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Posts posted by WstVlgChris

  1. On 6/5/2024 at 6:20 PM, Luv2play said:

    Don’t get your reference to Carol Channing and Hollywood. I was merely pointing

    out the type of English spoken on both sides of the Atlantic can differ and lead to some amusing misunderstandings.

    Luv2Play, see the clip farther up this chain of Carol Channing singing "Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend"--she originated the role of Lorelei Lee in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes on Broadway, although Marilyn Monroe played the role in the movie version. 

  2. I had the hour-long appointment with Sacred Intimate Tuesday evening; setting it up and communication through his arrival went smoothly. 

    Overall, I'd give the experience an A or A-. The minus is because his technique and process is heavily rooted in New Age philosophies (Eastern spirituality and the like) and if you're not into that, then it probably isn't for you. (Despite being basically a rational, intellectually oriented Westerner, I've had much exposure to these, including decades of practicing yoga, and I've been consciously trying to stay open to new experiences as I age, instead of becoming some senior citizen set in his ways.)

    The session is about 1/3 spirituality, 1/3 massage, and 1/3 eroticism. We started with a warm, long hug and then he set up my bedroom (this was an outcall) as what he called a "sacred space": he came equipped with candles, incense, tiny paintings to put around the room, and two speakers (one for the New Age-y mix tape on his phone and the other for forest sounds). Then, still fully clothed we sat on the bed and did some yogic breathing and some sensory awareness exercises.  

    After that, we stripped down and he massaged me: a mixture of shiatsu, Swedish, and unfamiliar-to-me (Hawaiian, per his website?). He seemed more intuitive here and less formally trained. Still, it was relaxing. 

    The last portion of the session was more erotic. To quote his RentMasseur ad, "I offer an erotic message that is ... about creating extreme intimacy between two men. Often clients feel guided to touch me as well and this is something I encourage because then we are SHARING erotic energy which lifts the whole experience." I have the strong impression that how far this goes depends on what kind of connection he makes with the client; in my case, because I was open to the spiritual aspects earlier in the hour, and could embrace them, I probably got more than the average client (he said as much, afterward). So it's definitely a case of YMMV. 

    He's in the NY area until August, although only occasionally in the city itself. If you feel you'd be into it and want to experience an older masseur than most of them out there, go for it.

  3. I'm sorry to hear you had this experience.  I had a somewhat similar experience with an escort 3 years ago. He engaged my professional services, I did the work and invoiced him. I waited patiently for payment, although my (larger, more corporate) clients usually pay within 3-6 weeks.  When I contacted him after about 3 months, he wrote back, saying (a) that I'd done a wonderful job; and (b) that he was having financial difficulties. I suggested an installment plan, whereupon he made a very modest first payment (10% of the total), promising more to come regularly.  Then he sort of ghosted me: it's been more than 2 1/2 years and I haven't gotten another dollar. He still is in my city, per his RentMen ad, which is active. My sense is that, like your guy perhaps, he's too embarrassed. 

  4. Looks like the same guy in this expired profile--one of the photos is exactly the same. 

    I should say that this "Samurai Warrior" account used to belong to 2 guys, who offered 4-hands massage plus. The other guy was late 30s and either Japanese or Japanese-American and in fact for a while his were the only photos in the profile--you had to request to see his buddy (presumably, now known as ElChrisDon); I corresponded with him but in the end there were scheduling difficulties and it never happened. 


    Pornstar Performer & Rentboy in Newark, NJ - Samuraiwarrior: Dom Latino Daddy


  5. Hi, guys,

    I've had this situation come up twice in the past few months.  I see a provider (in one case, massage; in the other, escort), and the session is pleasant enough.  The guy was nice, I left happy, but it wasn't great and I'm not inclined to repeat. A few weeks later, the guy texts me (we had done the final setting up time and place via text, rather than through the RentMen or RentMasseur website) to say he's back in town and is available and do I want to schedule something. 

    My natural inclination is to be polite and respond, rather than ignoring the text. But on the other hand I don't want to encourage him, or have him think that it's likely I'll be hiring him soon.  So I'm torn what to do in these situations.  (In the case of the masseur, I texted back noncommittally after a day, saying I was quite busy; he responded with "Well, if you change your mind, I'm here until April 5.") Do I ignore the text, in which case he may think I'm rude or an asshole? Or do I respond in a neutral way, in which case he might think it's worth his time to keep chatting me up.  

    (I should say that I'm the type to avoid conflict.  I don't want to say "I'm not going to hire you again because....")

    I'm curious to know what other guys do in this kind of situation.  

  6. Update: he's coming to NYC next week. I may reconnect with him.

    @kyleham I would doubt he's done porn ... he had a very respectable day job when I saw him in 2021 in Boston. Although you never know how people's careers evolve. 

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