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Need Advice on First Time Meet with an Unofficial Escort

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Hi all. New to the forum and looking for some veteran insight. I'm planning on meeting up with a new guy. I originally met him at a party and tracked him down via social media. He's never escorted before but I convinced him into a muscle worship session. Since there's no reviews on him, I did a background check (read: google) and found that he was charged with a burglary a few years back. Now I'm somewhat concerned about how things might play out.


I have a hotel room booked and I already plan to put any valuables in the room safe. I guess my fear is he shows up with a concealed weapon, threatens me and takes all my shit. Did I mention I tend towards the dramatic? Anyways, then I'm left in the doubly awkward position of not wanting to report the crime because...well, you know AND the guy would have all my personal information.


You're thinking, idiot, why not just hire a well-reviewed pro? Here's why: because this guy is hotter than any escort I've seen online and I positively M-E-L-T for real, straight, muscle-bound guys. Not everyone's cup of tea, I know, but it's definitely mine.


So for the street-wise regulars out there, what are some precautions I should take if I decide to follow through with meeting him? Are there any red flags I should be on the lookout for?

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I would like to set the record straight on a couple of items. I do not think you are an idiot. Our wants and needs vary, and you simply are acting on yours. As far as his record goes...well, here goes...again. I shared my story a few years ago. I was convicted of a felony drug crime years ago. That was diverting controlled substances for my own use. I spent 2 1/2 years in prison. I do not consider, or have never considered myself a dangerous or bad person. Individuals that commit a crime truly need that second, sometimes more, chances. I say go with your gut, and have a fantastic time! P.S. I shared my story straight out with my person. Other then sharing some of the incidents from the "Camp," along with some good laughs, it isn't brought up. Who knows, maybe your muscle guy will bring it up sometime on his own?

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That's so true. I firmly believe everyone deserves a second chance and shouldn't be defined by a single past mistake. Just FYI, the crime he was indicted for (not sure if he was convicted) involved a coordinated series of home burglaries, which netted thousands of dollars in stolen goods.

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That's so true. I firmly believe everyone deserves a second chance and shouldn't be defined by a single past mistake. Just FYI, the crime he was indicted for (not sure if he was convicted) involved a coordinated series of home burglaries, which netted thousands of dollars in stolen goods.

Do you know anything about his current life? I believe all states have the open records law. If it makes a difference to you, it would be easy to find out about the conviction.

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Well is it possible to just bring the cash amount you and him agreed on, and leave your credit cards and other valuables in your car? Then there's nothing to steal.


Great advice: leave the Rolex and Black American Express Card at home. Then enjoy:)

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Well is it possible to just bring the cash amount you and him agreed on, and leave your credit cards and other valuables in your car? Then there's nothing to steal.


I assume you live somewhere it's safe to leave valuables in your car. Where I live, if you leave anything in your car it very well might disappear fairly quickly. I get that you probably meant to just leave a few things in the glove compartment and not to have a bunch of stuff in plain view, but I still wouldn't be likely to want to leave anything of value in a car where I live. Besides, if the prospective hire is inclined to rob the OP then he could take the car keys and ransack his car as well.


I'd say it's better to only bring to the appointment what's absolutely necessary.

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I agree on leaving everything you can out of the hotel room. I go into these type of situations with id, agreed upon donation, and phone.


Some might not agree with this, but in a first time situation like I would leave the donation out and plainly visible. I am NOT saying prepay, just show your honest attention by having it ready. 1) shows to him you're real 2) should it be a more unfortunate experience - good chance it would be snatch/run so you're out the donation but you're ok. Just my 2¢


And if there is anyone you can tell about where you're going setup a check in/out call or text.

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I agree with @MikeBiDude. A red flag is to ignore your gut instinct bc your little head is too wrapped up into erupting. I've been there. Bring nothing of value except donation.


Do you have a trusted friend who will put your safety above judging you? If so, have this friend be your failsafe plan. Whenever I'm meeting someone new and I get a little bit nervous, I call a good buddy of mine and tell her that if I haven't checked in by a certain time, to check on me. She never fails me. I'm also pretty open with her about who I'm meeting, where, how, etc. knock on wood, I've never needed for her to intervene. Ultimately, it is not about what someone can take from you (material stuff) , but the harm that can come with it. Yes, you can give someone a second chance, but there is no harm in being smart about your own safety. Risky behavior merits good preventative measures.

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I agree with @MikeBiDude. A red flag is to ignore your gut instinct bc your little head is too wrapped up into erupting. I've been there. Bring nothing of value except donation.


Do you have a trusted friend who will put your safety above judging you? If so, have this friend be your failsafe plan. Whenever I'm meeting someone new and I get a little bit nervous, I call a good buddy of mine and tell her that if I haven't checked in by a certain time, to check on me. She never fails me. I'm also pretty open with her about who I'm meeting, where, how, etc. knock on wood, I've never needed for her to intervene. Ultimately, it is not about what someone can take from you (material stuff) , but the harm that can come with it. Yes, you can give someone a second chance, but there is no harm in being smart about your own safety. Risky behavior merits good preventative measures.


TR's advice is sound as always, but it seems a little weird to me to even have an internal dialogue about seeing a guy when there are unresolved questions about possibly becoming a crime victim.

Setting aside his record as a non-violent offender there are your concerns about him, apparently, never having done this before - that creates a big wildcard insofar as his reaction to being touched or even looked at when you are alone is unpredictable. You don't mention if he straight but it's possible that would not go well. Being isolated in a neutral hotel room limits your options if something does go wrong.

I'd have a really thorough chat with him about what's going to happen and make sure you dont get any sense of a potential violent reaction. You can hide your valuables but you're physically exposed with several unknowns.

I've gone to sketchy places to meet guys I don't know but mitigate the risks until I feel comfortable... or pass.

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I guess I get to be Contrary Cooze here, but I think this is a bad idea. Get your rocks off however you want, but, I also say do not be surprised when/if it blows up in your face. I know that makes me sound like a bitch, but, I am just speaking my truth. This guy was popped for organized multiple property theft, so he has experience with 5 Finger Discounts. If you go into this thing with anything more than your driver's license & the agreed upon amount on your physical person, then you deserve to be hit with the stupid stick. I don't care if the muscley straight guy makes you melt....letting the scrotum over-rule the cerebellum is always a really bad business deal.

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You don't mention if he straight but it's possible that would not go well. Being isolated in a neutral hotel room limits your options if something does go wrong.


He's 100% straight. It took a lot of convincing (and money) to get him on board. That's another reason I'm hesitant, as I'm not sure how he'll react when we get down to business.

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He's 100% straight. It took a lot of convincing (and money) to get him on board. That's another reason I'm hesitant, as I'm not sure how he'll react when we get down to business.


I presume you've already told him what you'd like to do "when we get down to business".....without sounding too creepy and/or giddy, make sure he knows exactly what will be involved.....tell him this is a private, low-key, fun thing that won't be too serious.....set parameters and a time limit - whatever will make him feel comfortable....do NOT go beyond the pre-set limits or he may snap!!......


gotta say I like your preference for straight(-ish) guys......wide range of sexual identities out there.....

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Half of me sees a big red flag here, but I have met @wisconsinguy and he is a peach of a guy, but then again his offense was not exactly what your guy has done in his past. Still, I did hire a guy a number of times who was in the USA illegally because of certain crimes committed across the border in his native Canada. So the other half of me says to go for it.


In any event, I think that @azdr0710 just above has given you some good advice if you decide to follow through. Also I concur about just bringing the fee and not much else.

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I will start by saying you are not an idiot. Also, I agree that everyone deserves a second chance and believe that people can and often do learn from their mistakes and evolve. However, I also believe that one can worry oneself into a place where they can no longer enjoy themselves for fear that something bad will happen. In this case, there is a basis in fact that something bad could happen. However, that does not mean something bad will happen.


My advice is to ask yourself whether you can have a good time with this guy despite the information you uncovered and your fear that something bad will happen. In terms of red flags, at this stage I think you are beyond that. However, I think there are some important questions to ask yourself:


  1. How did he present himself when you talked to him at the party?
  2. How was his demeanor when you approached him about a muscle worship session?
  3. Exactly how much "convincing" did it take to get him to agree to doing this with you?
  4. If you have communicated with him since you set the appointment up, what was the tone of the communications?
  5. Can you have a good time with this guy despite your concerns over your personal safety?
  6. Is his attractiveness relative to escorts you have seen online sufficiently greater to warrant the worry and concern his background has generated?
  7. What is the probability that the escorts whom you have seen only in 2 dimensional pictures could be as attractive in person as this guy is in person?

Good luck and let us know what you decide. If you go through with the session, let us know how it goes.

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He's 100% straight. It took a lot of convincing (and money) to get him on board. That's another reason I'm hesitant, as I'm not sure how he'll react when we get down to business.

I did not see this before I posted my reply.


Cancel this appointment. Now.


If it took a lot of convincing and a lot of money to get him to do this you will most likely not have a great time. Find a muscled escort and hire him. This guy is not worth all the trouble and worry.

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Gentlemen, let's not forget some of our peers enjoy the art of tempting & seducing a straight man they find appealing. The thrill of the hunt, the seduction thru any means ($$$), the attention & drama of being advised against it, the guilt, and the possible risks involved are just as arousing (if not more ) than the action involved. Not saying our OP is this type of thrill seeker, but it definitely exists in our spectrum.

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Gentlemen, let's not forget some of our peers enjoy the art of tempting & seducing a straight man they find appealing. The thrill of the hunt, the seduction thru any means ($$$), the attention & drama of being advised against it, the guilt, and the possible risks involved are just as arousing (if not more ) than the action involved. Not saying our OP is this type of thrill seeker, but it definitely exists in our spectrum.


Haha. Partially true. I do love the hunt and seduction but that's about it. The risk of being physically harmed doesn't enhance the experience for me, sadly.

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This is quite the quandary!!!

It's scary yet exciting I would say meet in the hotel bar or lobby and have a conversation before going to the room

And agree with the others bring NOTHING valuable into the hotel room just the agreed upon cash and once in the room have him strip down to nothing or his briefs to be safe

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Haha. Partially true. I do love the hunt and seduction but that's about it. The risk of being physically harmed doesn't enhance the experience for me, sadly.

There's nothing sad about you not being turned on by a risk of physical harm.

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Jockstr - you've received a lot of good advice from other posters. Follow that advice and go with your gut feelings as well. Meet the guy in a public place too before going somewhere alone. If you're ever uncomfortable after meeting him, end the session (even if it means paying him everything he's asked for). Your health and well being is more important than any amount of money. Having said all that, hopefully the session works out (if you decide to go ahead with it) for you. If you decide to cancel for whatever reason, there will be others you can hire and meet up with so don't feel like you have to go ahead with this session. Best of luck to you. Let us know how it works out. If you cancel (for a reason or no reason), nobody here will criticize you.

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