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Everything posted by bigjoey

  1. Her friendship is over riding her judgement or she is now senile and demented. https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/ny-barbra-streisand-michael-jackson-accusers-thrilled-sexual-needs-20190323-7z3b2dqgbzh7jfs4yyhqhdfjyi-story.html
  2. Suggest a living revocable trust with all of your assets titled in the trust. On your death, assets flow immediately to the beneficiaries. No executor, no probate, no fees, no long delay in beneficiaries getting assets. The lawyer can be the trustee to handle paperwork at his normal rate which should be cheaper than an executor. A will is needed only as a side document for assets left out of trust.
  3. Robert kraft is not the owner of Kraft Foods.
  4. I have not hired Jon in a few years now but did continuously about every two months for 18 or 19 years. He is one of the best escorts out there who really wants to please his customers. His sexual skills are wonderful. He is intelligent. His personality sparkles. He can "pass" in any social situation as just a friend; I have told the story before how I took him to a social event where he was seated next to our conservative governor's wife...by the end of the evening, she was a huge Jon fan and he completely charmed her. I still have people at my gym ask me if Jon will ever be back...oh, those steam room stories!!! Bottom line: want a great escort, hire Jon
  5. Art accidents happen on land and sea. Not sure why precautions in the talk are limited to just the sea. I remember a few years ago when Wynn put his elbow through a Picasso. A more recent classic is a woman taking a selfie and knocking over pedestals: http://www.washingtonpost.com/video/woman-causes-200000-worth-of-damage-taking-selfie-at-art-exhibit/2017/07/14/59eb9cd2-68c7-11e7-94ab-5b1f0ff459df_video.html Fortunately, her actions were caught on video.
  6. Those photos go back at leat to the first years of the GW Bush era.
  7. Remember itfrom my childhood. Haven’t had any in over 60 years but use to like it whenever we had it.
  8. Absolutely gorgeous is correct and as of a few months ago when I had dinner with him, he is still very handsome. Basing my call that he is straight on my direct knowledge of him plus that of my friend’s direct knowledge of him for decades before I knew him. Totally gay for pay in those films. With his beautiful body and that amazing cock, who cared if the acting was less than great...the eye candy was as good as it gets. Another gay movie star from the golden era, Jesse Tyler, and I are still friendly. His girl friend at the time told me: “I don’t care where he sticks it as long as it’s not in a woman.” That I think is the typical rationalization of their wives and girl friends and they do not feel competitive with the gay sex of their boy friends (or husbands) in the videos because they know what their man really likes sexually. Remember, it is called acting. Slightly off topic, good escorts are great actors, too. They make their client feel like they are the center of the universe; the old suddenly become young; the ugly feel beautiful; the lonely feel friendship; etc.
  9. Sorry guys. He is very straight. Had dinner with him about five months ago. Still a very handsome man. The years have been very kind to him. (One of my best friends has known him since his porn days. My friend said he has never been “gay” in any way over the decades. He was just an actor playing to our fantasies. Think Rock Hudson playing “straight” in all those Doris Day movies.)
  10. Love how people claim they do not know how things get in their ass https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/weird/wtflorida/florida-man-says-syringes-found-in-his-rectum-arent-his/67-8e3d83f3-63a9-4142-abcd-12fc72a59d3d (Yes, it is in Florida)
  11. The age of “big data” is here and who controls data has power and wealth. Once control of land meant power (through rents or taxes); then with the industrial revolution, the means of production meant power and wealth; now with the dawning of the age of big data, the people who control data have power and wealth (think: Facebook, Amazon, etc). Yes, be afraid, be very afraid. :(
  12. With Christmas coming, remember to send a card to Daddy and enclose a few dollars. His hard work keeps our sandbox open and this time of year, he should be remembered.
  13. I plead “guilty” of not reporting offensive posts that are replying to a post of mine. I may just have a thick skin but mostly I believe that the offensive posts with lies, bullying, name calling, etc reflect back on the offending poster. The offensive posters just shows they do not have counter facts or that they can not point out errors in facts or logic. The offensive posters just looks juvenile. I think that most of the readers understand Keith30309’s pyramid and that posters whose behavior is at the bottom lose credibility while those behavior is at the top are believable. I think that everyone recognizes obnoxious postings and bullying postings and just chalks it up the unhealthy personality of the posters. When my opponent has destroyed himself in full view of all the readers, I feel vindicated in my original post and do not report him. I would prefer a real exchange of ideas that stay on a high plane and at the top of Keith30309’s pyramid. That is the ideal and something to which we should all aspire. We would all benefit if everyone acted in a mature manner but some show a personality over time, with many postings that their growth is stunted and their behavior patterns are fixed. I almost feel like telling those obnoxious posters: FULL DISCLOSURE: I used the male pronoun because while I differ on some issues from our female poster and we go back and forth, I do not recall postings at the bottom of Keith30309’s pyramid. Our exchanges have managed to remain at the top of the pyramid. The few people with obnoxious replies to my posts are males. I want to be clear that I am not referring to her.
  14. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/18/theater/trigger-warnings-plays-theater.html How about a warning the production may have bad writing, acting and singing :)
  15. Good point. Instead of “dislike” how about “misbehaving” or similar such term?
  16. From today’s NY Times in the arts section a case of a male artist and his assistant cross suing over “sexual harassment” that included “unlawful sexual acts” which were unfortunately not described. The artist, Ross Blecker, was suing the assistant for extortion and the assistant is suing for sexual harassment. The assistant says the sex was “forced” and he secretly recorded some of the forced sex acts. Should make for an interesting court room audience.
  17. I recently priced out a flight from Kansas City to California on Southwest. The prices were different on the same day depending on what time it left and by the day of the week. Clearly they are trying to move people away from popular times to less popular ones to smooth out their loads.
  18. Great museum with the largest collection of WWI artifacts in the US. Very up to date in its presentations with much audio visual information. They have one of the few WWI operating tanks which is worth the visit alone. By the time you leave, you will have a great understanding of the war and its causes. Highly recommended. https://www.theworldwar.org/visit/plan-your-visit
  19. He will allow you to eat out his ass:)
  20. A friend hired him. Looks great in person BUT there is a reason he did not check those “likes”: he does not go there:( He is STRAIGHT and does not engage in the behaviors he has not checked. Points for honesty. Full disclosure: I did not hire him but a friend did. Report is second hand.
  21. Posting this for a friend who loved the old, seedy NYC. This is the final end for the few remaining survivors of that era. Young gays will never understand the delights of the sexual playground that existed there. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-new-york-adultentertainment-idUSKBN18X2A1
  22. Sounds like the same people who send out the “Nigerian Prince” letters and emails.
  23. Nice, quick read. Loved his descriptions. Perfect for homosexual males of a certain age that will relate easily.
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