlton Cobain.
  7. Love
    rn901 reacted to Alex93108 in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I wish we had more. Mainly so I can be a better client …in all aspects j
  8. Like
    rn901 got a reaction from TylerGrovesNYC in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    Nice strawman. There are plenty who ask for upfront payments not in this fashion and who are honest with their work. You wanted to make the point that it is custom to paying only after a service. That is patently false. Again, make sure to tell airlines, hotels, concert venues, sport stadiums, photographers, housing contractors, delivery services, web developers and most freelancers in a variety of industries they're not following your fictional customs properly. Sorry United, I'm only paying after my flight. Sorry Marriott, I'm not paying any deposit. Sorry Amazon, I'm only paying after my delivery. If it's understandable why such businesses require upfront payment, then it should be even more understandable why escorts who have no means of recourse do so as well. People get ripped off on both ends of this industry. If you're able to think of others besides yourself, you would understand why some require upfront payment and you would be able to have an adult conversation about it seeing where both sides are coming from.
  9. Haha
    rn901 reacted to + glutes in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    If rn901 is the Hole Whisperer, I don't think I want his fist up my ass.
  10. Like
    rn901 reacted to Jamie21 in Female vs male escorting   
    Yes agree the job is very hard. I love doing it but it’s extremely demanding on your body and mind. You need to be very strong, physically and mentally to be successful at it. I’ve been doing the work 5 years now and had my share of challenges. The good parts (the money, flexibility, interesting people, travel) do outweigh the bad (the difficult clients, the uncertainty, the toll it takes on your body) and I think the difficult parts must be even worse for female sex workers. When I work with a female (which happens occasionally) I’m always in awe at how they work. They always charge more than me too! 
  11. Like
    rn901 got a reaction from Luv2play in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    Nice strawman. There are plenty who ask for upfront payments not in this fashion and who are honest with their work. You wanted to make the point that it is custom to paying only after a service. That is patently false. Again, make sure to tell airlines, hotels, concert venues, sport stadiums, photographers, housing contractors, delivery services, web developers and most freelancers in a variety of industries they're not following your fictional customs properly. Sorry United, I'm only paying after my flight. Sorry Marriott, I'm not paying any deposit. Sorry Amazon, I'm only paying after my delivery. If it's understandable why such businesses require upfront payment, then it should be even more understandable why escorts who have no means of recourse do so as well. People get ripped off on both ends of this industry. If you're able to think of others besides yourself, you would understand why some require upfront payment and you would be able to have an adult conversation about it seeing where both sides are coming from.
  12. Like
    rn901 got a reaction from Luv2play in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    Rip offs can happen on both ends of the transaction so I understand both sides to this. Personally, I will ask for a small deposit if I'm to travel outside my city. I had a client book me to fly out to another city across the country only to not show up at the air port. He completely ghosted me after I made the flight. Fortunately, I had another regular in that city and met up with him. If I didn't have that regular, I would have been stranded and come out of that trip with a loss instead of a profit. I've had other others cancel or not show up after I made a considerable commute to see them. If I'm going to commute hours then I want to make sure it is worth my time. A small deposit lessens the possibility of getting ripped off and me wasting both time and resources. No shows and time wasters are frequent in this business. So I can understand both why some providers require some payment upfront and why some clients refuse to do them. For appointments in my city or the city I'm located in, I'll take the risk and not require any payment upfront. For appointments that require a commute though, a small deposit seems to be a reasonable ask. If providers didn't get ripped off, less would probably ask for a deposit. If clients didn't get ripped off, less would be hesitant to make an upfront payment. Unfortunately the present conditions aren't there yet and there exists a conflict of interests. Mature clients and mature providers should be able to see why and understand the two sides to this. 
  13. Like
    rn901 got a reaction from Marc in Calif in What Books Do You Read Repeatedly?   
    Why it is escorting that is what has given me the time to read vs working 8-10 hours every day   I've read each title at least 2-3 times. So I guess "repeatedly" is quite subjective. 
  14. Like
    rn901 reacted to Jamie21 in Female vs male escorting   
    The good ones can charge high rates because the addressable market is large and there are relatively few good escorts. Therefore that’s what the market will take. There’s a lot more good male escorts and a smaller addressable market. I’m bi, in theory my market is everyone but I have very few female clients- they just don’t hire at the rate guys do. So I’m restricted to gay guys mainly.
    Having a website isn’t so unusual. I’ve one, it’s good to direct clients who have questions to it. It saves advertising. 

    The screening is sensible. It reduces the likelihood of sexual assault. That stat of 41% is appalling. I only ever had one client I felt threatened by. I think if I’d been female he’d have been worse. I’ve done martial arts and know how to defend myself but I still felt threatened. It wasn’t a good session. If that happened regularly I’d definitely not do the work. I don’t blame the females for having thorough screening. 
  15. Like
    rn901 reacted to Luv2play in Info on VrsHungIvyLeague   
    He isn't really starting out. He's been around for some time now. 
    I was with an escort recently who just started in August and he has been able to hike his rates owing to his success. He has over 60 favourable reviews on Rentmen.
  16. Like
    rn901 reacted to TumYum in Info on VrsHungIvyLeague   
    since we're going down this road.... GSAS ... graduate school of arts and sciences.... is located at the morningside heights campus and houses the graduate programs for the liberal arts portion of the University
    vagelos is the medical school.... located up at 168/Broadway.... 
  17. Like
    rn901 got a reaction from + ButchAtl in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    Rip offs can happen on both ends of the transaction so I understand both sides to this. Personally, I will ask for a small deposit if I'm to travel outside my city. I had a client book me to fly out to another city across the country only to not show up at the air port. He completely ghosted me after I made the flight. Fortunately, I had another regular in that city and met up with him. If I didn't have that regular, I would have been stranded and come out of that trip with a loss instead of a profit. I've had other others cancel or not show up after I made a considerable commute to see them. If I'm going to commute hours then I want to make sure it is worth my time. A small deposit lessens the possibility of getting ripped off and me wasting both time and resources. No shows and time wasters are frequent in this business. So I can understand both why some providers require some payment upfront and why some clients refuse to do them. For appointments in my city or the city I'm located in, I'll take the risk and not require any payment upfront. For appointments that require a commute though, a small deposit seems to be a reasonable ask. If providers didn't get ripped off, less would probably ask for a deposit. If clients didn't get ripped off, less would be hesitant to make an upfront payment. Unfortunately the present conditions aren't there yet and there exists a conflict of interests. Mature clients and mature providers should be able to see why and understand the two sides to this. 
  18. Like
    rn901 got a reaction from mike carey in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I clearly said in my previous posts I don't require upfront payments myself (unless it requires travel). I simply suggested one should try to understand why other providers do so. Considering other reasonable points of view should be the norm on here. I said multiple times I understand why providers require it and I understand why clients refuse to do it.  Black and white thinking does none of you any good. Grow up and try to understand where other people are coming from.  
  19. Like
    rn901 reacted to Alex93108 in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    let’s cut him some slack here . I think we can agree that some form of deposit make sense when there is a justification. Travel, visits out of town and things along similar lines.  Personally if there was travel arrangements made , I would make that on behalf of the person i’m hiring , so the deposit would be small anyway , to cover incidentals , trip to the airport etc and maybe a small portion of agreed total 
    Otherwise,  I tend to adopt the restaurant principle , you pay at the end of the meal , which is 99% of the restaurants in the world unless it’s a meal at the French Laundry , Le bernadin etc 
    Similarly i never prepay for hotels ever - it’s always a credit card guarantee cancel 1 night prior . 
    Providers are free to do what makes sense for them . expect some pushback and fewer takers if it deviates from what is the norm, given the type of meeting requested 
  20. Agree
    rn901 got a reaction from Jarrod_Uncut in How are providers feeling these days about prospective clients??   
    A mixed bag which is not a change. Still get time wasters. Still get great clients. Still get not so good clients. Still get okay clients. Still get scared clients. Still get everything in between. Business was slow during the pandemic pre-vaccination in 2020. Then there was an uptick in the spring of 2021. Now business seems to return to normal levels or close to it. I would say the vitality and profitability of the industry correlates with the travel and hospitality industries (except us escorts didn't get the massive bailouts corporations did and we couldn't get unemployment for our type of work). During the height of the pandemic in 2020, things were very rough financially and business was slow or non-existent. Now business seems to be very close to pre-covid levels. Like many restaurants and hotels, business for an escort seems to be going fine now with the usual challenges and difficulties we had prior to covid. Vaccinated and kissing, yes.  
  21. Verbose
    rn901 got a reaction from coriolis888 in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    Nice strawman. There are plenty who ask for upfront payments not in this fashion and who are honest with their work. You wanted to make the point that it is custom to paying only after a service. That is patently false. Again, make sure to tell airlines, hotels, concert venues, sport stadiums, photographers, housing contractors, delivery services, web developers and most freelancers in a variety of industries they're not following your fictional customs properly. Sorry United, I'm only paying after my flight. Sorry Marriott, I'm not paying any deposit. Sorry Amazon, I'm only paying after my delivery. If it's understandable why such businesses require upfront payment, then it should be even more understandable why escorts who have no means of recourse do so as well. People get ripped off on both ends of this industry. If you're able to think of others besides yourself, you would understand why some require upfront payment and you would be able to have an adult conversation about it seeing where both sides are coming from.
  22. Like
    rn901 reacted to Alex93108 in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I would only consider giving money upfront to a provider who i have personally met and hired at least twice and only if the situation warrants - i.e travel involved . Never for an in town appointment 
  23. Like
    rn901 reacted to TylerGrovesNYC in Too Many 'Money Up Front' Horror Stories Lately.......A Remedy??   
    I'm an established provider & I require a deposit of 25% for all FUTURE appointments (i.e. an appointment taking place on a day that is not today, inwhich I will have to block out time in My schedule for you & prepare toys, leather, etc). If the client doesn't like that, I tell them that they're welcome to hit Me up on that actual day but if I am already booked by someone else, or in session at the time of the call, it's first come first serve. 
    I work mainly as much more of a Pro Dom how than an escort & for fetish/bdsm this is much more standard in that niche of things. Guys wanting a session in a dungeon, or with lots of toys are usually going to plan in advance, and they don't mind doing this. Other guys who are looking for more escort related things but are willing to plan in advance don't mind this either.
    I tell all clients however who are hesitant they should always screen a provider before ever giving a deposit. 
    -do they have adds on multiple platforms (not just RentMen) I am on Eros & Tryst as well
    -do they have social media? Twitter 
    -do they have a video presence, on multiple platforms (I personally have 3: OnlyFans, ManyVids, ModelHub)
    -do they have a website?
    -do they have reviews? If so how many? I've got 35, all 5 star mostly 
    If the provider checks off all or most of these boxes the greater the chance is of them being legit & not walking away with your deposit money 
    When it comes to money upfront before the session starts, I personally don't do this, I wait until the end. For all same day appts I don't require a deposit- the client has the desire fresh on their mind & the likelihood that they will follow through is high. I find that for all future appts that a deposit is not collected (unless I know the person), if a deposit is not received, they aren't showing up & I wasted my time blocking out a slot for them in My schedule, or restricted my personal life when I didn't have to.
    Sure, I lose a little business this way, & it was much harder to get deposits in the beginning before I became well known, but the pay off of enforcing that system is invaluable to Me.
  24. Like
    rn901 reacted to Alex93108 in Have you ever not been paid ? ( for your time)   
    Cash in a discreet envelope is my preferred method.  And I think I can speak of most of the people on this forum, I think both the clients and providers that participate are well standing people, the ones I have corresponded with and in some cases personally hired. 
  25. Like
    rn901 got a reaction from GTMike in Have you ever not been paid ? ( for your time)   
    Yes, starting out when I didn't have the street smarts I do now. I had a very slick faux client/scammer. He asked to meet at his place which was a very nice apartment building downtown. He flattered me, said all the right things. Showed me pictures of his other homes and talked about how he had longterm relations with escorts over many years where he would pay them thousands every month. We also discussed possible places that we could travel to and showed me pictures of himself with other escorts in nice places around the world. He proposed the same kind of arrangement to me and that he would pay several thousand a month if I meet with him whenever he is available. I said yes. He was very convincing. At the end of the first visit we talked about meeting again and set up a date. He didn't pay me and said that we would need to meet a few times to officiate this arrangement. I was very stupid for trusting him. He even had a driver take me home. I figured since he had money that I could trust him paying. We met a second time. Again, this guy was good. Said all the right things, flattered me, complimented me, we had drinks, enjoyed each other's company, hooked up and he had his driver take me home again. By the third time, I'm thinking okay when do I get my money. He wants to meet again. And this time I'm insistent I get paid over text prior to meeting. He avoids my questions, kept trying to tell me is very busy with work and kept putting off talking. Finally, I got very persistent and he gets angry at me because he is very busy with very important things and is at a very important work event. He then mentions he has very good security at his building. It was then I realized I wasn't getting paid and I got conned. I had a gut instinct I should've listened to in the beginning and I've learned to trust that gut instinct all the years after this situation and for over 9 years it has served me well. He ended up doing the same thing to several escorts in our city. We then set up a network where we would warn each other about clients like this one. There was one provider who took check after an appointment and of course the check bounces and he never gets paid. He then warns the group of us and I save the clients number saying DO NOT MEET. Others would get visa gift cards from other scam clients and then those gift cards would get canceled. All the time, we get faux inquirers asking for our banking info and of course no one in their right mind gives it to them. Now I only take hard cash or instant electronic payment. It's good for providers to have a few others in their area to keep in touch with and warn each other if there are particularly bad clients. I consider it a very nice gesture if a client leaves the money out on a dresser or somewhere where I can see it so I know the money is there at the end of the appointment. I never require money upfront unless I'm traveling outside my city to meet a client, but then I ask for only a modest partial payment up front. Usually I'm fine with getting paid at the end of the appointment, but yeah money on the dresser is always nice too. 
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