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Do you get strange dreams you can't interpret?


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On 10/16/2021 at 3:58 PM, Lucky said:

I am so lucky to have the most fabulous dreams ever. They are like huge Broadway shows with lots of color and interesting characters. If I could create in real life the sets I create for my dreams, I'd be famous! The think I like most about the dreams is that they are usually warm-hearted.


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Well, I had a dream the other night that I could interpret. For dinner, we had turkey tacos, and there was some extra meat left over, which I thought I'd mix with my dog's food the next morning. I went to bed thinking of some carnal thoughts regarding Aamir Khan, the Zoobi Doobi song from 3 Idiots in my head. I then dreamt of being at the movie's cast party, and at the end of the party there was a large plate of boneless chicken wings which weren't consumed. I asked the caterer if I could take them home to my dog, and she said she was afraid I wouldn't bring back the plate. I said "Ask any cast member. I'm an extremely reliable man!". She ended up letting me take the chicken home for my pooch. Now that I think of it, I don't even know if they eat boneless chicken wings in India....


News: Sonic - New Boneless Chicken Wings | Brand Eating

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I have had very unusual and prolonged dreams which I will remember vividly in the morning and throughout the day if I take the time to review them before getting out of bed  and especially before opening my eyes.  I have had all sorts of unexpected people populate my dreams from childhood acquaintances, to political figures such as Madeline Albright and people to the moment long after their moment has passed such as Judge Lance Ito.  

My dreams are in color and brightly light usually.  I have had all the classic type of dreams  erotic, falling, in school and unprepared for a test, unable to find my clothing, erotic and every now and then erotic.   My favorite dreams involve my latewife as it is a way of spending time with her again but when I awaken and she is still gone it is melancholy

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I had the most wonderful dreams again last night. It's the complexity of them that fascinates me because I know I could never create that while not sleeping. Last night it was giving people's money away...I just can't remember the details now!

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1 hour ago, Lucky said:

I had the most wonderful dreams again last night. It's the complexity of them that fascinates me because I know I could never create that while not sleeping. Last night it was giving people's money away...I just can't remember the details now!

"People's money"? Whose money can you give other than your own?


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On 10/15/2021 at 1:33 PM, Unicorn said:

I've had this recurring (every 4 weeks or so) dream for the last couple of years that I find annoying and can't figure out. It's that one or more of my teeth are falling out. I've always had very good teeth--only one minor filling in my entire life--so I'm not sure why I get that dream. When I look online at what loose teeth mean in a dream, I get "Teeth falling out are associated with loss and important life changes. This dream could indicate that you're dealing with some kind of loss, like an abrupt end to a relationship or a job change." The dreams kind of did start when I lost my mother, so maybe that's it, or maybe it has something to do with my retirement?

Then last night I dreamt I was in a passionate marriage with Christopher Gorham. Although I was stricken by him when he played a blind CIA agent in Covert Affairs in the early 2010's, I hadn't thought about him in years (and have had many crushes since), so I'm not sure why he came up. I know he's quite straight (albeit a gay ally), long-happily married, with multiple children. I have no idea why he suddenly came to my dreams. For some reason, during the series Covert Affairs, they often had him take his shirt off. I remember swooning all of those times. But there have been many men I've swooned over for decades, even more taken by Greg Evigan or Shaun Cassidy. 

Do you ever wonder why you get vivid dreams? Dreams you can't explain? Here's Christopher Gorham:

Christopher Gorham Collage by slayerxy on DeviantArt


The Gorham Family | NOH8 Campaign

I usually dream about  people  I know, or knew. Especially a former male neighbor (and friend)  who was a bit of a  sexy exhibitionist

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  • 2 weeks later...

My dreams are typically a way for my subconscious mind to release stress which is why I dream more often when I'm stressed or anxious or feeling down. What is weird is sometimes I will erotic dreams if I masturbate right before bedtime, My dreams tend to be allegorical but I did have one dream recently that I didn't realize was literal until a month after I had it. I'm still dealing with the implication of that dream now.

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I have traveled the world from 1972 until the present and have never dreamed about any of my experiences.  This has troubled me, for I've been fortunate to have lived in two distinct continents (English speaking) and traveled to six of the seven.  Unfortunately, none of my traveling experiences have recurred in any dream of mine, but I do yearn for this to happen.

...haven't had to analyze any of my other dreams, except water appears far too often in some of them, and I cannot swim.  This is something that perplexes me and gives me thoughts.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/15/2021 at 1:33 PM, Unicorn said:

Do you ever wonder why you get vivid dreams? Dreams you can't explain?

Dream interpretation is complicated.

Your subconscious runs thousands of permutations of events throughout your evening. You remember only the last one. The  stranger the dream the more combinations you've considered that night.  The ones you remember are often the ones that woke you up and are therefore the more disturbing combination of events. In general, the "script" is often a very abstract representation of your conscious day. So taking it too literally is not recommended.  Losing your teeth, could be a memory of childhood when the loss of your baby tooth was something your mother would help you with and praise you for having finally worked it loose without swallowing. Possibly rewarding you with a visit from the Tooth-Fairy. All warm memories of a loving parent. Dreaming you lost your tooth as an adult could be a desperate attempt to somehow return to those more innocent days and caring moments, but mixed with the reality that you can't give up your adult teeth and therefore you can't get back what you've lost, when a beloved parent passes.

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Throughout my life I have had death dreams. The first one I had took place at the house I grew up in. My dad was home and I had a black German shepherd dog named eclipse. Some people broke into the house to rob us and they abducted both my father and I leaving eclipse to run outside of the house. She stayed on the property but, the thieves put us into a blue impala and drove up the block. One of the thieves was the driver and my dad was in the front seat tied and gagged. I was in the backseat with the other thief and he had a gun.  There are only two blocks in the neighborhood I grew up in. My family home was in the lower block. When we got to the top of the upper block, There is a house that has large boulders surrounding the street sign. As we turned the corner there, I reached around to the front seat grab the steering wheel and steer the car into the boulders. The next thing I know I’m running down the street towards another neighbors house where they are having a party in the basement. As I’m running I can see blood dripping in front of me. I get to these peoples house and I’m downstairs and they are all moving very very slowly. Suddenly, there is this roaring grinding sound and I realize that is the sound from our car crashing into the rocks. I then realized that I’ve been shot and I’m dead. I go back to my parents house where I find Eclips running around the house trying to get in. She can actually see me and I go up to her and I talk to her and I hug her I reassure her that everything is OK and then guide her to an open window well where she can get in. The next thing I know I’m in a hospital room but it is very barren. My dad comes in briefly with my brother and they’re looking at me. I’m actually above all of them and looking down at my body on the table. I realize that there’s no reason for me to stay there and so I exit the room. I stayed out of that room and into this very large room that has stone floors and stone walls. Very tall ceilings. The room is probably 100‘ x 200‘. I’m basically standing on one edge in the middle of the 200 foot lengths. Across from me in the floor is an aqueduct/waterway that is about 6 feet across and runs the length of the room. I walk into the middle of this area and out of the wall comes this 15 foot tall black dog like being who walks towards me. He doesn’t speak  and I look up at him. He is large in stature and silence but I am not afraid. He extends his hand and I do except it. We walk to the river and stand there for a second. I walk across that water to the other side and the large canine being disappears back into the wall~ Suddenly, there is a large opening in the wall. I walk through that opening into a very large metal barracks style shelter~ 

 It has a door leading outdoors. I walk out to see an endless road that passes in front of this structure~ I miss endless road is uncountable numbers of people all ages, all sizes, all races and they are anywhere from 25 to 40 abreast. They are all walking along this road. I wonder to myself: “why don’t they just go up~?” 
 Standing there outside of the line of this moving massive crowd, I extend my arms out from the side and push down fast and hard. I do that repeatedly and it lifts me off the ground. I extend my legs forward straight out from my body and I keep slapping my arms which raises me up into the air. I go up into the sunshine and through these clouds. I end up in this area that I am familiar with it is approximately 40’ x 40’~ there are intact and broken columns/pillars and the floor itself is comprised of slabs of marble and stone that are not completely flat… More like a ruins. Off to one corner there is a podium that has a book on top of it. I stand over there as a group of five or six very tall beings In semi transparent dusty rose colored robes float across the floor towards myself at the podium~ they have no feet and their arms are folded in front of them. So, I can’t really see their hands either. There are no faces but rather, sort of fuzzy static light like what you would see on an old television whose stations are off the air. We talk about the most recent chapter of my life and then they show me in this book what’s going to happen next. There is usually another person that comes and they tell me this is who I’m going to meet next. Then our meeting is over and they put these veils over my head and I’m not supposed to remember our meeting~ They tell me it’s time for me to go back and everything sort of fades out like a fog and I wake up.  When I had that dream I wrote it down in a book and have kept a journal of the subsequent death dreams and my meetings with these beings~ 

 I can usually tell when I’m having a death dream… And because I know that it’s a death dream, usually find someplace really elevated like a cliff~ There I extend my arms out and I fall a good 60 feet or more. I usually hit the ground and bounce off of it. My body actually hits so hard it leaves a dent in the earth~ Upon the bounce, my spirit leaves the body behind and then I am usually standing next to my dead body. From there I simply go directly to the meeting where I have these talks with these beings. It’s always very informative and I learn a lot. They don’t actually talk but, our thoughts are all shared~ 
 I’ve had two Armageddon dreams… The first one starts with trees falling one by one in a forest and burning~ The land is scorched and has become very dry, fire dedicated, dusty smoky… A larger influential group created the disaster and now has built very barren war-camps where people were basically imprisoned in these 12’ x 12’ concert cells~ no window just one doorway, (no door). One chair and one bed.  
 One hole style toilet and my great aunt, my mother, myself and I think my brother live in this small structure. You have to get passes to leave the structure and walk through the encampment. Sometimes they give you these green passes so you can get toilet paper or water and food. I made  some deal with one of the soldiers to get some food. I go back to the cell but no one is there. I’m sad and leave, walking along the Barbwire fence.  There is a truck full of soldiers inside what is basically a paddock of sorts. There are guard dogs inside and there are also people with guns up in security  towers all along the perimeter of the camp.  In a separate paddock there is this egg shaped craft that has Clear top on it. The front of it opens up and you can go inside of it. It holds one person. So, I get my green pass and I get some food… I walk along the Barbwire fence to the paddock that has this large egg structure in it and snip the wires with two bent pieces of metal and a stone.
  I walk to the neighboring paddock with the guard dogs throw out the meat to distract them. The guards don’t notice really because they are talking.

 I quickly moved back to the other paddock that has the egg and I maneuver myself through the fence and I run to the egg whose front hatch is open. I push a bunch of buttons until the door closes and locks~ guessing at the pictures on the other buttons, I start pushing some until the nuclear fusion single atom gyroscopic engine creates a centrifugal force that turns blades in the clear upper portion of the egg like a helicopter… the engine also shunts air thru jets beneath the egg~ The blades are moving so fast you can’t see them anymore as they spin around inside the clear upper frame~ It creates a negative pressure like Bernoulli’s principle and it lifts the egg into the air.

 The egg elevates into the air, creating dust and drawing the attention of the officers, guard dogs and tower guards~ they all race over actively using their fire arms but, they have no affect on this egg craft. With my open palm over a panel I’m able to change the position of the jets beneath the egg craft. Changing the position of the Jets allows me to tilt my egg or move forward backward or any direction side to side. I ascend into the air very quickly until I’m above the cloud cover and then I move towards the sun set. It’s so quiet there and I am relieved. I’m going to look for some thing and then coming back for my family later. This particular dream really reminded me of 2020 especially when we had the fires and for several weeks I was wearing a full gas mask even in the house because the smoke was infiltrating my home. I originally had the dream in 1976. I wrote it down as soon as I woke up it left such an impression on me. Along with writing down the dream… I drafted the design of the flying egg craft. It’s a small nuclear energy engine that shoots a single atom through a chamber. It moves around in a circle so fast it creates this gyroscopic a fact some of the energy is used to turn the prop that’s in between the layers of the clear upper portion of the egg craft. 

 The other Armageddon dream I have involves my wolf Nanook, (now deceased), and we are near some plantation style medical buildings. Suddenly a large earthquake happens and the ground literally cracks, buckles and folds over and underneath itself… beneath the layers are sizzling tarry pools of red and black molten rock. Some of the plates separate from each other creating lava field riverbeds… Other plates slide over each other creating a path for my wolf and I to leap from. We navigate ourselves across the rocks to prevent falling into the lava rivers and pits. At one point we are separated but, then we are reunited as the ground keeps shifting around us. The earthquake is very long and lasts for many minutes… Followed by strong aftershocks. When it’s all finally over… over the course of hours, the smell of sulfur in the air is so strong it burns my eyes and lungs… the wolf and I look around and everything is completely changed: almost unrecognizable. We go off wandering in search of safe shelter, freshwater and signs of life. Then I wake up~ 

 My dreams tend to be in full color and can continue nights or even years later where I left off earlier. I love these dreams when they happen~ 

 I don’t fly in my Armageddon dreams but I always find safety. I always fly in my death dreams. Sometimes I fly in my regular dreams and I go and visit people. I always fly the same way. The people I visit are usually people that I love.

 In the death dreams, the beings I meet usually share with me words/thoughts  of wisdom~ I generally find their words/thoughts profound~ These tend be my favorite dreams. 
 I don’t think of them as premonitions or anything mystical… But, I really learn a lot from them and I find them very informative. I cherish them.image.thumb.jpeg.d8e1a1b351dde5f9630a50e131b122c5.jpegimage.jpeg.802cc4ced0d711780bafa6c0df033ad7.jpegimage.jpeg.822465f4471dbfd6b097dfefe943b2b6.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.f4796c0bb2b7dbdbb131e4ad6cf0585d.jpegimage.jpeg.a7a0bd1fd0078e2908833d22c9233c79.jpegimage.jpeg.f14a93c3d492df9a3b1050d0d77f0263.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.68fbbec22719dae0bbe45fc9d4aa54f8.jpegimage.jpeg.0de74c94d154ec2ef00cf0ac56e3b1a8.jpeg

Edited by Tygerscent
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One of my most annoying, recurring dreams is that I miss an exam in undergraduate school--which is so weird because I'm an extremely punctual and dependable person, and missing an exam was the last thing I'd ever do. 2 nights ago I dreamt I got a "C" in an Italian class (I never took Italian) because I didn't give the class my attention. Again, wildly weird because I excel at foreign languages, and always give classes my full attention. My brother and sister once admitted to me they have similar recurring dreams about missing exams. 

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  • 10 months later...

I got another strange dream last night. A vigorous Russian man in his 30s, of half Chukchi heritage (Russian version of Eskimo), killed Putin and took over the presidency of the Russian Federation. He made a television address, proclaiming "To show you how unlike Putin I am, I'm going to marry Unicorn!". 🤪

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by  hand of Chukchi people - The world and we



mtDNA Diversity in Chukchi and Siberian Eskimos: Implications for the  Genetic History of Ancient Beringia and the Peopling of the New World -  ScienceDirect

A young Chukchi reindeer herder, eating a morning meal of raw frozen  reindeer meat inside the Polog of a Yaranga. Chuko… | Reindeer herders,  Reindeer meat, Reindeer


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