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Bros (2022)


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2 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

Ok...so after a few endorsements here I decided to check out "Bros". 

Just dreadful.

We couldn't make it past the first half hour.

So camp I was embarrassed for the actors who were essentially performing the equivalent of black face. 

It's shocking to me that in 2023 you can't write for a gay character without relying on the same old cliche tropes.

Applies to Mario also: It’s-a-me, super letdown. I just wasn’t buying the Bros relationship; was equally cartoonish. 

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1 hour ago, pubic_assistance said:

Who finances this kind of crap ?

Dunno, but I’d finance and jump the broom with college crush Josh made to look a bit dumpier in the film (wonder why) … Aaron and him sharing a set trailer; now that’s a trailer I wanna see.







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10 hours ago, SirBillybob said:

Applies to Mario also: It’s-a-me, super letdown. I just wasn’t buying the Bros relationship; was equally cartoonish. 


Super Mario Bros: What Is Mario and Luigi's Last Name? | Den of Geek

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  • 3 months later...
  • 8 months later...

Just watched,  on Starz.  It's worth a watch.

Billy Eichner could have toned down his mouth now and then.  We get it, you know?   Calm down.

But yeah there is a lot of funny stuff.  I love Bowen Yang.  Needed more of him.

Luke McFarlane was yummy and also a great actor.  Love to see more of him.


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Posted (edited)

I finally got around to seeing Bros.  The reviews on this thread and elsewhere set my expectations so low that I actually ended up liking it.  That's not to say, however, that I thought it was a good movie.

I went into it with a touch of animus against Billy Eichner after he blamed the bomb at the box office on homophobia.  It's called personal responsibility, pal, a concept you should have learned decades ago.  I don't get these narcissists who reflexively blame their failures on everyone but themselves, like when the female Ghostbusters cast blamed sexism for their bomb.  Nope, in both cases, the movie sucked.

I disagree that Eichner played the "typical" New Yorker, stereotypical more like.  Either/or, I can't say I particularly liked the character or Eichner as an actor.  Same difference perhaps, because I'm pretty sure Eichner was simply playing himself.

The museum board also grated on me.  While I do appreciate the ability to laugh at oneself, the lines and the actors' delivery came off as way too forced.  It all felt like a desperate stand-up comedian trying way too hard to be funny, so he ends up just being cringe.

It wasn't all bad, of course.  I was pleasantly surprised by Luke McFarlane and his character.  I wasn't a fan before because I didn't care for him in Brothers and Sisters, but he was great in this.  I also loved the guest stars Harvey Fierstein and Debra Messing (even though I couldn't stand her on Will & Grace).  And I loved the scenes in beautiful Provincetown.  Does P-town really look that postcard-perfect?  

The movie's best scene was the one toward the end with Eichner and his straight female friend, where she talks him into trying again.  They were two normal people having a conversation that sounded like the way real people speak.  If the movie had done a lot more of that, as opposed to trying waaaaay too hard, I would have liked Bros a lot more than I did.

PS:  they should film an alternate ending as a bonus extra for DVD/blu-ray, one in which McFarlane ditches Eichnar and all his high-strung neuroses to run off with the hunky high school hockey crush.

Edited by BSR
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