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Posts posted by jtwalker

  1. i dont believe this for a moment. if this were true, then he would have replied to your texts and said something like "oh my god... it is for tonight? i am so sorry. i planned this in my schedule for tomorrow night. i am busy tonight" not a ghosting until after the fact then try to come up with a feable excuse. just like my escort that blew off our restaurant meeting and then 2 days after the fact said "oh i forgot" while i text him the day before and the day of the dinner. yeah right.


    i smell a pile of bullshit right around the corner.


    Clearly lying (doesn't take Perry Mason to figure that out), and if he'll lie about this, then he'll lie about everything else. Move on!

  2. I use Magic cream - no razor burn, nicks, etc. Smear it on, wait, wash off and Preston- smooth.


    First time users, try a test area to make sure it doesn't cause irritation.


    I googled magic cream and it came up with a moisturizer; do you have a link?

  3. If during your time the escort did not perform well for example , couldn't sustain an erection, or aggred on doing things but decide not to do them like kissing or rimming ,is it appropriate to ask for a discount since they couldn't perform on the agreed task


    This happened to me this week. Guy was there for 30 minutes and had the audacity to count his donation before he left. But, I let him go quietly. You never really know who you are dealing with, so its best to error on the side of caution here.

  4. If it is someone new, I will not go over $200-$250/hour. If it is someone more established, I'll consider $300/hour.


    I think there is more to rates than money. Someone trying to charge too much may think too highly of themselves. Someone trying to charge too little, may not know what they are doing. I have more trust for escorts that are aware of their market rate.

  5. I currently look for...


    - 10+ reviews with a 4.75 rating or better - Sometimes I make an exception if there is a really great review on daddys.

    - Reviews from people who have some history on RM

    - Nothing in the text of the reviews that is off-putting

    - Face Pic

    - Recent Pictures that are consistent and at least some that don't look heavily edited.

    - At least a year of history on RM

    - Someone that is at least an 8 in the looks department and takes the right position

    - No signs of PNP


    I usually won't contact someone unless they hit all of these, so my options have been very limited to say the least. After my crazy encounter, I stopped trusting my judgement and tried to become more scientific.


    I tried to ditch my list and take a chance. I don't know how all of you have such great luck, but the guy I met was a complete waste of time.

  6. Also I wish I knew how to reverse image like some guys here do, you find out if they are real or fakes :)


    1) Save the image to your drive

    2) Open Google.com in a browser

    3) Select "Images" in the upper-right corner of the main google window

    4) Click the Camera

    5) Select "Upload an Image"

    6) Find the file on your computer and click Search

  7. lol i was just curious before i signed up for it. i got fucked over getting on some onlyfans and it was just like 15-30 second tops of maybe sex


    Most of the videos are not long, but they are a great preview if you are thinking of hiring. For example, I find it easier to determine get an idea of someone's personality from the videos.

  8. I currently look for...


    - 10+ reviews with a 4.75 rating or better - Sometimes I make an exception if there is a really great review on daddys.

    - Reviews from people who have some history on RM

    - Nothing in the text of the reviews that is off-putting

    - Face Pic

    - Recent Pictures that are consistent and at least some that don't look heavily edited.

    - At least a year of history on RM

    - Someone that is at least an 8 in the looks department and takes the right position

    - No signs of PNP


    I usually won't contact someone unless they hit all of these, so my options have been very limited to say the least. After my crazy encounter, I stopped trusting my judgement and tried to become more scientific.

  9. Would you like to share it with us on here?


    Is there a thread on naivety? If so, it would belong there. I ignored every warning sign.


    Warning sign #1: Provider is at a hotel that makes Motel 6 look like the Hilton.


    #2: He looked nothing like the guy in the pictures, still reasonably cute and I was thinking with the little brain, so I went for it.


    #3: After a long make out session, he suddenly announced our time was up and offered me a glass of wine.


    #4: Glass of wine from a stranger... ok, so I passed on this one thankfully. I shudder to think what else may have been in that glass.


    After I left, he texted as though we were old friends and I told him it wasn’t awesome. He said he wanted to make it up to me, so...


    #5: Only a moron would sign up for more paid time after a bad experience. Dang it!


    #6: I booked two hours and paid up front.


    #6B: He showed high and wreaking of pot. Told me he needed it to get in the mood.


    #7: 45 minutes in he mentioned he had no condoms and sent me off to the store. When I got back... nobody was home and he texted telling me he wasn’t in the mood.


    Furious, I left a review on RM and he started calling and threatening me like an old girlfriend. He said I had been followed home, he had video he was going to post to YouTube, etc...


    May brain kicked back in and I burned my number on Google Voice and made a list of my poor decisions.


    moral of the story: Always think with the brain between your ears with this hobby.

  10. Same here re: limiting my options. Though for me it’s less about being picky and more about being cowardly. As someone who is generally risk-averse, I have a tough time taking chances on new encounters. Sigh.


    I am exactly the same. I got burned by one very bad encounter. Since then, I've been extremely cautious.

  11. I'm sure this has been asked many time before but since this term is once again being thrown around, can someone clarify? What does "muscle worship" GENERALLY entail? Does it encompass oral/handjob/cuddling/body rubbing/touching any part one likes, etc. etc.?


    It has something to do with candles, incense, feathers and maybe a chicken... but I'm not sure that anyone really knows for certain all that it entails.


    I suppose I've assumed it was staring at him in awkward fashion while he danced or stripped. I require a little more TLC than that.

  12. I just tried to set something up with him; however, he wanted $300 just to suck him. I figured I could do a lot better than that.


    Were you looking to suck him and that is just his standard rate for anything, OR was allowing you the privilege of sucking his majesty for $300 his only option? LOL

  13. Webmaster just responded to my request to leave. A comment with "comments" are not available in your region".

    While I know comments made by reviewers are only available with a VPN or outside the U.S., I am sure I have come across provider comments to a 1 star review just the same.


    Does anyone have a link to a profile like this, with a provider rebuttal attached, so I can send to the webmaster to get them to do the same thing?


    Can you login with a VPN and then leave a comment review? The whole UI changes a bit, so I wouldn't be surprised if the functionality magically appears with a VPN.

  14. Webmaster just responded to my request to leave. A comment with "comments" are not available in your region".

    While I know comments made by reviewers are only available with a VPN or outside the U.S., I am sure I have come across provider comments to a 1 star review just the same.


    Does anyone have a link to a profile like this, with a provider rebuttal attached, so I can send to the webmaster to get them to do the same thing?


    There is one here, but it is from 2017. If I see a recent example, I'll let you know:



  15. I would be very wary of those "looking for gen" guys. They have been popping up on pretty much every hookup app there is. The typical exchange goes like this:

    Him: hi

    Me: hi

    Him: *unsolicited dick pic of torso pic, faceless*


    Him: You Gen?

    Me: *block*

    Given the amount of robberies and worse crimes that come from these apps, self preservation and caution is the order of the day.


    I agree 100%! If I have to choose extra cash or extra risk, I'll go with extra cash every time.

  16. I would kindly reply and ask him to contact you so that you can make it right. He probably won't, but if he does you can may be able to persuade him to have it changed.


    I know this seems bizarre as it is the last thing you probably want to do, but this is a marketing move. Your reply shows with his review and clients will be impressed or put-off by how you handle it. The worst thing you can do is argue with him in you reply.


    Also, you have plenty of good reviews. Absolutely everyone will get a bad review here and there, because some people are just jerks. Clients like me know this and won't bat an eye at it.

  17. A Chromebook is basically just an internet browser, so if you're looking to stream only with this computer, then it may be a good choice.


    If you want to download / save anything, then I'd recommend something with an i5 or better processor, 16GB RAM and an SSD drive, so that you don't have to deal with local performance issues.

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