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Posts posted by jtwalker

  1. Bicurious and in the closet for most of my adult life, I got tired of whacking off to gay porn.


    Perused Grindr for a bit and saw an ad for a masseur. Wondered if there were other such offerings, Googled it and found Rent.Men. I liked the idea of a DL encounter where neither of us were going to fall in love and try to form a relationship. Crazy as it sounds, I actually liked the idea of a business transaction because it wasn’t as messy.


    Booked a room and contacted a very hot, straight guy who was strung out on meth. Haha, not intentionally, of course. That yielded my first BJ from a guy, which was basically all he was into.


    I have since become way more discerning, ?

  2. Danm what kind of threats ?


    He said he had video of our time together and was going to post it to YouTube. He also said that someone had followed me home, so he supposedly knew where I lived and worked. I use Google Voice and Gmail, so I just reset these and moved on. I figured he was full of crap and it turns out he was, but this is one of the reasons I am so cautious now. He disappeared off of RM shortly thereafter, but I still see him pop up from time to time and immediately block. I learned a ton of lessons from this one encounter.

  3. For safety reasons, I'd leave it up the escort to decide. Better to pay the money for nothing than to deal with whatever may come if you don't pay.


    I've had one bad experience where an escort, who was paid, made a lot of threats because I left a bad review. While most escorts would not do this, it just isn't worth the risk.

  4. I would think that a new masseur would need to consider marketing. Reviews matter, so be sure to do your best to make each client happy enough to leave a positive review. If you know they were happy, ask them to leave a review or maybe even give them some sort of an incentive to leave one.


    On the flip side, remember that bad reviews also matter, so do whatever you can to fix a situation that doesn't go well. Have a long-term view of revenue and realize that a profile with all 5-star reviews has better long-term revenue potential than one that has a few 1-stars mixed in... EVEN IF the client was completely wrong, it doesn't matter... it is all about marketing.


    If you do get a bad review, don't reply with excuses or condemnation. Reply with a marketing message that indicates you'd love for them to contact you so that you can make it right. They probably won't, and it doesn't matter because this is about marketing and image... it is not about being right.

  5. If you really want privacy, use DuckDuckGo, subscribe to a VPN and run private mode on your browser. I prefer Firefox these days as Chrome and Edge are constantly trying to get you to login. If you log into your browser, then you have no privacy regardless of everything else.


    The biggest con to this setup is that some sites block VPN IPs, but it's easy enough to turn it off if you really need to go to a site that won't work on VPN.


    Also, DuckDuckGo's search results are not as intuitive because they are not collecting your data in attempt to profile you for search results. The data collection that Google does helps them provide you with more tailored search results. Of course, it also allows them to mine your data for any other purpose they deem worthy, so there is always a trade-off.

  6. Unless you live in a densely populated area, you won't see true 5G for some time. 5G only has a range of 500 Meters (545 Yards), so it has been typically installed on telephone polls so far. They are either going to have to figure out how to get more range, or they are going to have to justify the cost of installing units every 800-1000 meters wherever they want true 5G coverage. Economically, this means they will focus on population dense areas first.


    The range of 4G is about 10 miles for comparison.

  7. I’m a client that lives a super busy life. Almost all of my initial hires are last minute. I was in Orlando with a limited three hour window last month. I initiated contact with 7 escorts. They all got the same message about my earliest start time, the hard stop, what I wanted and how I paid. 4 of the 7 responded. The one I hired said “I can be on the road in 15 minutes. I’ll need a few minutes to prepare in the bathroom alone when I arrive, is that ok?”

    For me, hiring is REALLY spontaneous. I wish I could hire with advanced notice but my sex drive doesn’t work that way. It doesn’t mean I don’t value the escort’s time. Also, I’d never pay a deposit. No is my second favorite answer. If I can’t make it work with an escort, I’m ok with that. Over my years of hiring I’ve made many positive connections.


    This make a ridiculous amount of sense. I booked someone well in advance for the first time, and I don't care for it at all. I also prefer the spontaneity.

  8. After the first meeting with a provider and want to be a regular , how often should you be texting to stay in contact without being annoying ? Should you text him only if you want to book again or if you seeing him weeks from last time ,occasional hi ,how r u is good . Need advice ? thanks


    Be careful not to blur the line in your head about the relationship. He's an escort, not a boyfriend, so there isn't much reason to contact him unless you are scheduling an appointment. You may become friends after a few visits and share an occasional text, but you have to keep things in perspective. If you start to lose perspective, you are probably better off calling it off and seeing someone else.


    I've had to stop seeing a regular in the past when I couldn't keep this straight.

  9. As a frequent client of escorts, I don’t enter into these transactions expecting complete anonymity because as Jarrod said, that is like cruising parks or truck stations. No, I expect “discretion”, which is the foundation of any interpersonal relationship.


    That being said, I would not want my personal identification posted on a client review site. I am a client on RM and people can see my profile there if they wish. It doesn’t give my rel name or phone number however. Just the fact that I am a client and have had appointments with certain escorts that advertise on RM.


    yeah, I really wouldn’t care if RM had a client review section, but escorts should not be share identifying info. If that became a norm, it would hurt the whole industry.

  10. Those are all valid reasonings. I try to avoid all except #4, as I do tend to ask for deposits...but that's pretty similar to what my wedding ? friends do for their venues.


    However it may be different to the upfront payment you refer to. Mine is just a small portion, and simply covers my initial expenses to host or travel. Senór citizens in the game such as myself, tend to prefer having arrangements confirmed, which in turn also encourage us to stick with appointments also.


    Based on this one thing alone, I would never hire you even once (forget about recurring). Flip the script and think about this from a client perspective.


    - There are multiple people I can hire

    - Most don't require a deposit of any kind

    - If I pay anything up front, there is a good chance that I'll be ghosted (happens all the time)


    Based on this information, I'm clearly going to pick someone who does not require a deposit. Unless you live in some weird market where everyone requires a deposit (virtually nobody requires a deposit here), you have put up a boundary that will restrict your business and cash flow. In business, I sometimes have no choice but to match the norms established by my competition. You, my friend are not in the wedding business, you are in the escort business, so you have to match the norms of that business.


    Even if 80% of people are OK with a deposit (I doubt this very much), this automatically means you reduce your business by 20%. Escorting is special, but it is still just a business at the end of the day and the old laws regarding customer service still apply.


    Last thing for you to ponder... If others in your area are scoring regulars and you are not, then you are doing something different that is preventing you from gaining the repeat business. If you have contact with any former clients, I'd frankly just ask for the feedback. The fact that others have regulars dictates that it is possible with the existing client base. If you really want some regulars, you'll have to make some changes to meet or beat the competition.

  11. Second side of the coin, top 10 reasons I won't repeat:


    10) A one hour massage lasts 40 minutes at best.

    9) Whenever any escort announces I have 5 minutes left or a timer goes off.

    8) A stone wall forms around the escort after climax.

    7) They won't do the things they list as likes in their profile.

    6) They are 10 years older than their pictures.

    5) When I show up, they don't remember a single thing we discussed ahead of time.

    4) Escorts that request up-front payment.

    3) Escorts that show up stoned.

    2) Their room, or their person is filthy.

    1) The escort cannot even sort of pretend to be glad you are there.

  12. The one time I really became regular, the escort made me feel like a friend.


    - He was excited to see me.

    - He never rushed anything.

    - If he kept time, I have no idea how. I always left of my own free will.

    - There was never a hard stop after a climax; instead, he usually insisted I lay back down and hang out.

    - A few times, when he didn't have other plans before or after, he wanted to hang out and grab a meal without ever asking me to pay for extra time. I sometimes did anyway and always bought his meal.


    I'm convinced that he not only referred to his clients as friends, but that is how he actually saw them. In his profile, he said his job was to make you forget it was a business transaction, and nobody does a better job.


    Gaining regulars requires a lot of work... at least in my case, and most guys simply can't or won't make the investment. Even in my business, which has nothing to do with this, the best regular clients are the ones who see and trust you as a friend.

  13. Does RM = rentmasseur?


    What drives your paranoia?

    Internalized homophobia?

    Cheating on the spouse?

    Identity theft?



    I'd score the same as for my other profiles in the cloud.


    Cops, Scammers, or anything else you stated... Does it really matter? This is not exactly a hobby without risks.

  14. How hard do you try to remain DL? What is your level of Paranoia on a 10 point scale?


    For Context, lets say...


    Level 1 - Used their real name, email and phone number to sign up for RM using their normal credit card and even created a profile with pictures.


    Level 10 - You don't hire unless you're traveling a minimum of 500 miles from home, even then you book a second room to host and lock your ID in the safe. You bought a burner phone with cash for communication, where you installed VPN and Google Voice for added security. You use gmail, google voice and Bitcoin to sign up for RM where you have a private profile. You like the Covid Masks so much, you don't take them off during the encounter, and you smash your burner phone after each transaction.

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