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Everything posted by jawjateck

  1. Good for you to resolve this positively in your own mind and then move on. As a client, pursue what you want and need. Don't settle for less. Don't accept half measures. Happy hunting, RD!
  2. Poor pervy Lauer. Desperate for that last big payoff. He's gonna need it all because he (and NBC) will part with large sums of cash to settle the lawsuits that are coming.
  3. This has been an incredible stock market run. I have been overweight equities for most of the year, but today's gains give me reason to lighten up on my stock portfolio, take some off the table and pocket the profits. If we have a blow off top tomorrow morning, I will sell some more then. Now.....what should I do with the proceeds? Hmmmmmmmm......
  4. If I was in Vegas, I would set up a session with him. Excellent potential with this one.
  5. That statement makes me dislike Pervy Lauer even more. The only thing I would believe as real or sincere is something more like: " 'I'm so sorry' would be a hollow expression at this point. I am corrupt and depraved. I deserve all the consequences I will face because of my actions. I harmed many people. The accusations against me are true. I have been rightly exposed as a sexual predator. I will be taking time away now in private to soul-search and see if I have any role in a civil society." Of course, his attorney would never allow such a statement, but that's what contrition looks like.
  6. Good intel. Glad you had a fun frolick. Tis a dang shame he never gave me the opportunity to find out first hand....uhhh....errrr.....whatever.
  7. Pervy Lauer had a "rape" button under his desk. It was installed years ago for security purposes, but being a practiced predator, he found it useful to trap his victims in the office without having to worry about an interruption from outside. Apparently, other prominent NBC personalities/execs have "rape" buttons too.
  8. Nice intel. Keep up the good work.
  9. ...I won't miss you. I wonder which media/entertainment star is next....cause we know there are plenty more of these scumbags still on the job.
  10. It may be a false impression on my part, but I think I received far more thank you/courtesy messages 15-20 years ago than the past few years. I certainly don't need them nor do I make re-hiring decisions solely on that basis, but I can see where the lack of basic courtesy would leave less favorable impressions on newbie clients. And if the provider doesn't even acknowledge a post-meeting commendation from a client, it is appropriate for that client to seek his fun elsewhere.
  11. Having recovered from the shock of your avatar......hahaha! Let me say that some guys are great at handling communications and developing their client portfolio, and some guys do not care too much until you text them again with cash in hand to spend on the next appointment. Don't get too carried away with either case. The former will not be super duper awesome at all times, in all ways, to all people, and the latter is not the scum of the earth, probably just clueless, and living moment to moment, never thinking too far ahead. But given the interactions you described, you know how best to allocate your hobby dollars in the future. P.S. I hope yall beat the crap out of Awwbarn on Saturday.
  12. jawjateck


    Greg....I completely agree. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. I am thankful for the life-saving, life-gratifying medical advancements in this field, but I want to chime in as one of the condom-affirming, non-"PrEP"ers. The tables are turning, and the target of ostracism is becoming old-fashioned folk like me. Yall may think my hobbying is prolific, but my sex life is rather bland and potential transmission activities are even more infrequent. I don't date, and I don't hook-up. So in my situation, the cost-benefit/risk-reward tells me to skip the prescription and don a condom during those rare encounters. However, numerous providers refuse to use them (whether top or bottom), commenting that they hurt, chaff, cause a break-out, are too tight, kill a hard-on, etc...all the excuses that I rarely heard for the last 20 years. And the kicker...."jawja, you've got nothing to worry about; 'I'm on PrEP'". I can have fun in a lot of ways and don't have to follow a script for a meeting to be successful, but when it is not even an option to go at it with a stunningly hot, and otherwise willing, passionate stud, then that is disappointing, and I've experienced that disappointment multiple times the past 2 years. It is one of the main reasons I may give up hobbying soon....along with the fact that RM has devolved into something more like grindr than a marketplace. Just my 1.25 cents.....
  13. jawjateck

    M4M Credo.

    Nope. Not me. Don't care to join that club.
  14. It's over. It happens. Don't feel stressed about clearing the air with him. You are totally OK if you choose to have no further contact with him. Later, if he asks "what's up? where'd you go?", then you can either ignore him or tell him his shortcomings, but when the hurt is fresh, it's tough to know what's right. Some guys are "coach"able. Some guys are a mess. In this hobby, it pays to discern the difference.
  15. "Too early"? I swear.....yall crack me up with the insane fantasies that play out here. :D
  16. Uh huh.....I figured out by my early 30s that I am wired for singleness; I'm not into relationships at all. I have to have way too much "me time".
  17. Whew....I'm glad I don't have to ponder any of these relational quandaries.
  18. Interesting development. One of the blasts from the past who I never met, but def had the hots for him.
  19. Nope, nor any of the other 30ish shopping days before Christmas. My gift giving budget is $0 and has been that amount for the past 18-20 years. Since I stopped the madness, I have enjoyed every holiday season since.
  20. Welp, I booked a room. My usual faves have been sold out for months, so I chose Inndulge. I hope other experienced attendees will be there to hold my hand and guide me around. HAHAHA! :D
  21. I contacted him, but the communication ended because he did not quote a fee for the session I proposed. Tis a shame because he has a nice ad and great smile. Hopefully, he's figured out some things about how to set up sessions with clients since then.
  22. Ummmmm......NO, it aint! I have flown guys (never having previously met) dozens of times. I have paid modest deposits maybe 2 times to settle a newbie's nerves about my seriousness, but certainly nothing approximating half the fee in advance.
  23. I passed on the ad. The wording is not enticing at all. He's too minimalist, which may be a preview of a session with him.
  24. Completely agree. Epigonos is a total stud in tight jeans or slacks. He knows how to work it too.
  25. The risk-reward is working against you in this scenario......bigly. I would never do this, but that's just me. If you proceed on his terms, he better be damn good, but I do hope you have a great time.
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