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Everything posted by Alex93108

  1. I would only do an overnight for someone with a performance track record with me personally - usually an hourly audition first.
  2. Headed to Sao Paolo Jan 3. Absolutely plan to hire - are you crazy? The question is which one. I have a dependable favorite there in Sao Paolo but I may hire someone new. We'll see. Early 40s, reasonably fit, Moderna X3 , no major health issues. And how I love beautiful men…. That said : I think everyone should do their own risk assessment. If you are HIV+ ( even undetectable) , have prior or current health issues, then yeah, maybe you should pause. I personally see no reason to.
  3. Its all relative. I recently hired a provider for 90 minutes, but he unceremoniously left after 50 minutes after he was "done". Cost me around £400 = $540? . Was a 7/10 at best . Came extremely highly recommended too. I had such high hopes. I also hired a provider who had performance issues / failure to launch during a 90 minute appointment and basically ran the clock. Also slightly high on G. £300 = $400 . His body, face and personality was 10/10, but the equipment failure made the whole thing a 6/10 Looking back, my favorite appointment actually cost way less. A true professional. Closer to $300. Bottom line, you can spend more, you may not necessarily get a better product / experience / service
  4. I will say though he does not discriminate. He will fuck anything that moves - of all races. You have to commend him for that - most gays have a type.. And yes, he does have a preference for effeminate teen-looking twinks, based on what I can see.
  5. This has probably been asked before : Are batteries included ?
  6. I’m impressed you know how this works . A sign of a well travelled man I will add tho that - if the flight is canceled by the airline , in the United states at least , you are entitled to full refund , within 7 days The airlines hate this but there are ways to make them comply
  7. I’m surprised no one mentioned Austin Wolf. It seems like half of Chelsea and Hell’s kitchen NYC has been fucked by him . ( even if it was offered to me I would pass ) .
  8. I’ve been to Russia countless times . The soviet union ended before I had the chance to visit . This looks quite dire to me - for New York Granted it was re stocked a few days after ( so i heard ) I picked up and left and went to California
  9. Haha its early days - and its a him. He's sweet. Its a numbers game. I figure 1-2% of the population is gay, take out the crazies, the top/bottom/vers dynamics , and there are not many people to work with. Its way easier to find a mate as a straight person, you simply have more people!
  10. After a long day at the office, in the height of the panic, I went to my local supermarket - Fairway on the Upper West Side - and there was no food, no supplies, nothing. The shelves were bare. Went to the local pharmacy - Duane Reade, no flu or cold medicines to be had. I live by myself - and single, with no family nearby to speak of.. Friends that I could possibly counted have on left town. I figured if I ever got sick, I would be on my own and possibly die in my apartment. It became a matter of survival. I packed my suitcase and headed to JFK, back to California - where I had some people I could count on.. Came back about a month later.
  11. I wasn't going to respond but this post prompted me to write something. Covid changed me. Prior to 2020 I was a toxic busy person, shuttling from airport to airport, meeting to meeting. I started a business in my 30s from scratch that is still going strong, but it required me to be somewhat self-centered, focus entirely on growing the business and work ridiculously long hours. For those of you who live in New York, the work culture pre 2020 ( from 2010-2020) very much encouraged that. New York loves the capitalist jerk - it’s practically encouraged and celebrated. I wasn't seeing "providers" at the time, I wish I had, I think this would have led to me to discount real relationships completely. Why bother – when I can just order the hottest man to satisfy me? Then in March 2020 - my life - this life - came to a sudden halt. The pandemic hit New York pretty bad - I had no where to turn. I had to leave town. My own close family wouldn't even take me in ( because I was coming from NYC and may carry covid) – I was encouraged to fend for myself .That really hurt. I couldn't' stay in Manhattan and hopped on a plane to LA and camped there with friends ( the closest thing I have to family ) for a few weeks until the situation back in New York stabilized . People I have known for years in California wouldn’t even see me, and many people shunned me, my own family included . It was March 2020 and I was coming from the epicenter of the pandemic. People were, genuinely scared. When all hell breaks loose - its not fun to be alone. Its almost cruel. I also had friends who died unexpectedly of covid in March 2020 - that led similar lives, including a good friend of mine who is also gay that also started a business ( in a different industry) around the same time I did. We both gave up on dating in NYC - it was too hard, too toxic, too much work. It was just easier to hook up/ hire and focus on our work. When this friend of mine died - he essentially died alone. I was in LA - no one could see him. We couldn't find his body - it was lost in the maze of bodies piled up outside New York presbyterian hospital on the east side. I had to organize a clean up of his apartment . There was no funeral. That changed me. So I said screw it – I’m not ugly or undesirable, lets give this a shot. Admittedly, the last real relationship I had was in my 30s, after 10 years I was a bit rusty. In the Spring of 2021, I decided to try to court some men I might like. It didn't work out. Then in Summer 2021 I tried again, it didn't work out. Then in the fall this year, something unexpected fell in my lap from a totally unexpected place. It’s still going, and so far its been quite delightful actually. We talk almost every day. I've made the conscious decision that is sucks to be alone - and life is so much better shared, in which ever form it takes. I have a lot of love and affection to give, and I would like to think I’m a bit of a romantic. If it doesn't work out, well I'll die trying. At least I tried. My friend who died of covid, roughly the same age as me, never got the chance. I am quite happy with my life the way it is. I don’t know If being partnered or married will make me happier, I know plenty of unhappily married men – but having someone to talk to regularly who is not my family who cares about me just a little bit more than a friend would has improved my life somewhat – mainly because it gives me something to work towards, other than myself, and it balances me somewhat emotionally - What happened since marriage became legal ( other the same state and federal rights as the straights ) is its given the gays an end game – prior to that I really never saw the point of a steady partner, but as I have gotten older, and certainly since March 2020, I do see the point of this now. Providers are performers by the hour - they really don’t care about you. As much as you may think that. Its not easy, but I aspire for something a bit more genuine. I think everyone should too.
  12. I've stayed at most of the respectable London hotels ( 4-5 star) from fabulous to downright sad. . Sadly I can't really afford to stay at the ones I truly like unless someone else is paying 😆 That said all of the London hotels have its own plusses and minuses. I've found most to be small, built on old infrastructure, often dated from a certain period and if its a great location you desire, expect to pay. And you get what you pay for. I would base your decision on where you want to be primarily - the rest follows. Personally I try to rent a service apartment these days - because I'm there so often, and it feels less like a hotel, more of a home. All London hotels are discreet as @Jamie21 says - no one cares really - they have seen it all. I would adhere to the following - Meet who ever you are hiring in the lobby. I have suggested that we meet at the lobby bar, but most I have found just want to meet you and get it over with . I personally like meeting at the lobby bar so its a natural encounter. - I would use the opportunity to meet in the lobby to verify that the pictures and guy match, that its something you want to go along with. If you want to bail - the lobby meet would be the time. - Also if its an outcall, I would confirm that you're not on the hook for transport to /from, and if you are this should be discussed prior.. The guys who are working probably live past zone 1-2, in the outskirts . Often this comes up 1-2 hours prior. - If they are coming expect them to be 30-45 minutes late. None of my London outcall hires have ever been on time. Ever. - Also confirm you are getting the outcall rate, which tends to be higher. Enjoy -
  13. Jamie - I might need to hire you for a massage. Was just in London last week will be back in 2 months ( as long as the country remains open) hahaha. That's talent for sure. Bravo.
  14. Is this a thing? Details please. And yes I agree. 18 years New Yorker here. The city post covid in the 2020s is NOT the same place anymore. The best one can hope for is to hop and plane and go to Montreal.
  15. I personally don't mind doing this - I consider it courtesy.
  16. I will add one : Cafe Angelina in Paris , across from the louvre museum . 99% of the people they go there are tourists . Tourists hotspot lines out the door Totally overrated . There are better french pastries places in New York. PM me if anyone needs suggestions. I used to go to Dubai a lot and Doha also - the arabs love Cafe Angelina for reasons I don’t understand . The Cafe Angelina branches in the middle east are way better than the one in Paris . The only thing i enjoyed there is the hot chocolate
  17. I know there is a London one ( a provider told me about this ) organized by phone number and name post code . I wonder if there is a US one ? - I wouldn’t be surprised if there is an NYC private group As far as I know I’m a good client but one is always curious if any of my hires left me a bad review
  18. I say nay on reviewing clients - only because being a client as problematic in certain jurisdictions. I realize it the same for the providers also. I propose a half way, people can opt in to be reviewed - if they are in a jurisdiction where this is not problematic. RM has it correct - auto block based on geo location
  19. Get a boyfriend. A real boyfriend. I know that is easier said than done. What you are looking for is not real, and frankly not healthy .
  20. If only everyone were so professional, there would be little to discuss on these forums. Having been burned out of £300 with a provider on a G come down I'm much more careful now. And selective…. Don't feel bad for me - the incident led to something quite positive in my life.
  21. The ones that are picky I have noticed as Grindr amateurs - boys looking for a daddy - will have sex and would like to get paid for it too.
  22. I think the best places in the world to hire ( and presumably work) assuming money no object, based own my life experience : New York London Paris Dubai I would also add Los Angeles too - but that would be a very distant 4th. Of these I would say the rates are the highest in New York, Dubai and LA. You ain't seeing anyone worthwhile for the less than 300-400 US. Remember that song "my milkshake brings boys to the yard - in this case its $ £ € and AED
  23. Would have been handy to address this thread.
  24. I'm one of those gays where my environment and surroundings are very important to me, which is why I tend have guys come to me. But if I have a connection / relationship with someone already pre established - then it supersedes my environmental concerns. Its all about context . I recently went from staying at a very very nice hotel in Chelsea in London that cost a lot of money, then on the same trip went to staying at a Premier inn on the side a road ( cost around £30 a night - the UK equivalent of a Super8 motel ) on the same trip. The room had no air conditioning ( as an American it baffles me that Europeans don't understand air conditioning) , the hot water shower thing didn't work so well, breakfast was awful but the room was clean ( there was daily housekeeping on request) , it did the job. What made the difference was the people I was with mattered to me, so, the fact that was in a not so great hotel didn't matter. Didn't care - the awfulness of the breakfast in itself became an inside joke / topic of conversation That said, if the providers work space bothers you and causes you anxiety, have him come to you. Once you are comfortable - than I guess go to him, is what I would do.
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