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Everything posted by jawjateck

  1. Don't panic. Probably nothing will come of it, unless he was involved in some other violation of the law that warrants a wider investigation of his activities. But if you want additional peace of mind, go to an attorney, pay him for an hour of his time, tell him your story, then if the police contact you, refrain from making any comment to them until you consult with your attorney.
  2. Just let your provider know the extent of your skill and prowess, and that he is in for the ride of his life. That way, he can back out if he's not up for the challenge.
  3. RM "reviews" are a joke. RM verifications are BS too. That site is only good for eye candy, pics and vids.
  4. As a US client (with no other international hiring context), if you are good at it, good with people, like it (cannot stress this enough!!!!!), and can develop a portfolio of repeat clients, you can make a living at it, regardless of youth or maturity, skinny or muscly, vanilla or kinky, because there's a market for every need and fetish. Good luck if you choose to give it a go!
  5. If you are hot for him, and he is definitely a stud, fly to him and keep it to 2 hours or less.
  6. 10-15 years ago, I flew to cities across the US meeting guys for overnight or weekend appointments. Some were well-reviewed, and some were newbies. Those were great times. Every single one of them. Of course, I always had a back-up plan, call another guy on my to-do list or do some touristy stuff, if my primary target bailed. So, I never flew anywhere just for the sake of one guy. Scheduling compatible mates is so iffy these days; there's no chance I would do it now.
  7. I plan to attend. Epigonos and I are coordinating our strategy for arriving at PS. And a fellow, kind forum-mate and I have agreed to shack up. Just 2 short months and spring break is back again. Yay!
  8. My guess would be approx. 30-35 for Saturday night dindin, 40 for Sunday pool party (people come and go all afternoon), and 15-20 for Sunday night supper, but Oliver and Epigonos are the go-to statisticians on this question. And some of the attendees are not active on this forum, but are friends of the "family".
  9. Considering the obvious decline in business skills among providers, short, simple expressions of "thank you" have largely disappeared. To receive one now would be a rarity.
  10. I took advantage of December's sell-off, bought stock like crazy Christmas week. I sold most of those shares recently and pocketed the proceeds. 2019 is off to a good start, and I'm on my way to beating the S&P again. Those gains will come in handy just in time for Palm Springs weekend.
  11. For the guys who say "make me an offer", some are clueless about market pricing but others have a number in mind yet decline to name it, hoping the client will propose a larger number.
  12. Congrats on a safe migration! See you soon, friend!
  13. At least you guys are getting actual quotes, which can be accepted or declined. My problem has not been unrealistic pricing. I can usually spot those guys and avoid wasting time. More common in recent years have been the guys who refuse to provide a number or reply "what are you offering?" It's one of the reasons I hit the pause button on the hobby.
  14. Cut yourself some slack. When we're sick, we tend not to think as clearly as we otherwise would. You were hoping to improve and instead the opposite happened. We're just not destined to meet some guys no matter how much we would like to do so. Feel better. Happy hunting!
  15. A "mix up" about 13-14 years ago ranks as one of my weirdest meetings. I scheduled a well-reviewed pro for a multi-hour appointment, dinner and fun. He mixed up my emails with the fantasy scenario another client shared with him. The result? We got back to the hotel room after dinner, and he started getting aggressive and rough, slapped me in the face....twice. I was stunned. Fight or flight kicked in, I punched him in the face and jumped off the bed. He was strong enough to hurt me. At least, I let him know that he would feel it when the fight was done. That's all I could do. He was shocked, then realized he had crossed up the client communications, and apologized. We called it off at that point. I prorated his fee and left. He was basically a good guy, who screwed up, even tried to decline the reduced fee, but that's not how I roll. I never saw him again. We never communicated again. That was back in the day when reviews could be juicy, detailed, and potentially more harmful to a guy's biz. I declined to write about that encounter, and that's when I was writing alot of reviews. He f'ed up. It happens. He made a mistake. Others deceive. Others defraud. And still others don't give a damn one way or the other. I had already been hobbying long enough to know that unsatisfying encounters go with the territory. All you can do is move along and give it another try when you are ready to get what you want from another guy who seems to offer what you want. But my encouragement: give yourself a break. You are a good guy and a good client. Providers will be fortunate to have you schedule with them in the future. Scenes like this suck, but they are a component of the overall risk-reward equation in this hobby.
  16. Well, their "algorithm" scrolled through my tumblr and hid some of it from view. It's completely random what is now hidden and what is visible. Most of the hidden pics are just guys in speedos or sexy undies, or jocks, or showing some fine ass. Some of the hidden posts/pics are artistic and very tasteful, or just bare chests, even a guy draped in a US flag showing nothing. To restore them, I have to appeal each and every effected post they have flagged. They can f*** right off with that!
  17. That overnight rate is very reasonable compared to some of the unrealistic and outrageous quotes I've seen from others.
  18. I noticed the good stuff I previously enjoyed on others' tumblr is.....<poof>.....gone. My tumblr is visible. I deleted alot of pics and never posted videos, so that may be the difference. But it's effectively dead because as soon as anyone complains to tumblr about something I post for whatever reason, I'm sure they will kill it.
  19. Alot of folks seem to be taking the same action. I noticed the number of followers has gone down significantly since the announcement. Oh well, it's a good thing I stopped blogging months ago; it would all be lost anyway. I deleted some pictures to clean it up, maybe the tips for clients page will survive. Newbies seemed to like that info. But if they kill it, so be it. I'm not going to re-create that content again.
  20. Thank you for sharing, TB. I am saddened that this gentleman and inspirational figure has passed from our community. He will be missed by us all. My lasting memory is the two of you walking away after the Sunday night dinner, and thinking to myself "how lovely and sweet that is to see." My sympathies to all who loved this fine and gentle man.
  21. Generally, I'm time-conscious and check in if I think we are going long, but that type of "pro" is a scammer. My response: "we scheduled a 2 hour meeting for xxx. You ignored our agreement. Not my problem."
  22. Baller, you are awesome! Would love to break bread with you in DC.
  23. I've purchased airfare for all providers that I request to travel to me or with me. However, I've had about 3 naive types buy their own airfare and ask me to reimburse them when we met. Lucky for them, I'm a sure thing, but providers should never do that.
  24. Your chosen professional for the evening usually ends the meeting. Unless we amend the agreement, I hold to the original terms, but include a tip for an extended good time.
  25. I don't care any more. My info has been stolen so many times I've lost count, including the worst of all, when hackers took the entire OPM database, of which I was just one of 20 million Americans.
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