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Everything posted by xyz48B

  1. Why would you expect an answer to a rhetorical question? I’m quite happy. I disagree with people here and they interpret that as complaining. I do see a lot of hypocrisy here as well, and I point it out. That’s not complaining. It’s just telling the truth. I just had breakfast with a friend who told me I am one of the happiest people they know and I make them want to be a better person. So anyone’s impression of me as miserable is off target. Apparently I’m a joy to be around in person. Is it possible, rhetorically speaking, that because I have the temerity to point out how some people are wearing no clothes that it’s easier to write me off as miserable to save face? 🤔
  2. So you decided to ignore that when calling me sanctimonious?
  3. @latbear4blk– Would you have me not say my pieces?
  4. On further reflection…That’s just a jerk thing to say. And you probably disagree. But your disagreement doesn’t change my mind. It’s still a jerk thing to say. But I wanted to say my piece. If you can’t put together what I’m saying here, that’s not my fault. The point is obvious. I don’t understand the apologetics for all manner of bad behavior for escorts that is rampant on this forum, especially among clients. Most escorts aren’t asswipes and most clients don’t waste time. Maybe we ought to all stop assuming the worst and act like fucking adults who could have a drink together in person… So whatever.
  5. What? Wow…Maybe escorts should remember that clients….are still humans? The grace we afford an escort for doing what is bitched about as far as clients? The irony is rich… I was decent, too. The point I’m making is that for all the righteous posturing about proper etiquette on approaching the holy of holies here, the rules of engagement don’t apply the other way. The guy is fine as far as I’m concerned. The point is that escorts will say that such a message from a potential client (“Hey 👋🏻“) wastes their time. It doesn’t take more than 3 seconds to fire off a response… I’m still looking for the Miss Manners etiquette book that provides the exact verbiage required to contact an escort.
  6. It’s not. My preference are set that way. I had never seen the guy til I looked at the ad. I replied because unlike some folks, I find it impolite to just ignore other people. I’m not a jerk.
  7. But do they advertise that? I doubt women are looking for an escort nearly as much as men though.
  8. I’ve decided I’m going to start using this because it embodies me on multiple levels
  9. “Hey 👋🏻“ Imagine if I had sent an escort that So many providers want you to be specific when you reach out to them. They say so in their ads even. We’re supposed to include what we’re looking for, when we’d like to meet, our favorite color is…So we don’t waste their time. Then I get this… “Hey 👋🏻“ I guess my time isn’t valuable…
  10. I had never considered this angle, but all the more reason for me to hire gay or bi. I wonder how many gay escorts would fuck a woman for the right price…
  11. @MscleLovr…not sure how asking if a certain amount is “too much” and then demonstrating how it plays out over the course of a year is irrelevant. I even set the bar lower in an attempt to demonstrate that less is sufficient “to make ends meet.” To me, asking if some provider is charging too much is asking two questions: 1) is the provider being realistic given the local market and 2) is the amount “worth it?” There are many ways to look at each of those questions. If the object is for the escort to make a sustainable living, $400/hr is more than sufficient in NYC. If he’s good enough, he’ll have more than enough business to be comfortable. If he’s not, he’ll fall out of the market because he can’t make it. But $400/hr is sufficient to get by. The question of worth is wholly different, and it’s subjective. A good escort could charge less and still be comfortable with loads of clients. He could also probably charge more, “get ahead,” and still have loads of clients because many think he’s “worth it.” ”Too much” is vague. It really depends what you’re asking about. Fairness in compensation or value for a particular escort. But demonstrating that $400/hr is within the comfortable COL range is not irrelevant to a discussion of “too much.” I hope I’ve shown that now by explaining.
  12. I suspect many members here would quite enjoy using the 🙄 on my posts!
  13. This thread is on life support, but… We need this button. Or this button 💁🏻‍♂️ Except the people who posted a 👍🏻 on this post from you 😂 I would be inclined to use an eye roll emoji and comment…because I really can’t help myself and need to say something. That’s more a pathological issue than a laziness matter.
  14. You are moving the goal posts of the discussion. I don’t care about the goal posts some businessperson is setting. The discussion was going about costs, inflation, poverty, etc. All those are concerns that are essentially about making ends meet. You introduce the points about risk and law enforcement etc. Law enforcement has nothing to do with inflation or poverty (at least in this regard), so by introducing it you’re moving the baseline of discussion from what is necessary to make a living to what is necessary to get ahead. Two distinct things. And for the latter, it’s all over the place depending on provider…Nearly impossible to say what is “average” because there’s going to be as many different responses to that as there are escorts. Not all escorts are looking to get ahead. Some simply are making money on the side. Some however are seeing this as their sole source of income. Circumstances are very different.
  15. You’re moving the goal posts. If the issue is making ends meet, then my calculus holds. If we’re remunerating above and beyond what it takes to make a living,* then it becomes a lot trickier to calculate effectively. And it’s also a lot more subjective. Risk for example. Some escorts are more risk averse than others; they would theoretically charge more, if risk is assessed a value, than other escorts who are less risk averse. *And before anyone pisses themselves, I’m not suggesting we only remunerate for COL alone. I’m saying that’s what the discussion was about so that’s what I dealt with. As stated above, introducing other variables moves the goal posts.
  16. @Shawn Monroe– I admire people who can do that with their alarms…If I don’t absolutely have to wake up like I do for work, setting an alarm invariably leads to hitting snooze 5-6 times. Despite the best of intentions, I just can’t peel myself out of bed if I don’t “need” to… ”Plant dad” is a new term. I see guys on IG who are really into their plants though. So they’re plant dads? Is that a new type of gay? I used to have oodles of orchids and had success getting them to bloom – til I adopted a Maine coon who loves to chew on anything long and thin, like an orchid stem. That was the end of my plant days…Shame because now I have a beautiful sunroom where I could keep plants. Damn pets…
  17. The webmaster there isn’t terribly on top of things in my opinion. I had an issue some months back about a guy who scammed me and reported it to the webmaster. He didn’t much care. That guy now is running multiple accounts.
  18. Resorts are places where Americans (and sometimes Japanese) can go abroad but not have to engage with the local culture. I’m heading to a resort in Scotland with an escort at the end of April. We are looking forward to the resort, to be sure. It’s gorgeous. But we’ve already committed to do things off-resort, including driving about. The resort planners wanted to book us for “tours” (read: activities) on-resort, but we’re not really interested in that. I told him I want to go to a local restaurant every. One of the best things about traveling is sampling local cuisine. This is where you have to be savvy with looking up reviews online. I was surprised how many folks who stay at this resort pay for tax or other ride services simply to avoid renting a car and driving on the opposite side of the road. That doesn’t bother me at all. And renting a car is much cheaper than ride services. Unless of course you’re going to spend the whole vacation on-resort. Resort vacationing can be a lot of fun, but you have to know how to plan if you want a taste of the local way of life. And even then, you’re still a tourist.
  19. These are current stats… I was actually surprised to see rent is indexed at about 4% cheaper than NYC. Although on reflection, I’ve heard it’s becoming more and more difficult to find housing there unless you’re grandfathered in under previous rent control protections. In my opinion, housing costs are crazy. Where I live, it’s actually cheaper to get a mortgage than pay rent. Problem is…a lot of folks who would normally rent don’t have the equity and/or credit to secure a mortgage, and so they end up renting and paying more than those who can buy outright.
  20. I’m simply saying if these escorts are as busy as they say, then money shouldn’t be a real issue in most normal locations. No need to get snarky with me about deducing from the provided information. Facts are facts. Unless my math is off…Can you demonstrate that I’m wrong?
  21. The site isn’t known for efficiency. I’m not surprised an announced plan hasn’t yet happened.
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