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Posts posted by JustScott

  1. Resurrecting this topic because I wanted to add my own word of caution based on recent experiences. I recently disclosed to a friend that I occasionally engaged in this hobby. Friend was mostly cool with it but shared this with another friend, who shared with another. 🙄

    Long story short: these three friends have run the gamut from (1) “whatever” to (2) nonjudgmental “but what about trafficking and exploitation?” concerns to (3) outright hysteria based on all kinds of assumptions, misconceptions, and stigma associated with this.

    Lesson learned: because of our culture’s complicated and clouded views of sex and sexuality generally, I wish I had kept this all to myself.

  2. I once worked in a small office where one of my male colleagues was pretty overweight. I could always tell when he had been at the urinal. I eventually realized that his weight probably meant that he couldn’t really see what was going on down there, and aiming was out of the question. Since then, I’ve always assumed that puddles at the urinal were from our larger brethren and, when possible, I’d just choose a spot that was dry and do my business.  

  3. 4 hours ago, davebk said:

    I'm amazed by the number of providers on RM who will engage with me about a session and chat quite a bit but never click to take a look at my profile.

    The ones that do are typically more likely to get my business because they tend to grab on to something I say and present those things as options for the session, letting me know I'll be in good hands.

    I only recently filled out the “about me” portion of my RM profile.  I was pleasantly surprised when one provider I was communicating with commented on how helpful that information was.  As with all things YMMV but this guy checked me out after I contacted him and, yeah, that makes me more likely to book with him.  With this hobby, communication is key, but there are few absolutes about how, when, and where.  I figure if putting information on my profile helps, why not?

  4. Depends on your definition of a Morning Person. The older I get the more I’m becoming an “early to bed, early to rise” guy (asleep by 10pm, up by 6am), but definitely not fit to be around until 8am or 9am.

  5. So, I’m fairly new to the Forum, and only just picked up this “hobby” in the last year or so, and given the precarious nature of this community due to Daddy’s current health situation, I just wanted to say thanks.


    Thanks for the helpful advice regarding providers. Being new to this, I’ve stuck to solid recommendations from this group except for one, and (except for that one, which wasn’t all that bad), I’ve had amazing experiences that I have thoroughly enjoyed.


    Thanks for the guidance regarding health and well-being. I have had my first test (all clear) and am now scheduled for every three months, and am starting PreP.


    Thanks for random lifestyle tips, from good reads to Netflix options to travel suggestions.


    Thanks for the gallery and all the beautiful contributions there.


    Thanks, even, for the snark and sharp comments from time to time. After all, what would any true “community” (or family for that matter) be without them?


    In other words, I am so very grateful for you all. To say you have changed my life would not be an overstatement.


    Thank you.


    And for the sake of others like me whose lives could experience the same positive impact, I hope this community lives on!

  6. I wish I knew how to find ATMs that dispense 100’s. A local ATM at least dispenses 50s.


    Same. I’ve at least found an ATM locally that dispenses $50 bills, and Chase ATMs (sometimes) will dispense $100 bills. I’ve also had Wells Fargo tellers exchange a couple hundreds for ten $20s once. Sounds like from this article (below) that grocery stores may exchange $100 bills occasionally as well (will have to try that sometime as I hate carrying a wad of $20s for hiring).



  7. Sounds like, as with most things on this forum, that there is a wide range of experiences and practices. I have only hired while traveling and for that reason I like to plan ahead and have money set aside.

    I withdraw $200/month for hiring and that has worked for my budgeting and spending purposes. Since travel (and hiring) has been significantly curtailed, I’ve now got a good amount set aside that I occasionally add to by getting some cash back when I shop for groceries. I feel like when travel and hiring are both safer, I’ll be ready!

  8. Since I was a “late bloomer” physically, I don’t mind looking my age at all. When I was younger and interviewing for jobs, a dear friend suggested that I would have a hard time with people taking me seriously since I looked like I was 14 (I was in my mid-20s). Now in my 50s with more than a touch of silver (and working hard to take care of myself), what makes me feel really old is when I catch myself cocking my head to one side to hear better.

  9. I’ve used it a few times. In fact, I reordered it. It worked nicely. And, I did not feel like there was any liquid left in me. I often have that feeling with Fleet. I would recommend it.


    Hearing that you’ve reordered it is helpful. It must’ve been good enough to go back. I appreciate the notion of a product designed and created for this purpose but wasn’t sure if it was over the top or not. Thanks!

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