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Is this cancellation believable?

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So, I've been emailing back and forth for a week with a very well reviewed guy, and everything is set and ready to go. Ninety minutes before he's supposed to arrive, I text to say I'm looking forward to meeting him and will see him soon. Twenty minutes later I get a cancellation -- explanation of a sore throat and fever coming on -- with apology. Is this to be believed? Just over an hour in advance? Or...?

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Well, you can either take the excuse at face value and give him the benefit of the doubt—or you can assume he's lying for some reason. He's well-reviewed and you had consistent, lengthy communication from the sound of it, and people DO get sick. Case in point: I was about 10 minutes from landing at SFO for a weekend appointment with a client when I realized I was getting a cold sore. It does sometimes happen with the worst of timing.


Either way, he's keeping you from having a bad time and saving you your money.


One other thing, Kenny—it's not out of the realm of possibility that he was sick already and waited to see if he was going to feel better and he just didn't, or he took his temp and saw he had gotten worse.

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A couple of years ago, I had an appointment set with a well-reviewed traveling escort visiting DC. I had been anxious to see this hot young man for months. We had communicated regularly for a few weeks before the date. Everything was all set and we'd both worked out specific plans for this three hour session.


So the day arrives and guess what? Yep, that's right...I had to call to cancel due to a sore throat and that achy feeling that presages a cold. The escort was very gracious upon hearing the news. I'm sure my scratchy and hoarse voice confirmed to him I was not playing games. My disappointment was palpable, I'd looked forward to seeing this escort for a long time.


So, due to a sudden onset of a cold, this escort was out several hundred dollars.


Would you have rather the escort not have canceled on you, thus losing out on his fee, and risk giving you his cold? What did you lose out on - fleeting gratification or a cold? On the other hand, the escort saved you money by making the responsible choice instead of giving you a cold. And for that you trash the guy.

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Another case of the double standard. If you would have texted to cancel on him one hour before your appointment, these same people telling you to give someone the benefit of the doubt would be calling you every name in the book and demanding you pay the escort for his time anyway.


Is it believable? Well, possibly. At least you didn't get the emergency room or dying relative excuse. He's a well reviewed escort, did you think he was going to tell you that he found something better to do even if that was the truth? I truly believe that if he woke up feeling under the weather, he could have texted you that morning at least warning you of the possibility he may have to cancel. That being said, if I would have met this escort before then I might let it slide and give him another chance. If this is the first appointment, I would take it as a stroke of luck and move on to someone else. Your time is too valuable to waste.

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So, I've been emailing back and forth for a week with a very well reviewed guy, and everything is set and ready to go. Ninety minutes before he's supposed to arrive, I text to say I'm looking forward to meeting him and will see him soon. Twenty minutes later I get a cancellation -- explanation of a sore throat and fever coming on -- with apology. Is this to be believed? Just over an hour in advance? Or...?



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It's barely believable. Illness does occur. Depending on how much you want to see him, I'd probably give him another chance.


A Story-


Years ago I hired an escort for an overnight. I can't remember if it was the first time I had met this escort, but I think it was. He had great reviews, and I had been wanting to meet him for three or four years. (He's not currently advertising although he was intermittent up until about a year ago.). So I had gotten a nice hotel in Seattle-I arrived and was waiting for him. He was originally from Washington State-and before he met with me-he had been out hiking with old friends. So he's on the late side but he gets to the hotel. When he gets to the hotel, he tells me he had misplaced his keys on the hike-but his friends were still looking for them. I had planned a nice dinner at a churrascuria (in case anyone isn't familiar-that's a Brazilian type steakhouse where -one price-they keep bringing food out until you say No More). We get there. While we are there, he gets a text that his friends had found his keys. After dinner we get back from the hotel and play around a bit-nothing major. But he needs to go meet his friends about 30 minutes away to get his keys. Well I don't hear anything from him for several hours after that. I have no idea what's going on. I can't believe he would pull a runner-but I've already remunerated him. I finally get a call-he sounds in distress and says he is deathly ill with GI symptoms. (At the restaurant -he didn't eat any meat-only fish).


I'm pretty upset. But I don't know whether to believe him or not. I'm still to this day not entirely sure. But we talked afterwards-he had really good reviews -and I still wanted to be with him. So in this case I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He told me he was coming back to Seattle in a few months. We arranged to meet for a weekend-and he gave me a significant discount on his fees due to what had happened at our previous meeting.


Interestingly-I tolerated the restaurant food fine. But I stuck to non-seafood dishes. However I went back to the restaurant about two years later- a friend and I were both became ill the following day. My friend was diagnosed with Giardia-I was treated without being tested for Giardia. I couldn't decide if my illness two years later made me believe the escort's story more or not.



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I had a well reviewed escort cancel on me about 2 hours before the appointment. The date had been set and we communicated back and forth for weeks. He said he was developing a cold sore and would need to reschedule. Needless to say, I did not reschedule!

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I got the "I am sorry my phone was turned off all weekend"


Uhmm.. so your phone was turned off, so that made you forget you had an appointment ?


I know... a pen and a piece of paper are never turned off, unfortunately now a days many escort keep their agenda in their iPhone and if it's stolen their lives are over till they get one back and recover all the contacts.

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So, I've been emailing back and forth for a week with a very well reviewed guy, and everything is set and ready to go. Ninety minutes before he's supposed to arrive, I text to say I'm looking forward to meeting him and will see him soon. Twenty minutes later I get a cancellation -- explanation of a sore throat and fever coming on -- with apology. Is this to be believed? Just over an hour in advance? Or...?

Having been in the position where I had to cancel due to cold symptoms or an asthma attack or a migraine, I give the benefit of the doubt. As someone else asked, would you rather he met you and gave you a cold? I can tell you from experience that this year's cold is a bad one.

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I really appreciate all the feedback. It's always helpful just to be reassured that one's experience is not unique! Of course, there's no way to know for sure what happened (it's the very short notice that made me wonder if the explanation was for real). I'm going to play it by ear and, given all the good reviews, may try an appointment with him another time.

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Read the comments as they came in but late to comment, take that as you wish. I may be credulous but I would take him at his word. He has been well reviewed, so that means he has pleased clients before, and as noted above people do come down with viruses at little notice. Try another meeting with him, if that fails move on. He really could have a cold on two consecutive appointments, but you would be entitled to doubt that. He's not a lover you need to keep giving the benefit of the doubt, he's a service provider who has to convince you that he is real.

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About a decade ago, I was on my way to meet my well-reviewed escort for the first time. I stopped at an ATM to get some $$$. The ATM ate my bank card! I had to call the escort 10 minutes before our appointment. If I were the escort, the excuse 'the bank ate my card!' sounded really lame. Fortunately, he was gracious about it and we rescheduled a week later.

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Without sounding "preachy" perhaps this is a golden rule opportunity: treat others as you would like to be treated. I would like to have as much notice regarding a scheduling snafu or illness therefore I provide that to my clients. I would like to have my health and safety be of concern to my clients therefore I make theirs a concern of mine. I would like to be given the benefit of the doubt when there is an opportunity to infer something about me or my actions in either a positive or negative light therefore I afford the same benefit to my clients.


A one time issue: give him a break (as you would like to be given). The second time anything comes across as flaky: move on.

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So, I've been emailing back and forth for a week with a very well reviewed guy, and everything is set and ready to go. Ninety minutes before he's supposed to arrive, I text to say I'm looking forward to meeting him and will see him soon. Twenty minutes later I get a cancellation -- explanation of a sore throat and fever coming on -- with apology. Is this to be believed? Just over an hour in advance? Or...?


It happens - all illnesses start sometime. Today, for the first time in 12 days, I'm not wheezing and coughing. Do we "just notice" a headache, or does it "come on?"


I second just sayin':

I think you have to give the escort one pass; if it happens twice, then you know he is not reliable and you need to move on.


I agree fully.

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Some of you guys should be working as political commentators - your ability to spin this stuff around is a talent that not too many people do as well...so let's take a look beyond the superficial...first of all, you'll never know for sure one way or another, but isn't anyone curious as to why the escort never even mentioned that he may be coming down with something beforehand? Seriously, you guys think his little cold hit this smart, very well reviewed escort with a significant enough force to cancel between the confirmation at 90 minutes prior to meet up and when he cancelled at 20 minutes prior? So in that 70 minutes this great guy went from "excited to meet" to "I'm really getting sick"? Just out of curiosity, did he offer another appointment? Suggest a make-up plan? Get back in touch with you the next day or when he recovered?


I think if the OP indicated that the escort felt badly and made some effort to fix his mistake, I'd feel differently, but haven't heard anything about that.


And of course shit happens all of the time with both escorts and clients. But put that same question out to escorts and see what you get back. I wonder if they would thank the potential client who cancelled at the last minute for saving them from an uncomfortable session?


Lastly, this notion that well reviewed escorts aren't manipulative or less than honest at times, is also ridiculous. I had my own experience with one in a confidentiality breach a couple of weeks ago when he participated in a discussion about me with someone I was hiring - I had never told him of my previous relationship with any other escort and certainly didn't approve the discussion regardless of whether positive or negative. The new guy didn't even realize what had happened or that I was uncomfortable with him telling anyone that I was hiring him. His spin: Well, I had to make sure that it was safe and what the deal was" - he said as we walked into the 5 star resort surrounded by thousands of people.

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As y'all longer term forum members know I have posted extensively about what I call the cancellation carousel on daddy's. It is now in an epidemic stage...even pandemic.

I have learned to stop complaining about it and to just shut up so I am glad another member brought it up an not me! Lol

In DC for every one new good client who follows through I get two more who set up and cancel or worse u get to their place and it is a false address.

The game playing and lies are ridiculous here. But.....I am not going to quit as there are many many nice guys who are looking for quality.

The few times in my career I have had to cancel I make every effort to reschedule and I usually either off half off or even a free session .

For the record I NEVER take a better offer. That is just wrong! @ www.rentmen.com/mikeyusatop

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