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My observation of the SoCal market:


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I was happy to come out to San Diego area to get a break from the dreary Midwest winter. Been able to stay in the area temporarily, so it’s been a bit longer than previous trips where I was in/out within a couple or so days. This time it’s been a couple weeks.

I won’t say the area “sucks” or that I haven’t met some fun clients. However, I just find it very challenging to work out here. For one: inquiries here have been numerous, but irregular. Many replies go unresponsive. It’s not been “slow” but it’s been slow in the amount of serious people out here. 

I’ve also been doing mainly outcalls, because I’m staying “remotely” at a friend’s house, so I’m not just draining money on these expensive hotels everyday waiting for calls: but I have figured out which hotels/air bnbs in town I’d like to stay if I do get a booking to host: Except all my serious bookings have been Outcalls, and the ones trying to get me to host have not been reliable, so end up not meeting. 

At this point, I’m just feeling over it. I been eagerly needing to escape my horrid home area market which has almost put me out of commission. This is still better than that, because at least I’m getting calls…But the turnover has been high. Not to mention it’s so expensive here, I can’t even get into a decent hotel to host. Even with AAA, points, and 3rd party discount sites: I’ve not found a way to justify dropping a load of money on a room. In fact I did that last week for 2 nights: nobody showed up or followed directions. Just wasted money.

Hopefully the weekend brings about better results. It seems most of my bookings have been then. But overall, it’s been a nice stay, though much more riff raff than desired.


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Having lived in San Diego I can give you a few insights:

  • A large proportion of the population is flaky (as you learned)
  • The escort market has historically been "not great," and it is likely clients are hypersensitive to the slightest indication an escort might flake on them (not saying you would, @Jarrod_Uncut )
  • People take forever to respond. It applies to escorts and clients, again as you learned.


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On 3/24/2023 at 4:41 AM, Pensant said:

San Diego is now the only part of CA I care to visit, along with SLO and perhaps the Humboldt and Del Norte County area.


As a native of Florida, I feel San Diego is the big brother of Tampa, Florida. However, I don’t feel like I’m in Tampa here because the proximity to the border, the hills and layout of the city It seems the California cities encompass more than 1 east coast twin: Los Angeles is Miami and Atlanta combined, San Francisco is DC and Fort Lauderdale combined. San Diego is a twin is Tampa and San Antonio Texas. Especially the large military presence and the endless lukewarm days, cold nights, which you don’t get in Florida like this.

Was out in Coronado beach yesterday and even with the sun over head, it was just…chilly unless you were walking on pavement.

On 3/24/2023 at 4:27 PM, jeezifonly said:

Many clients who are attracted to a provider will have to scratch them off the list if they are unable to host. It’s not you, it’s the situation of your visit. 

It’s just an uncompromising double standard out here though. They want me to host, but then don’t want to send deposit or want to low ball my rates. Hotels here are expensive. I didn’t even have a confirmed client the first 7 days I was here. I had funds set aside from the first week of my tour coming down from Arizona. 

If a client seems sincere, I tell them: “I’m a guest at a friend’s place. I can host, but need a confirmed booking if I do so”. If I spend 3-4 nights in hotels here at these prices…I’m going to burn thru all my earnings before I can even be guaranteed I’m going to make it back. Yet people want to complain about a measly $50-100 deposit.

It also doesn’t matter if I’m already at the hotel or not. I get tired of people making it like, “Don’t get a room just for me”. Like hello genius : I’m going to stay at the room too. Use common sense. But I’m not going to stay there by default if I can stay elsewhere for free. It’s non of their business what I’m doing with the hotel. All I ask is money down when I’m hosting. Period.

Even the other day: I had already had a hotel booked, because I needed room to breathe from friends place. I still asked the client for $20 deposit, as the room was booked by one of my regular clients in a different state, as a courtesy. So I had to ensure I put my regular security measure in place. 


On 3/24/2023 at 6:46 PM, rvwnsd said:

Having lived in San Diego I can give you a few insights:

  • A large proportion of the population is flaky (as you learned)
  • The escort market has historically been "not great," and it is likely clients are hypersensitive to the slightest indication an escort might flake on them (not saying you would, @Jarrod_Uncut )
  • People take forever to respond. It applies to escorts and clients, again as you learned.


Point on point. It’s very flaky, but I’ve met some great people here as well. Clients and guys at the nightclubs (Granted one was from Europe so, he technically didn’t compare to the typical scene guys here…which reminds me of the flaky Orlando guys I used to couldn’t stand when I lived there either). 

I have noticed new escorts seem to pop up here everyday/week. It’s not as competitive and over saturated as Los Angeles (Where the first page has all platinum boosted ads). But it’s still grounds for making it hard to nail clients down due to the plethora of options, though I somewhat stand out here more.

Idk, like I said: all of America cities are just over-done. I want to focus on the success and not highlight the negative, but having a bunch of unreliable ones and only a handful of serious ones, just puts a damper on things.

I don’t need to see clients everyday, or multiple times a day. I can, but it’s not required. All I need is perhaps a client every other day, or a staggered. Like this weekend, I had a client Friday but Saturday and Sunday nobody. Somebody should have shown up, but the 2-3 I was working with all bailed. It’s that kind of stuff that messes up the flow.

Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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On 3/24/2023 at 4:08 AM, Jarrod_Uncut said:

Not to mention it’s so expensive here, I can’t even get into a decent hotel to host. Even with AAA, points, and 3rd party discount sites: I’ve not found a way to justify dropping a load of money on a room. In fact I did that last week for 2 nights: nobody showed up or followed directions. Just wasted money.

Do you know about the app called Dayuse? Check it out!


Enter San Diego in the destination search to find hotels there.


Edited by Marc in Calif
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17 hours ago, Marc in Calif said:

Do you know about the app called Dayuse? Check it out!


Enter San Diego in the destination search to find hotels there.


I kinda forgot about dayuse this trip, but good point. I think that would be great to do when I need a hotel early morning. But I usually want to keep the room for the rest of the day/night. Having to check in and check out within hours seems like A waste. Even staying overnight in a hotel barely feels like enough time for me. I also pack a lot of luggage with things I need in each bag. I haven’t quite mastered the art of “packing light” when it comes to 3-4 week trips lol. I literally use everything I bring.

However: that’s something I would suggest to a client in the future if they can’t host, in the event I have a place to stay but just can’t host.

Remember: the price of the room technically comes out of my fee. If I’m spending $80-100 on a room, and my visit is 275/300: that’s really only 180-200 I’m actually getting. And if it’s only 1 person show up that afternoon/booked slot: then that’s all I get. Not terrible, but not great either if it’s not happening everyday/few times a week. If I could get each inquiry as they come in: maybe. But majority wants to play games and be on BS. Or they have limited windows.

And in my observation; and has been said: it’s hard to get some to COME when I AM in a hotel. The only way I find works for me: is getting deposit and having them confirm/commit. But I’m not going to just rent a room just to hangout, unless in a case like tonight: I just happened to need one anyway and didn’t have a choice because my 2 crash pad options fell thru.

And I checked the prices in San Diego: it’s just as much as a night in a typical hotel. It’s less than the overnight rate, but I’m from Orlando by the way of Texas. I am accustom to those rates for a night. Obviously in California the hotels want to break your fucking legs and your pockets on weekends (was seeing stuff at basic hotels for $200-300 a night around Los Angeles and Palm Springs last weekend). 



I don’t do these cross country tours often, but partly because it’s so unpredictable what the hotels will charge day to day. It’s always some silly sporting event or college activity going on that has nothing to do with me. If I don’t have reliable people to stay with, I’m draining my finances or even risking not having a place to stay at all.

I’m about to revert back to removing all nude pics. No free entertainment. But it’s hard when other guys are showing full on dick and ass…but at some point in life, I just have to be different than the rest. Can’t follow the crowd.


Edited by Jarrod_Uncut
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