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Tiger, out of the woods?

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Will $3 Million for Haiti Help Rescue Tiger's Reputation?


Tiger Woods has reportedly donated $3 million to Haiti relief efforts. Is this the beginning of the inevitable PR campaign to also rescue Tiger's reputation? Regardless of motive, Tiger's magnanimous gesture is good for Haiti: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/abraham/detail??blogid=95&entry_id=55338

Edited by JackTwist
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Timing is everything, all eyes are on the Olympics.




Perhaps most eyes are on the Olympics. I read that Woods is having his "press conference" on the day that Accenture is hosting its golf tournament. You will recall that Accenture dumped Woods in the most humiliating way, stating that his values did not reflect the companies'.


It is interesting that the PGA is offering their venue for the meeting with selected members of the media, who will be permitted no questions. Talk about trying to manipulate the message! Good luck!

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I'm torn between gawking this the most marvelous PR meltdown of the new century and pulling for Woods to make it back on the tour w/o first groveling in penitence before the media. I'm not sure whether it's possible but if anyone has it in 'em pull it off, it would be Tiger. Good luck, Eldrick.

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All he has to do is go back to playing to get back on the tour. What he is grovelling for is his endorsement money. He cared very little about his fans before all this. He would barely acknowledge people unless there was a camera around., So this PR hype is only to get the fan as buyer back. The fan as rooter for him, he could care less.

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That he's a prideful arrogant stubborn cuss is exactly what makes it just barely possible that he may be able to get away with stiff arming the media buzzards. And I not so sure he's all about the money anymore. Good Lord, he couldn't spend what he's already got if he kept a floozy on call in every motel room from Florida to Bankok. :D

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No he wants to be the winningest golfer with the most Grand Slams. He wants that for him and posterity. The money matters. The money almost always matters. There is the rare case of the computer zillionaire giving away money at a record clip but then again, it is going where he wants it to go. So he wants a legacy and he wants his money. He is grovelling for the money. The legacy would be his if he played. Of course, that legacy will now always have an asterisk. Tiger Woods great golfer but greater cad.

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5 things Tiger won't say...


1. "So long as you let me get back to winning golf tournaments, I don't really care what you think of me."


Woods is four victories shy of besting Jack Nicklaus' record of 18 major tournament wins. The Masters, an event Woods has won four times, will be held April 8 to 11.


2. "My own fame and fortune made my behavior possible."


For the past eight years, Woods has been the world's highest-paid athlete. Lucrative sponsorship deals made him one of the globe's most easily recognizable faces.


3. "Surprise, I haven't been cured of anything."


Unconfirmed reports say that since dropping out of the public eye, Woods has been treated in recent weeks for sex addiction at Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services in Hattiesburg, Miss.


4. "My behavior was bad for business."


A recent study suggested that as a result of Woods' affairs going public, his corporate sponsors have lost billions.


5. "Face it, golf has been incredibly boring without me."


Since Woods' departure, ticket sales for tournaments are down, as is television viewership for the PGA Tour.


Now that would make the press event something to write about.


~from David Knowles AOLNews~

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The arc of Mark McGwire's rehab offers a model that Woods might do well to imitate.


1) Bare minimun confession of error.

"I sinned. I committed adultry on a number of occasions."

[no need to get into gritty detail]


2) Public statement of contrition.

"I deeply regret how much my behavior has hurt my family, my friends and myself."

[Gonna have to bite this particular bullet, go ahead and get it out of the way.

Again avoid details]


3) Assertion of legitimacy of privacy.

"After today, I have no intention of discussing the details of my transgressions with the press. It serves no legitimate purpose and only harms my wife, what's her name, further." [see how hard I'm working to reconcile with my wife.]


4) Deflection of attention

"I've notified the PGA that I'm returning to the tour in March & will be playing in the _____ tournament. At that time, I'll speak to the media again.


5) Assert the primacy of golf at all future press conferences.

"We discussed all this back in Feb. Right now we're here to talk about the ____

tournament and golf. I shot a 67 the 1st day. Hole 12 was particularly yada yada yada.


6) Repeat (5) as necessary until media gets gives up on getting a juicy sound bite. [the more boring your answers the better. This part may take a couple of months.]


Talk of your tournament and majors record if you must but under no circumstances let even a hint of "the five things Tiger won't say" pass your lips. Oh, and take a pass on the floozies for a while.

Edited by MsGuy
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Does anyone here have any idea how treatment for "sex addiction" works? What does the treatment consist of in terms of specific measures? Group therapy? One on one with a trained pyschologist? Is abstinence de riguer during the treatment phase? Can one masturbate as an alternative? Are "boys nights out" permitted?


We all know that alcoholics are generally treated by turning off the booze spigot entirely. This is not the goal of treating sex addicts, I imagine, but rather to channel the sex drive into a narrow and acceptable channel, ie the sex addict's wife/husband or significant other. What happens if the sex addict is no longer turned on by their partner? Does the therapist advise divorce?


We all know that alcoholics who are treated have a huge recividism rate. Does the same apply to sex addiction treatment? Has anyone actually studied the issue? I had never even heard of sex addiction until I was middle aged, which seems like only yesterday but actually was a couple of decades ago.


In a way I feel sorry for Tiger. With his high profile he will not be able to return to his previous behaviour without it getting out. He is going to live in a fishbowl if he returns to golf, which seems likely given the huge losses being incurred by the profession/industry in his absence. His insistence on privacy that he exerted in the past will be viewed suspiciously in the future. Will he rename his yacht?


So many questions.

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Any comments on the speech?


It was awkward and clumsy enough to have been written by Tiger himself. I think it may turn out to have been an effective first step in his public rehabilitation.


Tiger managed to hit on Glutes point #2 w/o sounding smug about it.


He covered my points 1 through 3 and did my point 4 one better by leaving the PGA hanging.


Looks to me like Woods is well on his way to getting away with telling the media to stuff it. Good for him.

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That he said, "I have bitterly disappointed all of you," clinches it for me: he still doesn't get it that everything doesn't revolve around him. He hasn't bitterly disappointed me, because I don't care what he does sexually, and no sensible stranger would care. The people he has bitterly disappointed are his family, and the sponsors who paid him bigtime for endorsements that they now fear will not pay off. I am just moderately disappointed that the golf tournaments are less exciting without him.

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Until recently I don't think I knew how much the "media" hated Tiger. I knew he was reclusive and did not easily grant interviews but apparently the distaste for him is long and wide. He is NOT a team player as far as the media is concerned. He is entirely too private and doesn't wish to comment when they want him to. I have no general problem with this BUT his excellence at golf provided the winnings on the tourney but his rep as a person/golfer provided the relationship with his sponsors and the multi millions. He could not have done one without the other.


I don't know if that makes him obligated to his sponsors and his fans but it does make him a public figure and he can earn a "few million" dollars as a pro golfer maintaining his "privacy" image and personna or he can completely be forthcoming to the hungry wolves media and, perhaps one day, regain his place in the sun.


Not necessarily an easy choice but it is his to make.


Best regards,



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Until recently I don't think I knew how much the "media" hated Tiger.

Some do, some don't. The sports media seems divided. Some seem to be anxious to help him back to the Tour (in the hope of bringing back the big bucks?) Some seem pissed off they didn't get the chance to grill him. I saw one on ESPN sputtering with anger that he was excluded! :D


he can completely be forthcoming to the hungry wolves media and, perhaps one day, regain his place in the sun.


Me, I hope he makes it back w/o having to kow tow ad nauseum to the almighty media. Some of those guys have their own awfully inflated view of their place in the greater scheme of things. Fuck 'em. The non-sports media are just looking to fill air time and column inches. Woods can just wait them out. Some politician will divert their attention by getting caught with his pants down,


I am kinda glad his Dad didn't live to see him come to this. Moma's are more resilient about these kinds of things. On the other hand, maybe Eldrict wouldn't have fucked up so badly if Dad were still keeping an eye on him.

Edited by MsGuy
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Guest TBinCHI
That he said, "I have bitterly disappointed all of you," clinches it for me: he still doesn't get it that everything doesn't revolve around him. He hasn't bitterly disappointed me, because I don't care what he does sexually, and no sensible stranger would care. The people he has bitterly disappointed are his family, and the sponsors who paid him bigtime for endorsements that they now fear will not pay off. I am just moderately disappointed that the golf tournaments are less exciting without him.


This is just a further extension of the "Tiger is a role model" bullshit that I have previously decried. I agree with you that he didn't disappoint me and doesn't owe me an apology - that is reserved for his family and friends. Maybe his sponsors, but let's not forget how much money they made off of him. They are just disappointed that his image is tarnished and his shilling of their products may not be as lucrative FOR THEM. But, to a degree, Tiger did believe that the world revolved around him. Hence his mea culpa that because of his immense success he thought he was entitled to engage in the temptations. I do think he gets it, but only time will tell. At this point he has made his public apology, endured his humiliation and it is time to leave the guy alone. When he returns to golf, can you even imagine how the media pirhanas will analyze his every move? I wish that he could just return to golf and wow us with his talent.

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the serial cad speaks...


He's not sorry for his actions.. He's sorry he got caught!!


"Elin never hit me that night or any other night," Woods said. "There has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage, ever."


Lie. It was the cell phone and the golf club that 'hit' him.


"I felt I was entitled."


The world revolves around Tiger...

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