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Happy Pride Month! Patt Robertson is dead!

José Soplanucas
Message added by rvwnsd,


As a result of political commentary and personal attacks being posted, despite three moderator's warnings and having rules against posting such content, the moderators have decided to lock this thread.

Let's do a better job of keeping the political commentary and personal attacks out of The Company of Men. 

Thank you

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I just hate it when people use religion as an excuse to hate on the lgbtq community. They make it seem like being gay is the worst sin of mankind. It’s one of the reasons I’m pretty much no longer religious, and now lean more towards agnosticism. I was almost outed by a relative in my youth, said I was going to hell, even though I wasn’t out. Basically like a witch hunt for potential gays. I hope my post doesn’t get flagged as political or religious, because I think it’s an important discussion point.

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2 minutes ago, caramelsub said:

I just hate it when people use religion as an excuse to hate on the lgbtq community. They make it seem like being gay is the worst sin of mankind. It’s one of the reasons I’m pretty much no longer religious, and now lean more towards agnosticism. I was almost outed by a relative in my youth, said I was going to hell, even though I wasn’t out. Basically like a witch hunt for potential gays. I hope my post doesn’t get flagged as political or religious, because I think it’s an important discussion point.

People will use anything convenient to mask or justify their fears about people who are different than themselves - whether that is religion or any other cultural/social characteristic.  And a person can spin almost anything to make it seem like their views are supported - ultimately, I think it is insecurity in their own opinions that causes a person to do that.  People are targeted if they are different than the majority, and it has always been that way.  But it doesn't have to be, and I think it is possible to counter this by simply putting others first and truly loving our neighbours as ourselves - even in instances where they might seem to be our 'enemies'.  Not an easy thing to do, but very worthwhile.


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4 hours ago, BSR said:

Professional victims are celebrating the death of their "oppressor" Pat Robertson to validate their own delusions of victimhood.  For far too many Americans, victimhood is social currency.  Social status and prestige are not measured by money, looks, or education, but rather by one's degree of victimhood.  So professional victims bend over backward to pretend they were in some way oppressed by Pat Robertson to show off their victimhood bona fides.  It's the Cult of Victimhood's version of keeping up with the Joneses.

And when you fall into this cult of victimhood there always has to be a boogeyman. They need to constantly be tilting at windmills to spew hatred at imaginary oppressors....


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6 hours ago, BOZO T CLOWN said:

...Care to cite a few examples from an unbiased source? Bozo won't hold his breath...
try to calculate the number of lives he destroyed based on actual examples...

Much as it might be amusing to see a clown pass out from holding his breath...



Obviously, it's impossible to calculate the number of lives he destroyed, but my fiance is one of them. His parents were followers of his and they kicked him out when he came out to them. They have since apologized, but he obviously had to go through some tough time. 

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36 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

Obviously, it's impossible to calculate the number of lives he destroyed, but my fiance is one of them. His parents were followers of his and they kicked him out when he came out to them. They have since apologized, but he obviously had to go through some tough time. 

Whatever you say.

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So far, the haters on this thread have used Trevor Noah and The Advocate as their sources of Pat Robertson's alleged homophobia. Can't wait to see what they will use next... Bozo's money is on either the NYTimes or WaPo.

And @Unicorn blames Pat Robertson for parents allegedly throwing their son out of their home when he "came out" to them. Yet he fails to show any example, such as a TV program, interview or speech where Pat Roberston advocated for that. Instead, he posted a silly video from Trevor Noah's Daily Show. Just another symptom of the victimhood cult. As @augustus so profoundly pointed out - blame others for your ills.



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13 minutes ago, BOZO T CLOWN said:

So far, the haters on this thread have used Trevor Noah and The Advocate as their sources of Pat Robertson's alleged homophobia. Can't wait to see what they will use next... Bozo's money is on either the NYTimes or WaPo.

And @Unicorn blames Pat Robertson for parents allegedly throwing their son out of their home when he "came out" to them. Yet he fails to show any example, such as a TV program, interview or speech where Pat Roberston advocated for that. Instead, he posted a silly video from Trevor Noah's Daily Show. Just another symptom of the victimhood cult. As @augustus so profoundly pointed out - blame others for your ills.



I'm not sure it is fair to include those harmed in this way as a victimhood cult.  Real pain and suffering have been experienced by people as a result of the bigotry displayed by those who have used religious reasons for denouncing identity - though in a twisted way those bigots may honestly think they are 'helping' non-straight people by being so harsh, mistakenly thinking a person can change how they were born.  In any case this is much more serious in terms of consequences (self-harm, suicide, self-hate, etc) than other examples of modern victimhood, such as having to work a full shift, not being able to buy that pair of pants you want, or not receiving a participation trophy.  Those things might be considered part of a cult of victimhood perhaps, but becoming isolated and disowned by those closest to you because they believe your lifestyle is an abomination is true victimhood by my estimation.  Ultimately this is all subjective because what victimizes one person may not victimize another, but on the balance, many of the sexually other have suffered greatly due to the opinions, words and actions of others. And not only the sexually other, but those who are wrongly assumed to be sexually other.  While things have generally improved, in parts of the USA and Canada the struggles of the sexually other are little different than they were decades ago.  Perhaps we need to put ourselves in others' shoes to understand things better.

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1 minute ago, CuriousByNature said:

Real pain and suffering have been experienced by people as a result of the bigotry displayed by those who have used religious reasons for denouncing identity - though in a twisted way those bigots may honestly think they are 'helping' non-straight people by being so harsh, mistakenly thinking a person can change how they were born.

Anti-gay people are not all religious and most aren't, I'm sure.  People mostly reject homosexuality for social reasons or out of fear.  

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6 hours ago, BSR said:

Professional victims are celebrating the death of their "oppressor" Pat Robertson to validate their own delusions of victimhood.  For far too many Americans, victimhood is social currency.  Social status and prestige are not measured by money, looks, or education, but rather by one's degree of victimhood.  So professional victims bend over backward to pretend they were in some way oppressed by Pat Robertson to show off their victimhood bona fides.  It's the Cult of Victimhood's version of keeping up with the Joneses.

Let's take a shot every time @BSR says cult of victimhood! 


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17 minutes ago, augustus said:

Anti-gay people are not all religious and most aren't, I'm sure.  People mostly reject homosexuality for social reasons or out of fear.  

Complete BS statement and you know it. Have you ever seen those protesting antigay hatred? They virtually always use religion as their justification. Both of my fiance's parents were pastors. I have other friends who've been disowned by their families, and 100% of the time it's due to religious reasons. Mormon families are among the worst (though my fiance's are evangelical/prior Pentecostal). 

Anti-gay protesters met by counterprotesters in Guerneville


Anti Gay rally Stock Photo - Alamy

Anti-Gay Westboro Baptist Church Protests the Oscars, Sean Penn Reacts |  LAist

Anti-gay church group to speak to CMU Journalism class

MarriageEquality, Trying to Testify Before the Court - The New York Times

Video] Atlanta Pride Trans March's huge turnout drowns out anti-gay  protesters – Georgia Voice – Gay & LGBT Atlanta News

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25 minutes ago, augustus said:

People who think all or most gays and lesbians aren't judgmental or can't get real nasty are absolutely delusional.  The intolerance level is off the charts.

I don't begrudge Pat Robertson for being judgmental. After all, HE's the one who claimed to believe the words of Jesus, who is purported to have said “Do not judge, or you too will be judged." I begrudge him for being an ignorant, hate-filled, money-grabbing manipulator who enriched himself at the expense of others. Had he read his Bible, he would know that Jesus also supposedly said "Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." As an atheist, I myself have no fear of being judgmental or rich. 😉 And I hereby find PR to be guilty of having lived an extraordinarily sinful life, spewing hatred for profit.

Former Alabama judge guilty of ethics violations | Alabama Public Radio

Marc Murphy on Twitter: "Pat Robertson is finally dead. His victims are  innumerable. He grew his brand of hate to international acclaim. He stands  at ground zero of the modern Christian Nationalism

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28 minutes ago, Unicorn said:

Complete BS statement and you know it. Have you ever seen those protesting antigay hatred? They virtually always use religion as their justification. Both of my fiance's parents were pastors. I have other friends who've been disowned by their families, and 100% of the time it's due to religious reasons. Mormon families are among the worst (though my fiance's are evangelical/prior Pentecostal). 

Anti-gay protesters met by counterprotesters in Guerneville


Anti Gay rally Stock Photo - Alamy

Anti-Gay Westboro Baptist Church Protests the Oscars, Sean Penn Reacts |  LAist

Anti-gay church group to speak to CMU Journalism class

MarriageEquality, Trying to Testify Before the Court - The New York Times

Video] Atlanta Pride Trans March's huge turnout drowns out anti-gay  protesters – Georgia Voice – Gay & LGBT Atlanta News

The 2 dozen members of Westboro again?

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24 minutes ago, augustus said:

The 2 dozen members of Westboro again?

You're factually wrong, once again. If you'd bother to look at the website on one of the signs, it makes reference to "Official Street Preachers." That website clearly states how their organization differs in its beliefs from WBC:



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4 hours ago, Unicorn said:

You're factually wrong, once again. If you'd bother to look at the website on one of the signs, it makes reference to "Official Street Preachers." That website clearly states how their organization differs in its beliefs from WBC:



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If you want to get all hair-splitty, then yes, @augustus is wrong.  But really, same song, different verse.  How many members does this group I've never seen or heard of have?

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People who are guided by their faith are tolerable.  Religious zealots are the worst.  I've experienced religious zealots within my own family, family friends and some neighbors.  They all carry a Bible in one hand and a knife for backstabbing in the other.

If there is an after-life, and they are going to be there, I'll pass.

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1 hour ago, BSR said:

If you want to get all hair-splitty, then yes, @augustus is wrong.  But really, same song, different verse.  How many members does this group I've never seen or heard of have?

Not hair-splitty. He stated "Anti-gay people are not all religious and most aren't...". Rather than respond to my post that his statement was BS, he was the one who got hair-splitty to (falsely) claim that the only people protesting were WBC. The truth is that you, he, and I all know that virtually 100% of all anti-gay hatred has a religious basis, in the US and in every country in the world. I've been to a lot of gay parades, and counter-protestors ALWAYS add religion to their messages. Lots of gay men have been rejected by their families. Do you or he know of ONE who wasn't rejected on the basis of religious objections? No, you do not. 

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10 hours ago, caramelsub said:

I just hate it when people use religion as an excuse to hate on the lgbtq community. They make it seem like being gay is the worst sin of mankind. It’s one of the reasons I’m pretty much no longer religious, and now lean more towards agnosticism. I was almost outed by a relative in my youth, said I was going to hell, even though I wasn’t out. Basically like a witch hunt for potential gays. I hope my post doesn’t get flagged as political or religious, because I think it’s an important discussion point.

It was an excuse to make money and gain power!


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The Los Angeles Times reported that the religious fanatics were at it again at yesterday's pride parade. And, no, they weren't WBC.


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