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Quick Flake Alert on ChaseGavin of New Orleans


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Just a quick flake alert on Chase Gavin in New Orleans:  https://app.rent.men/ChaseGavin

I decided to initiate contact because he epitomizes what I'm looking for, and that rarely happens anymore.

His ad is only 12 days old, and he has no phone for contact, and I've always been reluctant to use RM's message system, but he's so appealing to me I did go ahead and use it.  Here's our correspondence:

Me (3:35 p.m. CST yesterday):

Hi, Chase.  My name is <first name supplied>.  I like your ad!  Here is a link for my own profile, which has as hashtags the only things I seek: <like supplied>

Chase (4:07 p.m. CST yesterday):

hey there yeah we could work something out  how are ya?

Me (4:51 p.m. CST yesterday):

I’m well.  Are there days of the week and times that work best for you?

Chase (4:56 p.m. CST yesterday):

this weekend could work

Me (5:09 p.m. CST yesterday):

Okay.  Would Saturday about 2 pm work well for you?

Me, after an extended period of no reply yet the system showing he'd logged on several times (7:39 p.m. CST Yesterday):

If it doesn’t, just indicate which day and time does work for you, and I should be able to make it work.  I can also host, but I live in Baton Rouge.

I checked several times today, and RM's messaging system shows him having logged on within a couple of hours from me having done so (notwithstanding that his ad itself shows it's been two days since he logged on which is not correct because even the ad itself earlier today showed he'd logged on today).  Hence, I'm chalking this up as a flake experience and wanted to memorialize that fact in the event anyone runs a search on this site. 

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2 hours ago, jusmeinbr said:

That’s precisely why I contacted him!  It’s been nearly a decade since a new entrant to the New Orleans market could even come close to the appeal he has for me.

Are you going to give him a review?

It makes me wonder how many clients he's actually had.

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3 hours ago, guru68 said:

Are you going to give him a review?

It makes me wonder how many clients he's actually had.

It’s my understanding that RM requires you to have actually met to submit a review.  Since we did not, I wouldn’t seem to qualify.  As pointed out, his ad is only 13 days old, so I seriously doubt he’s had an actual meeting yet.

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14 minutes ago, Lazarus said:

The situation sounds dire in New Orleans. 

That’s been the case for a long time!  Guys like Chase were plentiful in NO 15 - 20 years ago, but for the last 10 - 12 years, they’ve been almost nonexistent!

I was also happy that Chase divulged his rate in his ad, and I would gladly pay that and would anticipate being a client who would enjoy many more meetings, but it appears that was all just a mirage.

The only consolation is the fact that I can purchase about 40 pounds of boiled crawfish for the cost of a one-hour meeting with him, and they bring a ton of happiness to me too.  😀.

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I'm sorry, but that's not someone flaking on you. If you two had agreed on a day and time to meet and he canceled last minute or didn't show up, THEN he would be a flake. But all he said is that this weekend "could" work and then he never got back to you. Maybe he decided he wasn't interested, or was too busy. He hasn't made concrete plans with you, so he doesn't owe you anything. And it's very rude of you to post about him being a flake on here, as this could affect his reputation before he even gets his career as a pro off the ground. 

And for those of you suggesting a review, you need to check your entitlement. No one is obliged to meet with you, and you are not entitled to review a pro you have not met with. Period. 

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1 hour ago, procheck said:

I'm sorry, but that's not someone flaking on you. If you two had agreed on a day and time to meet and he canceled last minute or didn't show up, THEN he would be a flake. But all he said is that this weekend "could" work and then he never got back to you. Maybe he decided he wasn't interested, or was too busy. He hasn't made concrete plans with you, so he doesn't owe you anything. And it's very rude of you to post about him being a flake on here, as this could affect his reputation before he even gets his career as a pro off the ground. 

And for those of you suggesting a review, you need to check your entitlement. No one is obliged to meet with you, and you are not entitled to review a pro you have not met with. Period. 

You have your definition of "flake," and I have mine, and by MY standards (and I've been hiring for 20 years), he flaked!!\.  Pure and simple!  I was polite in asking him what day and times may work, and he said, "this weekend could." 

I then proposed a date and time, and he discontinued all correspondence.  That's a classic "flake" in my book!

I even inquired, if my proposed time didn't work, suggest one that will work and I should be able to make it happen. 

I started the correspondence by giving him the direct link to my own profile, which told him tons about me including the only three activities I'm interested in (very specific and conveyed via hashtags).  If, upon seeing that material, he, "wasn't interested," all he had to do is say so.  Other providers have been very courteous in that regard, and I've indicated to them that I appreciated their honesty.


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20 minutes ago, procheck said:

*shrugs* This is literally one of the top threads on here and I'm diving right in bc the attitudes on display irk me. Am I supposed to wait a few weeks before joining conversations? 

Post whenever you'd like, but for someone new, you sure come on laying down the law!

Rough introduction to the “Big Easy?”  Buckle up!  It’s going to get much rougher!

I also sense something, particularly the screen name being plural, and that's more than a little interesting given the follow-up post I made on this forum earlier today.

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Just now, jusmeinbr said:

You have your definition of "flake," and I have mine, and by MY standards (and I've been hiring for 20 years), he flaked!!\.  Pure and simple!  I was polite in asking him what day and times may work, and he said, "this weekend could." 

I then proposed a date and time, and he discontinued all correspondence.  That's a classic "flake" in my book!

I even inquired, if my proposed time didn't work, suggest one that will work and I should be able to make it happen. 

I started the correspondence by giving him the direct link to my own profile, which told him tons about me including the only three activities I'm interested in (very specific and conveyed via hashtags).  If, upon seeing that material, he, "wasn't interested," all he had to do is say so.  Other providers have been very courteous in that regard, and I've indicated to them that I appreciated their honesty.


Don't get me wrong - the courteous thing to do would have been to say he wasn't interested or something.

But I do not agree that he flaked on you. He dropped out of the earliest, most non-comital stage of communication. Clients do this to providers all the time. I think of a flake as someone who makes plans and then bails or doesn't show up.

I think of the word "flake" as a serious thing to call someone in this ecosystem, because peoples' reputations as providers are built on trust and reliability. Clients have the benefit often of being anonymous and unaccountable and being able to mistreat and string along providers without consequence or damage to their reputation. Providers do not have recourse to report clients as "flakes" in a big, public way.

Now, obviously you disclosed who you were in a way that is refreshing and better than the average client. It also sounds like you displayed courteous, thorough communication and it is unfortunate that he did not reciprocate. But I feel like impugning his name on this forum just because he never got back to you at the earliest stage of communication is a bit uncalled for.

But I guess it's not worth getting into any further. I've said my opinion. I'm not interested in anything heated or overly contentious.

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Just now, jusmeinbr said:

Post whenever you'd like, but for someone new, you sure come on laying down the law!

Rough introduction to the “Big Easy?”  Buckle up!  It’s going to get much rougher!

I also sense something, particularly the screen name being plural, and that's more than a little interesting given the follow-up post I made on this forum earlier today.

Screen name being plural? Don't understand what you mean by that. Not tryina lay down any law, either. Just saying how I see it. I think it's important for providers to push back on some of the disrespectful attitudes that clients can display at times (I am not referring to you so much as the voices calling for bad reviews when an encounter never happened), especially when they're just talking amongst themselves, and the same holds true the other way. Ideally, more respectful behavior is encouraged on both ends in the exchange. It should be a respectful dance both ways. 

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17 minutes ago, procheck said:

Screen name being plural? Don't understand what you mean by that. Not tryina lay down any law, either. Just saying how I see it. I think it's important for providers to push back on some of the disrespectful attitudes that clients can display at times (I am not referring to you so much as the voices calling for bad reviews when an encounter never happened), especially when they're just talking amongst themselves, and the same holds true the other way. Ideally, more respectful behavior is encouraged on both ends in the exchange. It should be a respectful dance both ways. 

A digression, I know, but if you are Chase I would like to make out with you and count your orgasms.

Otherwise, welcome.

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8 minutes ago, procheck said:

Screen name being plural? Don't understand what you mean by that. Not tryina lay down any law, either. Just saying how I see it. I think it's important for providers to push back on some of the disrespectful attitudes that clients can display at times (I am not referring to you so much as the voices calling for bad reviews when an encounter never happened), especially when they're just talking amongst themselves, and the same holds true the other way. Ideally, more respectful behavior is encouraged on both ends in the exchange. It should be a respectful dance both ways. 

It said “newbies” beneath the screen name, so I may have erred on that and it may have been how the forum classifies members by length of membership.  Not sure why it said “newbies” rather than “newbie.”  Anyway, I’ll own that one.

I’ve been on this forum about eight years as a member (and knew of it long before joining), and it’s an invaluable resource.  I’ve been spared what would have been disastrous meetings by this forum’s contents.   It’s pretty common to report sudden drops in communications.  I think the term often used is ghosting, but I prefer flake.

As my RM profile says, I rarely even respond to ads anymore because, as I said in the outset of this post, it’s so rare for me to find what I’m looking for.  

Chase was an exception, and I truthfully indicated that his pictures and profile details were the best I’ve seen enter the NO market in a decade.  It wasn’t meant to be, however, and I’ve moved on.  

As for the title of the post, prospective clients can read it and make up their own minds if it impacts their desires to initiate contact or not.


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Just now, jusmeinbr said:

It said “newbies” beneath the screen name, so I may have erred on that and it may have been how the forum classifies members by length of membership.  Not sure why it said “newbies” rather than “newbie.”  Anyway, I’ll own that one.

I’ve been on this forum about eight years as a member (and knew of it long before joining), and it’s an invaluable resource.  I’ve been spared what would have been disastrous meetings by this forum’s contents.   It’s pretty common to report sudden drops in communications.  I think the term often used is ghosting, but I prefer flake.

As my RM profile says, I rarely even respond to ads anymore because, as I said in the outset of this post, it’s so rare for me to find what I’m looking for.  

Chase was an exception, and I truthfully indicated that his pictures and profile details were the best I’ve seen enter the NO market in a decade.  It wasn’t meant to be, however, and I’ve moved on.  

As for the title of the post, prospective clients can read it and make up their own minds if it impacts their desires to initiate contact or not.


I understand where you're coming from, and your intentions, and am sorry to hear you've not had good luck finding guys that do it for you lately. 

Wishing you the best and happy hunting.

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On 12/9/2022 at 6:25 PM, jusmeinbr said:

I checked several times today, and RM's messaging system shows him having logged on within a couple of hours from me having done so (notwithstanding that his ad itself shows it's been two days since he logged on which is not correct because even the ad itself earlier today showed he'd logged on today).  Hence, I'm chalking this up as a flake experience and wanted to memorialize that fact in the event anyone runs a search on this site. 

Quick question/point of clarification for the OP regarding the system showing him logged in after you sent your last message.  That may or may not mean he opened/read the message you sent.  In the message dialogue if he did open your message there should be two check marks next to your last message (at least that is my understanding of that).  I would have hoped he would have responded if he did read it but there may be a chance your message got buried in a barrage of messages he may have received and never got to yours.  Just a thought but if he did read it and didn't responded then definitely ghosting you (or flaking on you if you prefer that term).

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