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Posts posted by WstVlgChris

  1. Escorts, how open are you to barter arrangements? 

    In the spring, I hired an escort who was very personable and we had a good conversation amid a very good session. It turned out he wanted my advice about the creative field in which I work and soon after the session I spent a couple of hours (3 at most) looking at his work and giving some advice. 

    There was a miscommunication at that time--he didn't understand the etiquette of asking for a freebie. Although he later apologized (after he reached out to me asking whether I wanted to book another session, and I pointed out how he had failed), it affected me enough that I didn't feel quite right about hiring him again. Not that I have any animosity toward him. 

    Now he's gotten back in touch, asking me to look at his creative efforts more in depth.  

    I have the time to do this (and this is what I do for a living, albeit at a far lower hourly rate than the $300/hr he charges). And while we need to talk about the parameters of what level of feedback he wants and/or needs, I'm inclined to do it, to accept this gig.

    I'm wondering whether I should bill him at my standard rate and leave it at that. Or should I suggest a barter arrangement?

    Is bartering with an escort--your professional services in exchange for mine--okay, or is it somewhat creepy and exploitative?  If I were to present this option, I would do so respectfully and I  would certainly make clear that he could pay me in cash if he prefers.  

    (To put it in perspective: At this point, it's hard to project how much work is involved for me, but at the very least it would be the equivalent of a 2 hour session for him, and it could possibly be as much as an overnight.)

    If any providers have insight here, I would appreciate it.

  2. I'm wondering whether any of you have encountered a situation similar to something that's come up for me. 

    In the spring, I hired an escort who was very personable and we had a good conversation amid a very good session. It turned out he wanted my advice about the creative field in which I work and soon after the session I spent a couple of hours (3 at most) looking at his work and giving some advice. 

    There was a miscommunication at that time--he didn't understand the etiquette of asking for a freebie. Although he later apologized (after he reached out to me asking whether I wanted to book another session, and I pointed out how he had failed), it affected me enough that I didn't feel quite right about hiring him again. Not that I have any animosity toward him. 

    Now he's back in touch, asking me to look at his creative efforts more in depth.  

    I have the time to do this (and this is what I do for a living, albeit at a far lower hourly rate than the $300/hr he charges). And while we need to talk about the parameters of what level of feedback he wants and/or needs, I'm inclined to do it, to accept this gig.

    I'm wondering whether I should bill him at my standard rate and leave it at that. Or should I suggest a barter arrangement?

    Is bartering with an escort--your professional services in exchange for me--allowable, or is it somewhat creepy? I really don't know whether my even asking might seem exploitative. If I were to present this option, I would do so respectfully and I  would certainly make clear that he could pay me in cash if he prefers.  

    (To put it in perspective: At this point, sight unseen, it's hard to project how much work is involved for me, but at the very least it would be the equivalent of a 2 hour session for him, and it could possibly be as much as an overnight.)

     If anyone has had a similar experience, I'd appreciate any wisdom that you may have. 

  3. He's one of my regulars and I continue to enjoy his massages. (One of the reviews on rentmasseur is mine.) 

    He's personable and over the years we've had many interesting conversations. He also does body grooming--mostly shaving my back. The massages are wonderful.

  4. I've been discussing having a 4-hand massage as a birthday present to myself with one of my regular go-to masseurs. He has suggested Alex as the other masseur should we go ahead.

    So, while I've not yet had a personal experience, the fact that my guy is recommending Alex means something, right?  (And I've seen the un-blurred pics; nice looking Slavic guy.)

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