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I concede.

Do not concede. Someone who owns a gun and proclaims it in an ad to the public is making a statement about himself. If you do not like that statement do not be cajoled into quieting down about your distaste. As to his looks, this is a site where many men some of whom were a lot hotter than he, were nitpicked over tattoos, piercings, hairdos and the like. I might not agree with the comments, but I would never concede my opinion in face of differing opinions. So do not do what they told you to do, do what I told you to do.

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He has his appeal, but I do not support any businesses that support political causes I do not agree with because it makes me complicit in them. It's totally his right to believe whatever he does just as it's my right not to spend money on him.


So you support boycotts by groups opposed to gender-neutral toys and restrooms? (Target) Or any of the other ridiculous boycotts the religious right has called for? It always sounds ridiculous to me when those groups throw politics into a non-political sphere, and I try to be consistent in my own life.


All that aside, we aren't going on a date. We're just going to spend a couple hours having some fun!

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At the risk of getting this thread moved to the Political forum, I'm still going to comment.


I am a member of the NRA. However, I don't own a gun at this time but may one day decide to purchase one.


I would hire this guy in a New York second. There have been several escorts who I've hired that have had differing political views, some very radical, from my own. I really don't give a damn about their political views. I could careless about who they voted for in an election. That's not why I'm hiring them. If they meet my hiring criteria, are handsome, and able to deliver then I will hire them.

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Do not concede. Someone who owns a gun and proclaims it in an ad to the public is making a statement about himself. If you do not like that statement do not be cajoled into quieting down about your distaste. As to his looks, this is a site where many men some of whom were a lot hotter than he, were nitpicked over tattoos, piercings, hairdos and the like. I might not agree with the comments, but I would never concede my opinion in face of differing opinions. So do not do what they told you to do, do what I told you to do.

I should have been more clear. I don't believe that my views are less valid - I was wrong to disparage another escort, even one with a worldview that I suspect is radically different than my own. I was wrong about that, and I wrote with strong emotion and an unclear head.


I do not support companies that are complicit in practices or causes which I find reprehensible; I buy vegan, non-sweatshop, and support companies that support the environment.


I think the photo with Rubio, if it is truly indicative of his support for Rubio, is something worthy of discussing. http://www.hrc.org/2016RepublicanFacts/marco-rubio


How can any gay/bi man support someone with that type of stance?

Therefore, it makes sense to me, by extension, that clients in this thread could see reason to hire other escorts.

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By the way, this guy makes Johnny Wynter look like a Coppertone model.




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Check out his Tumblr, there's a lot more pro-Trump, liberal bashing, Hillary loss gloating pics and memes. In one of them he talks about getting rid of Liberals now that Trump is in office (not sure if he's referring to turning them into a protein source or something similar). Also shots of his ass, which is pretty nice. He's got a hot nerd thing going on. Would like to see him in glasses.

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He appears to be smart, opinionated and unapologetic. I find that really sexy even if we have reached different conclusions about the issues of the day.


Physically, no one is everyone's cup of tea, but I find him stunning. "Sleek" is the word that keeps coming to mind when I look at his pictures -- and I've been looking at them long before this little controversy arose.


I've been assured that he looks every bit as good in real life so I'm really looking forward to meeting him.

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He appears to be smart, opinionated and unapologetic. I find that really sexy even if we have reached different conclusions about the issues of the day.


Physically, no one is everyone's cup of tea, but I find him stunning. "Sleek" is the word that keeps coming to mind when I look at his pictures -- and I've been looking at them long before this little controversy arose.


I've been assured that he looks every bit as good in real life so I'm really looking forward to meeting him.

It was really hard in the candlelight to discern any blue or red states on him, another erectoral had my full attention :eek:

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At the risk of getting this thread moved to the Political forum, I'm still going to comment.


I am a member of the NRA. However, I don't own a gun at this time but may one day decide to purchase one.


I would hire this guy in a New York second. There have been several escorts who I've hired that have had differing political views, some very radical, from my own. I really don't give a damn about their political views. I could careless about who they voted for in an election. That's not why I'm hiring them. If they meet my hiring criteria, are handsome, and able to deliver then I will hire them.

Even though I 100% support people's right to boycott, boycotting just isn't my thing. As long as an escort with leftist views doesn't try to shove his politics down my throat during our time together (heck, if I wanted liberalism shoved down my throat, I could log on here & get it for free!), and of course as long as he is charming & sexy, I'll gladly give him my business, even if he forewarned me that he planned on donating 100% of my payment directly to the DNC.


If there were a liberal mirror-image of Grayson Danielz, that is, an outspoken and unapologetic liberal who broadcasts his views all over social media, I would jump to hire him. The biggest problem for us clients is the overwhelming number of bullshitters out there - scamsters who look nothing like their ads, con artists who promise much but deliver little, the whole nine yards. The one thing I glean from Grayson is that the guy is bald honest. Even though the rants & opinions he posts on social media undoubtedly cost him business (a fact he's surely figured out already), he still lays it all out there because, I guess, "to thine own self be true" matters more to him than money. That honesty is almost as much of a turn-on as his mighty munchable ass. I said "almost."

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I very recently spent time with Grayson. His political views are far, far to the right of my own. But he doesn't lie about them and is definitely willing to talk about them. I enjoyed my time with him, and even left a review on Daddy's site. Having said that, I expect that at some point he will become disillusioned (or bored) with Ayn Rand, and maybe even recognize that the politicians he likes really don't like him.

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I appreciate all the thoughtful responses here. The ideas herein have made me less hesitant to give him a shot. As I am reminded constantly, a guy's religion, politics, family issues, educational experience, etc are not the reasons we hire. Am looking forward to him shooting his loaded "pistol" once or twice. Hopefully he aims for my chest. Grin.

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Just kind of curious to you all, if he were outwardly racist / white supremacist, would that be enough to make people not hire him? Would the claim that "at least he's honest" hold true then?


Or would some of you use the same argument that "it doesn't matter what his views are, I'm hiring him for his awesome body?"

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Just kind of curious to you all, if he were outwardly racist / white supremacist, would that be enough to make people not hire him? Would the claim that "at least he's honest" hold true then?


Or would some of you use the same argument that "it doesn't matter what his views are, I'm hiring him for his awesome body?"


I'm probably the wrong person to ask, because to me a person's views and actions and deeds are part of his overall package so to speak.


For example. That "awful" dentist, Walter Palmer, who killed, that magnificent, majestic, beautiful lion, Cecil. He is ugly, but hypothetically, let's say he was the spitting image of Pietro Boselli, who I find amazingly beautiful. Now let's say, just for this argument that I knew that any money I spent on hiring this Palmer guy went to support his hunting hobby. I don't care how beautiful or sexy or good of a fuck he was, there is no way in hell I would spend one cent on hiring this person.


That's just my two cents :mad:

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Just kind of curious to you all, if he were outwardly racist / white supremacist, would that be enough to make people not hire him? Would the claim that "at least he's honest" hold true then?


No, I would not, but that is a huge difference. Yes, conservatives like to trash talk Hillary and many others, but no more than we liberals love to mock them. As much as I disagree with them, I don't believe that most conservatives have their beliefs rooted in hatred. White supremacists are a completely different matter.


It's like the difference between being 10 pounds overweight and 200 pounds overweight. I can deal with a little belly fat (not an issue for Grayson :)) but I'm not going to hire someone who could Sumo wrestle.

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Just kind of curious to you all, if he were outwardly racist / white supremacist, would that be enough to make people not hire him?

I would probably draw the line at loud white supremacist views, even if he said he loved to cuddle. Honesty in unpopular politics implies honesty more broadly, but racism is beyond the pale.

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I think what they are saying is, that people believe and support what they will. That they respect that this escort owns up to his beliefs and what and who he supports. That there is a difference between supporting candidates that think gay people should not be allowed to have equal protection under the law than being a white supremacist.

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Believing that gay people are less than or unequal to straight people (not deserving of the same rights)


seems so similar to


believing that non-whites are less than or unequal to white people (not deserving of the same rights)


Someone who stands fiercely by his own bigoted views is not someone who should be lauded for "owning up to his own beliefs."

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So he can support xenophobic misogynists (Trump) and homophobes (Rubio), but you all draw the line at white supremacists...


I don't think the difference is so huge. Injustice is injustice.

Easy, or get reported and move to politics forum. Why don't you just start a new thread, instead of beating on a thread started about a particular escort.

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