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411 on Brandon Davidsons in Montreal?


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Montreal is finally trending close to the overall Quebec provincial rate of new “official” reported CoV cases, about 1 in 65,000 population daily, a steady decline that I think now puts it out of contention as the exclusive provincial city-specific “hot spot”. Whew. Montreal likely now figures as among a scattered grouping of urban areas within the province that drives up the tally. Quebec overall now also appears to be on an equal footing with Ontario. Ontario had never spiked to the same degree but is showing a slower reduction in new infections.

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Montreal is finally trending close to the overall Quebec provincial rate of new “official” reported CoV cases, about 1 in 65,000 population daily, a steady decline that I think now puts it out of contention as the exclusive provincial city-specific “hot spot”. Whew. Montreal likely now figures as among a scattered grouping of urban areas within the province that drives up the tally. Quebec overall now also appears to be on an equal footing with Ontario. Ontario had never spiked to the same degree but is showing a slower reduction in new infections.

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  • 1 month later...

Steroids don't shrink your cocks but they do reduce the size of your balls (in most guys but not all). There's also a drug that reverses that effect.

That's exactly what I meant. If you mean HCG, it's not fully reversible. Only men over 40 should use hormones and only if they really have low testosterone. Men in their 20s with a natural supply of it, should never use steroids and risk ending up with little monkey peanuts ??

Edited by orville
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Is this young man an actual person? Are we sure he's not a CGI?


With a waist and abdomen like that, where in the world does he keep his vital organs? No, not those organs, vital though they be. I mean the heart and lungs, and so forth. There just no room for them in so small a space.


Very impressive physique!

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Something tells me that guys that spew out such high rates do so to keep away time wasters, pervs etc. My hunch is that a good start up conversation and a lower level of desired initial physical involvement could get that rate cut in half. Just a hunch.


Oh.... and negotiating a few days before rent is due DOES work! Lol

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  • 11 months later...
On 8/5/2020 at 1:21 AM, Chrissypoo said:

I understand he wants $600/hr USD. I know he stripped as NEO at Stockbar. Did anyone get private dances from him? Was he playful?

Current ad lists rate as $400 Canadian. A lot more reasonable.  


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  • 1 year later...
4 hours ago, AvengingDanno said:

Bumping this old thread I started, wondering if anyone has anything to report?

He now lists as Brandonjohnsons on RM in Montreal. Sorry I can't provide the link. Maybe someone with greater skills can.

His ad indicates $400cdn in and $2000 overnight. Still no anal or oral top or bottom. His few reviews are positive.

No interest here on my part. There are much better options in Montreal.

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