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Posts posted by LGatton

  1. 100% agree with this. I resisted at first since everyone one I knew was on me about seeing it and that sometimes causes a stubborn reaction to do the opposite in me. Last year on vaction I downloaded a bunch of episode for when I was going to be on flights and trains and I was hooked.

    Your right the first couple of seasons take time to get going. It's funny during those seasons but the really good character work happens starting in the third season. 

  2. I don't have a hard max rate, but the more a provider charges past 300/hr, the higher my threshold is for assurance that we will have a good time. If they charge less than that I might be willing to see them with  about 20 or so 5 star RM reviews and maybe one thread on here with a general concensus that they are good. More than that I might need at least 50+ reviews and at least 2 great Daddy Reviews or 2 pm's from members on this board before I would be willing to commit that kind of money

  3. This is always a hard question to answer because it was a series of revelations that happend through out my childhood and teenage years so it's hard to pin point. However, I should have realized it when I was an 8 year old boy who really, really, REALLY, liked watching The Golden Girls. Like, way more than any heterosexual boy should have

  4. I'll be fully vaxed in few weeks. Most info indicates the risk of contraction is low. There are no absolutes here and even with the vaccines there are still chances, but all I can do stay informed of the situation and assess the risks accordingly. I have trip planed in the next couple of months and I intend to hire. If something changes, like variants geting out of control, I've set it up so I can cancel the trip and (mostly) recoup any losses. If there is one thing this last year has taught me is that while it was right to take the risk of this seriously if I wait for it to drop to 0% I'll be waiting forever.

  5. When Snapchat came out. There were other technology trends that came out before this I didn't really get into or know much about, but this was the first one that produced a confused, hostile, visceral "you damn kids get off my lawn" reaction from me.


    I posted this video recently in another thread but it is even more relevant here. Take comfort in the fact this feeling is universal and all those younger people will feel it themselves. The wheel turns....


  6. I’m a voracious reader, and slick magazines have always been a favorite. I’ve probably subscribed to Sports Illustrated, Men’s Health, Time, GQ, and others for decades. Just this week, the new issue of GQ arrived, all 88 pages, which is about half or less of what it used to be. Sure, I know mags are shrinking and everything is online, and I do more than my fair share of reading them in that manner. Anyhow, I must be getting old, fussy, or simply “unwoke”.


    Yeah, I know who Zendaya is. She’s talented, but cover-worthy of GQ? And the feature on Netflix star Noah Centineo was okay, but who-the-hell is he? Jimmy Butler’s write-up was probably the best, because, well, he is. But who the fuck are the Viagra Boys? Swedish punk rock ain’t on my current playlist, so I must be a dinosaur. I watch a little soccer when the NFL isn’t playing, but who is Christian Pulisic? The rest of the issue had a little bit of other stuff about “happiness” and hunting down a Rwandan criminal. That was it. Not one sniff and scratch cologne ad, either, thank you. Probably took all of 10 minutes to thumb through the pages and into the trash. On the other hand, the daily GQ newsletter I get online is far better than the print version.


    Maybe it’s me. Maybe I’m ready for the old man’s version- the current one must be for the hip dudes still in their 20s. Just sayin.


    Remember this sage wisdom from Grandpa Simpson because you will feel its truth multiple times through out your life. And take comfort in the fact that all those younger kids will feel it too

  7. It is odd how much they really lean into the classic sitcom motif. It's not even a satire of 50's/60's sitcoms like Pleasantville was, but a true reconstruction of them. The plots in the first two episodes would have fit in to Bewitched perfectly.


    One thing the ernest sitcom approach is very good for is when whatever mystery that's going on around it starts to leach in it makes those moments 10x creepier by comparison.


    Given the ending of epsiode 2 it's clear that Wanda has at least partial if not necessarily conscious control of what going on.

  8. I ran into this show mostly through youtube clips. They were really weird at first but oddly fascinating and eventually grew on me.


    I like the show but it's one I like to pop into every once in while rather than binge. It's usually not too plot heavy so you can just start in anywhere you like. And yes Hulu's subtitles help a lot.


    Also, Wayne (aka Jared Kesso)....*fans self*

  9. Vox has been doing a series of articles called The Lost Year where they interview people about the various problems they've had to deal with because of the pandemic. They just posted one from an escort in LA, though he stays anonymous understandably.


    It's an interesting read and he talks a lot about the stress he feels about taking this whole thing seriously, but also trying to earn a living.



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