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Escort Of The Year 2014

Guy Fawkes
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http://daddysreviews.com/art/misc/iPhone-OS-3.x-Contacts-app-icon.jpgJust a few more weeks and we will have made it through 2014. It's been a rough year of many of us, and do all of you I wish the very best in 2015. Once again it's time to vote for your special men.



I would be most grateful if you'd take a few moments and me an email to Daddy@DaddysReviews.com with the names of the top three escorts on your short list and a brief reason why they made it onto your list. If you prefer you can login to the Forum and look for the Escort Of The Year 2014 thread instead



You can list more than three but I'll only look at the first three and the order you list them in is important, so your favorite should be at the top.



If your one of our MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder) posters or you vote multiple times, you'll be cast into the special mailbox of shame never to find out that your vote didn't count. Yes, voting via email and in the Message Forum counts as a duplicate.



Ballot box stuffing is routinely detected and those entries are removed with prejudice. Grandstanding, Flaming, and Hijacking will get a Raspberry. Haters will be expelled by the grinch until next year. Non-votes will be removed to maintain sanity.



My very best to each and every one of you!

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#1 Pick: Alec Andrews-One of the best ever. Has it all: looks, personality, intelligence and great sexual skills. His current pictures are accurate and gives only a hint of what to expect. Wants to make the client a happy man by the time he leaves. In all my years of hiring, Alec is number one.


#2 Pick: Shaun Ross A fine young man with a heart of gold. Great BFE escort. Delightful personality and always a fun time. Really works hard to make sure you are having a good time. I hired him as a "gift" for a friend who has Parkinsons; a real challenge for an escort and Shaun made him very happy and stayed far beyond the paid time to ensure my friend had a good time; that is going beyond the call of duty and greatly appreciated.

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My three favorites are:


1. Scott Wade- met him for the first time last summer. Usually not into young guys, but Scott is kind, a good guy, makes me feel like a million dollars, and great in bed

2. Allen Silver- a beautiful body, an amazing lover, and a good man

2. Dane Scott- a great guy, amazing body, makes me feel like I am with a boy friend.

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Guest countryboywny

Dane Scott! I've only seen him once, but he is the total package. Just a great guy who is VERY sexy!


I can't nominate my go to guys, because they're past winners of EOY, Ace and Brandan Steele.

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Use either one or the other!


http://daddysreviews.com/art/misc/iPhone-OS-3.x-Contacts-app-icon.jpg... Once again it's time to vote for your special men.



I would be most grateful if you'd take a few moments and me an email to Daddy@DaddysReviews.com with the names of the top three escorts on your short list and a brief reason why they made it onto your list. If you prefer you can login to the Forum and look for the Escort Of The Year 2014 thread instead





My very best to each and every one of you!




I believe Daddy asked to have nominations sent directly to his email Daddy@DaddysReviews.com. I noticed that members are posting on the Forum. What is the acceptable method? If you submit in both manners, doesn't that become a duplication and voids out votes for the nominees? I personally think the email manner is by far the best method for nominees and voters.


Let us know.


Boston Bill


It would appear from Daddy's post that either you may email Daddy directly OR post it on the forum if you sign in. One. Or the other, either counts but don't do both! IMHO. (Please correct me if I am incorrect. I will post my choices in a bit.)


TruHart1 :cool:

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My votes this year are purely based on who I want to hire.


1- Alec Andrews. Closest I have come to getting off simply by looking at someone's pictures. Please please please stop this nonsense of requiring me to fly to LA and somehow find your residence. I don't want to go to LA. I don't want to drive in LA. I sure as hell don't want to get lost in LA. p.s. Immediately book a Las Vegas vacation and give me enough advance notice to fly out there myself and actually meet you!


2- Ryan Thick. Please feel free to tag along with Alec on that imaginary vacation to Las Vegas I mention above for old times sake and give me that tag team experience I have only dreamed about. I like what I see so far and appreciate you teasing with a little more than before (ad photos), but show me some more of your (hopefully clean shaven) beautiful face so I can drool on myself.


3- Scott #2 (San Diego) aka Scottie Wade. Your ad is gone from rentboy, so I am in a minor panic, but there is just something about you that makes me think that I would have a great time with you. I like your pictures, your reviews, your fans, and I am loving your reasonable rates (especially for overnights +). I hope you didn't retire because I am really working on getting to see you in early 2015.

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I was going to ask if we could nominate guys we had never been with, but it looks like Down-to-business answered this with his post. So in that case, I'm nominating the following, even though I've never hired them. My selection is solely based on their postings in these forums, in that they all seem like nice guys.


1. Kevin Slater

2. Juan Vancouver

3. Zach Wilson

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I believe Daddy asked to have nominations sent directly to his email Daddy@DaddysReviews.com. I noticed that members are posting on the Forum. What is the acceptable method? If you submit in both manners, doesn't that become a duplication and voids out votes for the nominees? I personally think the email manner is by far the best method for nominees and voters.


Let us know.


Boston Bill


I think the request for emails is because Daddy also posted the message on the homepage of the review site, which has many more visitors than the forum. If you are involved in the forum, I think you should feel free to post here. For people who are not members here, Daddy provided his email address.


I need to choose my #3 guy for this year before I post my choices. I already know my top 2, but deciding on the 3rd is difficult.

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1. Kyle Braun, San Francisco. Very hot great guy. Fabulous kisser and game for sweaty rough roleplays. I have him a rave review in 2013 and have seen him several times since then.


2. Ricky Decker, Washington and NYC. Very handsome, buff guy. Str8ish. Great kisser, good oralist and great bottom. Excellent with roleplays.


3. Tony Tigz, New York City. He is retiring tomorrow (I believe), so this is a goodbye valentine. He was a fabulous escort during his great run--did not publicize his services very much, but he is buff, handsome, versatile, passionate, safe, creative, and tons of fun. Salute!


Salute also to A.J. Irons and Tristan Baldwin, who are always my favs. Because they have been EOY before, I shall not formally nominate either of them this year--but they are the best in my opinion.

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Eli Daniels. Denver-based muscle stud who's quickly become my favorite. Killer body. Great attitude. Smart. Fun. Always on time. Always accommodating. Adventurous. I plan on seeing him frequently in 2015.


In my haste to vote for Eli Daniels, I neglected to include my #2: Ivan Gregory. Tall, muscular, energetic, smart, a killer ass and a sexy South African accent.

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Well, there's a certain former escort from San Francisco well-known to many of us forum members who would be my top choice, but he's now retired. And I have a couple of go-to guys worthy of a nomination, but they fly under the radar. That said, my choices:


1. Miles Previtire (formerly of Louisville, now of Las Vegas)

2. Andrew Justice

3. Sean Xavier

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EOY vote


I have been very fortunate in the past to be with several of our former EOY and none better than the current EOY Chris E. but I salute all the former EOYs as well. I have been lucky to spend more time with Chris this past year and a big shout out to former winners David, SF and Romann, you two are still high on my list of quality guys that I was lucky to spend time with this past year. I have a couple of honorable mentions to throw out, I had a tough time whittling down my list and as some of my friends know it is quite a list of guys I saw in 2014. To my long time consistent favorites, Dane Scott and Dave-Chicago Topper you are both fantastic wonderful people you probably deserve a listing but damn I don't know how to rearrange my top list but you both near the top of my list.


To Evan Lance in LA dude you are a great undiscovered sex machine and nice guy. I only had a two hour meeting but you are really one of the most dynamic sex partners and persons I cant forget. I am pretty sure if we had a second meeting you would have finished second in my book. If you have never met him, he finally has pictures that are worthy of this stud so see the man!


To Jack Ryan in Chicago, I am sorry you finished 4th on my list or better said 2.2, really after number one it was a 3-way (how appropriate for me) tie for second but I can only pick 3 and I want my vote to count and not be disqualified, Ugh, I don't like this but I have to choose. I could listen to you for hours with that Irish Brogue. Sexually, oh my god never a disappointment. I always feel well fucked afterwards and satisfied, dude you rock. If you are in Chicago he is a great guy to see.


When I looked at this past year and think of the one person who I could be with the entire year an no one else I have to pick Andrew Justice. First and foremost the model of consistency, from the first time I met him now almost 4 years ago until now, I have never been disappointed. Sexually always dynamic and always leaving me exhausted but wanting more. He is one of the very few people I have to say enough, and those that know me that does not happen that much with me. Where I always feel disappointed in myself with Andrew is orally. I want to take that dick but it just gets to much for me and not for lack of trying.


Alec Andrews I had my first encounter with him a year ago with his then partner, Ryan. We had an immediate connection. He has grown as an individual over the last year and if you to put a picture to the word gentleman in the dictionary his would be the pic. Like Evan Lance, finally pictures worth of the person and his Hollywood handsome good looks, especially when he has the scruff. He is my early pick for EOY 2015. I know the trauma of his personal break up and I know he would give this up if he could go back but you can only move forward. Ryan is a great guy too, but Alec on your own in this line of business, not personally, you are a star worthy of top billing. For me you are the person everyone will have their eyes on for next year and you deserve it friend.


Finally to Chris W of Seattle, through David-SF, is there a better person to recommend you, I have met a person who has become a friend, a person I can talk to who is honest with me and has added to the quality of life. He is just that kind of person. Sexually he offers totally different style than most while his pictures show that leather nasty side, he is anything but. He is leather and fister but not the nasty. He cant be, he is just to fucking nice of guy and has been nothing but sweet and supportive to me. He is wonderful in bed and the sex is great, a fabulous kisser and top for me.


To summarize my voting goes as follows:


1. Andrew Justice

2. Chris W.

3. Alex Andrews, if Daddy would let me have two seconds and than make it a tie but if not I will go this way this year.

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For many years David-SF has been and continues to a favorite of mine, but since prior EOY are not eligible for a second EOY, I will simply say that if a "life time achievement" award existed I would nominate David.


For this year's EOY, I nominate:


1. Dane Scott - A prince of a guy - caring, compassionate, one hundred percent versatile, fabulous kisser, excellent communications and a super body.


2. Andrew Maroc - Killer smile, good conversationalist, can provide the perfect boyfriend experience or can venture to the wild side.


Can not decide on a third

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If I get your drift: He retired in 2014... Wouldn't that be a wonderful going away present!


Well, there's a certain former escort from San Francisco well-known to many of us forum members who would be my top choice, but he's now retired. And I have a couple of go-to guys worthy of a nomination, but they fly under the radar. That said, my choices:


1. Miles Previtire (formerly of Louisville, now of Las Vegas)

2. Andrew Justice

3. Sean Xavier

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I am proud to nominate the following amazing gentleman as EOY 2014:




He is an outstanding person because he is constantly REAL, RELIABLE, and RESPECTFUL of All--his personal friends, his clients, and, very importantly, his fellow WORKING GUYS. Oh, by the way, he is also handsome and loves mutually satisfying sex.


Boston Bill

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I cast my #1 vote for RGM, from Chicago. With all the sensuality, a body that I melt for each time I see it, and that caring person, forges RGM into a complete package. He has taken me to places that I never thought I would go. Both figuratively and literally. Carly Simon sums him up in one of her songs:...Nobody does it better...Nobody does it half as good as you...Baby you're the best."

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1) Andrew Justice

2) JLA

3) Rod Hagen


All three are really nice guys, very affectionate, great tops, commanding and assertive, and great lays. Although each is different and unique, every time I'm with them, they draw me into the fantasy of having a wonderful experience with one's boyfriend. Wish they lived in New York City so I could see them more often.

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