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Posts posted by tenderloin

  1. Considering that your ad has a headline & beginning wording of -


    ""Twink for hire. Available when you want it.

    Hung twunk boy available for you 24/7."""


    I'm not sure how much you have to complain about.....also, the fact that your private gallery pics vastly outnumber the public ones, agree - it really is pretty horrible that interested folks inquire to see them......just imagine how many more there might be if you ever became smart enough to learn how to post a live / working link in your signature to your ad.


    Thank you so much for calling him out. You can't advertise your 24/7 availability and then complain when people actually take you up on it. LOL

  2. But isn’t this entire industry based on half truths and illusions?

    Guys pumping themselves up with steroids to attain a body they’d never be able to attain otherwise. Spray tans, bleached hair, colored contacts. Straight guys getting paid to pretend they’re enjoying a dude sucking them off.

    Escorts in general putting on a show that they’re passionately into being with a client that they have very little interest in. I’m not saying that they’re ALWAYS pretending, but c’mon.


    I don’t necessarily condone the bait and switch of shaving 10/15/20 years off of their age. I’m certainly not defending fraudulent practices either.

    Not saying the op’s gripe isn’t valid. Just thinking out loud about where we draw our boundaries of what’s acceptable and what’s not in an industry where 99% of the participants (clients and providers alike) aren’t even using their real name!

    I’ve certainly been one to air my frustrations here too. It SUCKS when we don’t get what we were expecting. Even worse when we don’t get what we’ve been told we’re going to get.


    TL/DR: in an industry that’s based on selling a fantasy, shouldn’t we be at least a bit prepared to be deceived in some way? Or at least not shocked when it happens?




    Not all lies are the same. I think that you are conflating two concepts:

    1. deceit to promote and indulge fantasy ("I love your eyes...your cock is sooo big...oh yeah baby fuck me fuck me fuck meeeee") which very much is an important part of this game, and

    2. deceit meant to defraud (saying you are 25 when you are 41, saying your cock is 10 inches when it is 7, saying you will bottom but then coming up with an excuse why you can't, posting pictures of yourself taken when you were 10 years younger, 30 pounds lighter, and in shape...).


    The difference is important. I think it is the crux of this thread.

  3. But isn’t this entire industry based on half truths and illusions?

    Guys pumping themselves up with steroids to attain a body they’d never be able to attain otherwise. Spray tans, bleached hair, colored contacts. Straight guys getting paid to pretend they’re enjoying a dude sucking them off.

    Escorts in general putting on a show that they’re passionately into being with a client that they have very little interest in. I’m not saying that they’re ALWAYS pretending, but c’mon.


    I don’t necessarily condone the bait and switch of shaving 10/15/20 years off of their age. I’m certainly not defending fraudulent practices either.

    Not saying the op’s gripe isn’t valid. Just thinking out loud about where we draw our boundaries of what’s acceptable and what’s not in an industry where 99% of the participants (clients and providers alike) aren’t even using their real name!

    I’ve certainly been one to air my frustrations here too. It SUCKS when we don’t get what we were expecting. Even worse when we don’t get what we’ve been told we’re going to get.


    TL/DR: in an industry that’s based on selling a fantasy, shouldn’t we be at least a bit prepared to be deceived in some way? Or at least not shocked when it happens?




    Not all lies are the same. I think that you are conflating two concepts:

    1. deceit to promote and indulge fantasy ("I love your eyes...your cock is sooo big...oh yeah baby fuck me fuck me fuck meeeee") which very much is an important part of this game, and

    2. deceit meant to defraud (saying you are 25 when you are 41, saying your cock is 10 inches when it is 7, saying you will bottom but then coming up with an excuse why you can't, posting pictures of yourself taken when you were 10 years younger, 30 pounds lighter, and in shape...).


    The difference is important. I think it is the crux of this thread.

  4. Now I am going to have to go to A4A and check out the Pro section for NYC! :D I am curious:

    1. do you ask if the pictures posted are accurate when you set up the appointment? Do they flat-out lie? That is pretty ballsy.

    2. do you think that it is more prevalent for incall vs outcall?

    3. is there any way to post a review on A4A?


    Thanks for indulging me!



    I always ask if the pictures are real and recent. The first warning sign is when some guy who appears, via his pictures, to be a massively-dicked Adonis dreamboat will offer to indulge my every kink, then announce a rate of $150 -- too good to be true. I then ask for a selfie and I get a million reasons why they can't. As soon as the evasion starts, I block them and move on.


    I haven't really noticed a trend with incall vs outcall. It seems to be universal. And boy do I wish there was a way to review them at A4A, but that doesn't appear to be a feature at the site.

  5. This may not come as a surprise to some of the veterans on this site, but I just need to state it clearly: A4A has an extraordinarily high number of fakers amongst its NY pro section. Guys who post pics that are not them, and offer services that they won't perform. Low level grifters and scam artists.


    I have significant experience hiring from Rentboy, Rentmen, and some other sources, and never ran into the problem this consistently. My strong recommendation is to REQUIRE a specific slelfie (like the old three finger selfie approach) before firming up an appointment. If they won't do it, do not proceed.


    Caveat emptor

  6. I think you are making this more complicated than it needs to be. It's actually pretty simple:


    I tell guys I hire that having them cum is one of the things that makes the session a success for me. It turns me on. I am a cum guy. Sometimes, after I cum or while I am cumming, a good escort will finish himself off, or allow me to do it for/with him. Other times, once I cum they immediately break off contact, get up to use the bathroom, or make a move to put their undies on, sending the signal that the session is over. In such instances, they are "saving themselves" so that they can have another appointment (I frequently see guys during the daytime -- its how my schedule works).


    A good escort, if he has agreed to a session and understands the criteria for success of the appointment, will honor his commitments. Certainly, if he is not prepared to honor the commitment he made in exchange for a fee, he is not entitled to the whole fee.

  7. Hahaha. Unless they have on a chadtity belt or have taken a time out the responsibiliy lies with u.


    Ummm...explain please. If a professional sex worker makes a commitment ("I will cum on your belly") and decides not to honor that commitment, how is that my responsibility?

  8. I have an observation coupled with a plea for understanding:


    At the risk of generalizing, it seems to me that the pros on RM usually prefer/require several hours if not a day advanced notice when making an appointment, whereas the guys on A4A will stop talking to you unless you are ready to unzip within the hour. In both cases, they seem to get annoyed if you request the other approach.


    For example, I have had pros on A4A block me the minute I indicated I was inquiring for tomorrow, not the next 20 minutes. And as others have pointed out, even when the RM green light is on ("available") guys will explain that they are at work but could be there in about 12 hours... ; ) .


    Just pointing out that what seems like common sense or courtesy to some can be the opposite to others. It is not always easy for us clients to navigate this stuff.

  9. It's not us you should be discussing this with. It's him.


    Have an open discussion as to it happening and that you don't think you should pay a full rate. Bringing it up here, as it's been brought up dozens of times before, will only garner a ton of random opinions and no real consensus.


    I disagree, Ben. I for one don't come here for consensus, but I do come here to learn other viewpoints and perspectives, and to sense-check my own perspectives. Reading the range of opinion has, over the years, been frequently entertaining, occasionally frustrating, but almost always enlightening.

  10. Guys like you usually have the best time and usually get what you want anyways. It's the ones that put the pressure on them and sit there with their arms crossed and pout if things don't go exactly to their idea of perfection that end up predictably disappointed.


    That sounds a wee bit catty. Yes, I would be "predictably disappointed" (and have been from time to time) if I hired a sex worker to perform the services that he advertised he was able and willing to perform ("ten inches of rock-hard cock!" "multiple cummer!" "gallons of cum"), spent time before-hand communicating to him what was important to me and setting expectations, only to have him not deliver but still expect all of his pricey fee.


    Why do so many people on this forum feel like it is ok to be taken advantage of by hucksters? We need to praise the good but also name and shame the bad - that's the beauty of this site. I am very glad that I submitted a negative review of a dishonest RM 'scort that hasn't even been published yet, but apparently he was contacted for a response and immediately took down his RM ad. If a few guys are not taken advantage of as a result, I am happy.

  11. Of course, it is not just about getting hard. I have had several occasions where guys have failed to cum after I explicitly said that it was important to me. Of course, it is a two-edged sword, because I have also had guys say that once they cum, they can't be fucked or fuck. I have only once withheld a part of a fee for non-performance, and it was an ugly scene. But it is frustrating how many times, as soon as I blow my load, some guy starts pulling on his shorts and making the motions. I find myself getting more and more explicit regarding my expectations as a result.

  12. You are not alone - the new layout is awful. I too struggled, as I try to prepare for an upcoming trip to Belgium. There are two key things to remember that will help your search:

    1. Once logged in, from the home page you need to click on the icon at the top center of the page that says "HUNQZ"

    2. To search a city, you have to essentially pretend that you are already there. So change your profile to say "Barcelona," then click Hunqz, and you should get a listing.


    I don't know if this is true for all Euro cities, but I am finding the Belgian escorts to be amazingly unresponsive. Almost nothing back, and I have message 15 or so. Good luck

  13. Well, I don't know that it is necessary encoded in the law books, but think about it practically: if there is an undercover cop in a hotel room waiting to nab an escort, how likely is he to whip out his dick or stick his tongue down the guy's throat? It seems like they would need some verbal or written confirmation of the transaction in order to prove that it is prostitution.


    Years ago I had an instance (as a client) where I went to an escort's hotel room and as soon as I arrived he started trying to get me to spell out what I was paying him for ("If I let you fuck me, you are going to give me money, right?"). I kept it vague, but after about three minutes of wordplay I walked out, never having touched him or mentioned money. Perhaps that was overly cautious, but it just didn't feel right.

  14. I've done a few, some more successful than others. Because we all have different tastes and fantasies, the most important thing is to be explicit up front and make clear what you are looking for from both guys, both in terms of general atmosphere (thuggy and rough, affectionate and friendly, dad/sons, etc.) and the intimate mechanics (just who is topping and who is bottoming...). Describe the scene in detail and then ask: "is this something you could get into?" Unless the answer is an enthusiastic yes, keep looking.

  15. The only problem is that he is more likely to react with violence. If it is not him beyond a doubt....don't let him through the door!

    Agreed, but even if he is the guy in the photos, things can still go south with a scammer. I had one guy (who looked like his pics) who had agreed to bottom, but he kept slipping my little tadger between his cheeks instead of into the endzone. After a few minutes of frustrated rubbing, I called an end to it and sent him packing. Luckily he was a twink, so I could intimidate him enough to get him out.

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