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Everything posted by bigjoey

  1. The rule is for banks to report deposits or withdraws of $10,000 or more. It does not apply to transactions between people or companies. Easy to get around by making multiple deposits or withdraws over several days.
  2. Yes, being a good escort can be very lucrative. Back in the days of the Gaiety, a hard working dancer could earn $12-$15,000 for the week!! I know of a couple of escorts who earn over $200,000/year. It is hard work but can be very fiscally rewarding.
  3. One of my favorite artists. His work still remains fresh and vibrant. The avatar I use is from an original picture of his I own. It is titled “Fighting AIDS”.
  4. Some of the most beautiful men in the world can be seen in Brazil.
  5. Yes, please join, share experiences and contribute to conversations AND contribute to Daddy so this site can continue. Site visitors, members and guests are important BUT Daddy needs funds to keep the site going. Please contribute what you can.?
  6. The secret to having the students’ attention was making the subject matter relevant to their daily life. For example, in the class discussion in the criminal law section, in Missouri the age of consent is 17 and I had everyone’s attention in discussing statutory rape; the class I taught was seniors so there was a mix of 16 and 17 year olds whose partner was often under age. In the employment law section, I would get questions like the students wanting to know if the would get overtime when they worked more than 8 hours a day or on holidays and their was interest in if their employer had to give them work breaks during the day. The discussions applied directly to their lives. There were three females in my class who had babies. They were very interested in wanting to know if the fathers had to pay support and for how long; I could see the worried look on some of the male faces who had a great interest in the question, too. As a volunteer teacher without a teacher’s license, I always had the regular teacher in the classroom to monitor how I was doing. Due to the enthusiasm of the students, I always got high marks and was asked to come back. I did these classes for nine years until my day job became so demanding, I had to give it up. It was not rocket science for me to know that what I taught needed to be relevant to the students’ daily lives. That approach could be used in many other subjects as well. For me, it was great fun seeing the students so attentive and wanting to learn about practical things that affected their lives.
  7. Do not forget “Midnight Cowboy” when talking of street hustlers. While I never hired a street hustler (I preferred the more refined men on the stage if the Gaiety in NYC), they did exist and were plentiful.
  8. I have written before about volunteering in the Kansas City school system. Fresh out of law school, a friend and I wrote a course on law for the school system’s “Family Life” class which I went on to teach for nine years. The class was all practical, hands-on knowledge for the students real lives: Criminal Law-mostly things like what are my rights when the police stop me (Do I have to open my car trunk?) Employment Law-things like getting paid on time and overtime and discrimination Family Law-I am pregnant, what does my boyfriend owe me for support? Contract Law-things like I signed up for the “Columbia Record-of-the-Month Club” and I want to stop. Everything was very practical and the students were all very attentive and engaged because it was real life for them rather than abstract Constitutional law.
  9. Somehow, I do not think the picture labeled "Halloween in 1600's" is labeled correctly. Interesting pictures. Thanks for posting.
  10. Story relayed to me about a dozen years ago: As an escort was starting his career, he knew the importance of the Daddy's Reviews. He first made up two reviews for other well reviewed escorts basically following some of their existing reviews and echoing them. Then he did the first review on himself BUT, he was now a three time reviewer:):) That self-written first review was amazing enough that I hired him and all his self-praise was true. Great way to start a career. He went on to be one of the most successful escorts ever; now retired and doing well in a new life.
  11. Robert La Tourneaux was the “gift” in “Boys in the Band”: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0479108/ The clip in the link shows him in all his beauty. If someone gave me him as a gift, I would not be unhappy:)
  12. I am normally a cynic. However, each case of older/younger relationships needs to be judged on its own facts. I know if two such relationships that started with just sex: 1-ages 30 and 71. Clearly it seems a sugar baby daddy relationship fueled by a flow of gifts. 2-ages 29 and 66 at the start and still going strong four years later. The younger man has refused gifts and wanted to be successful in his own right. Started a business that has now become successful and just agreed to a proposal of marriage from the older man. The younger man did not want anyone saying he was in the relationship for money and the relationship a sugar baby/daddy one.
  13. It is really the amount of liquid that they are looking for. I think it is 4ounces rather than two ounces. As long as your douche is not larger, there should be no problem. You could always buy more at your destination or even send it ahead to the hotel marked “hold for arrival”. Finally, as suggested, Pre-Check is a great option.
  14. From what I read about him. He is very self-centered and not charitable and does not “give back” to society. Yes, it was my value judgment based on that he does not “give back”. I could put up with his poor taste (my opinion) but not with his lack of altruism toward society. Not reading Vogue, I can only imagine the types of people to whom you refer and I do put them in the same category of “tacky” with the over-the-top lifestyles promoted in similar magazines (Departures, Sunday NY Times magazine, etc). To point out the materialism on display by JS (and the over-the-top lifestyle magazines) is not fundamentally uncivil. Like Trump’s Fifth Avenue condo done in Louis XIV on steroids, the JS house is a sign of the rot in our society of self-centered people. Full disclosure: I can forgive the over-the-top homes IF the owner has a charitable side and “gives back.” An example is Joan Rivers whose condo, like Trump, was done in Louis XIV and gold gilt was everywhere; however, she was always charitable and helped others.
  15. For me, being in a mixed environment is much more stimulating. Sexuality just defines one aspect of a person.
  16. As I noted, there is "good news" with my discovery of Starr. Yes, I respect the hustle and upward mobility. I have long posted my belief in self-starters getting ahead. Absolutely no problem with anyone making a name for themselves and becoming rich. The bad news is the total lack of what us "older folks" use to call "class." A person can start out poor and become very wealthy and have "class". To me, class is just not about "taste" (which is personal) but also about not being so self-centered and caring about others. JS is definitely part of the "ME" generation and seems to be totally self-centered.
  17. The good news is that this is a great country where anyone can rise economically to afford to live like “The Beverly Hillbillies”. Chalk one up for economic mobility. The bad news is that anyone can live like this. Bad taste seems to have no limits. https://www.eonline.com/news/1101038/jeffree-star-s-new-mega-mansion-is-14-6-million-of-luxury-go-inside Full disclosure: until I saw this, I had never heard of Jeffree Star. Clearly, I must be living in my bubble world to have missed this rising star of the cosmetic industry. It seems his main customers are young girls and the gender fluid. This shows pictures of Jeffree’s old house and the purse vault: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7776671/Jeffree-Star-longtime-boyfriend-drop-14-6-million-mega-mansion.html To see Jeffree in action PLUS the boyfriend: WARNING:you will not be able to unsee this once viewed. We are approaching End Times with Jeffree Star’s popularity. I thought the Kardashian family signaled End Times but Jeffree makes them look high class. A male Jeffree Star customer with his own YouTube review:
  18. For those of us of a certain age: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmGuy0jievs
  19. A victim comes forward as to the danger: https://pagesix.com/2019/12/02/josh-brolin-burns-his-pucker-hole-while-perineum-sunning/
  20. Yes, the benefit is environmental but also there is the question of ethical treatment of animals. I have a friend who has been vegan for 30 plus years due to her animal rights activism.
  21. Or a credit card bill to pay:):)
  22. “mince no words” is correct. I feel the comments there are truthful and heart felt which is why I like reading them. It helps give me an education into the feeling of others far different from me.
  23. The political discussions make this place look tame. I read it to get a feel how black women are thinking about issues. I find it fascinating. Under "The alley Newsstand" you will find politics. www.lipstickalley.com
  24. Maybe the number is still active. Give it a call:):)
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