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  1. The other issue is the ubiquity of Square pads in small businesses. They make more on the interchange fee with bigger receipts. They try to shame customers into adding a tip. I will never tip when I’m at a bakery or cookie shop and they’re simply handing me something.
  2. I’m noticing more indie coffee places are not accepting cash anymore. I occasionally throw a 20 in my running shorts and stop by afterwards for an iced latte. I was dismayed that they now only accept plastic.
  3. Cute boys always get a big tip from me. Especially if they’re flirty. There’s an Italian market around the corner. After 4, a very cute blond works the register. When I complimented him on his blue eyes, he blushed. Now he always chats with me. I’m incorrigible!
  4. If you’re visiting ATL, he’ll do a two-hour session.
  5. I’m usually quite confident in describing my role-play scenarios. I agree that most providers appreciate the frankness. They can always demur if it’s not part of their repertoire.
  6. Pensant


    I didn’t know that! I saw some real hotties in Prague earlier this month, though.
  7. The only reason I avoid wheat products, only in the US where I don’t trust the quality, is because people with O+ blood like me experience slight bloating from its consumption. I can eat bread in Europe with no problem.
  8. As I’ve reported before, Jack is one of top ten hires. He’s up for anything!
  9. I don’t tolerate that nonsense.
  10. Sobering article. The gluttony of Americans can be appalling. The fate of the employees equally so. I just got back from three weeks in Europe, mostly in Germany. This article encapsulates their view of American “gastronomy” and rapacious PE capitalism.
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