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Kevin Slater

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Everything posted by Kevin Slater

  1. Shouldn't have one of the zealots been a designated survivor at an undisclosed location? The Secretary of Psalms or someone? Kevin Slater
  2. They were. In a previous episode he mentions building such a network, and he is present when they kill the old maester. He was also Cersie's only ally left in Kings Landing. Kevin Slater
  3. What's interesting to me is that she ascended the throne as Cersei Lannister (first of her name), notably not Baratheon, which would be her only flimsy claim. Kevin Slater
  4. The sigil of House Tyrell. Kevin Slater
  5. You left out The Help. Kevin Slater
  6. At this stage in the game, that's about the level we're operating on. Haven't we seen Arya do the face trick before? My memory is bad. In any case, she surely saw it done. I think there's a dead serving wench in a ditch somewhere. In the previous episode Arya had two impressive bags o' coin to throw at passage home. I think you don't want to be between Arya and anything she might find useful, like your face. I thought Frey was done for given his conversation with Jamie. Interesting that nobody will know who did the deed. Might that create another succession kerfuffle? Ooh, I like the returning to Fire and Ice. But I don't think Baratheon = ice. Maybe we just pick ice up from Lianna Stark. Kevin Slater
  7. If Rhaegar and Lyanna ran off together and he were the product of a marriage rather than rape, he could have a rather compelling claim on the throne. Alas, he may yet be a bastard and not a trueborn king. Kevin Slater
  8. Whereas most of the events had been predicted, they were still very well played out. The first 20 minutes were intense, even if the Times ran an article this morning basically telling us what Cersei was going to do. We anticipated John Snow's origin story before the season began. I'm pissed Margaery is gone, as she was a great character Tommen was a shock, as Cersei clearly took steps to save him It was fun to see Araya have her moment, but curious that she would drop by House Frey before, oh, Winterfell Not sure what was happening between Cersei and Jamie there. He's been having internal battles for a while Kevin Slater
  9. Good point. (Well, Bran is, but those attending don't know that he's alive.) It seems resurrection is reserved for those with major story lines. Kevin Slater
  10. Adam Michaels is mentioned frequently in the forum, always favorably, including by me. Kevin Slater
  11. Allow plenty of time. After watching it, you may want to watch it again with the commentary by a very interesting film scholar. (I'm assuming the film is only available on the Criterion Collection.) It's a long movie and I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that I was compelled to then watch it a third time (albeit the next night) to fully appreciate what the guy pointed out that I was too dumb to notice the first time. Truly great film. Then, to be totally compulsive, watch or re-watch the Magnificent Seven. Kevin Slater
  12. Not from personal experience, but I heard that the Axel hotel is not good on letting guests up, if you were considering it. The neighborhood around Thermas (or more so, Axel) is the gayborhood, so that'd be a fun place to camp. Report back. Kevin Slater
  13. Love me some Toshiro Mifune! Wonder how many people know who he is. Kevin Slater
  14. They definitely were a few years back. Somewhat less so now. Kevin Slater
  15. WSC ain't great, but it's what NYC has to offer. I'm told its sister site, the East Side Club is the more depressing of the two. They have coupons online that get you in for $10 after midnight on weekdays (not including Memorial Day, I'm sure) or, if you're under 30, $15 on Wednesday evenings. That's in addition to the $15 one month membership or $40 annual membership. Kevin Slater
  16. He's an absolute zero. (Never met the guy and have no opinion, just a bit of nerd humor.) Kevin Slater
  17. "Market research" on my free time. Kevin Slater
  18. I'm posting without having read any of this thread, so forgive if my account is duplicative. I dropped by this afternoon (a Tuesday) and spend maybe two hours there. There were quite a few extremely good looking and friendly money boys, perhaps outnumbering clients three to one. Most spoke english decently well and were friendly and quite seductive, happy to show their wares. I didn't engage beyond responding to small talk and quickly telling them not to waste their time on me as I wasn't looking to hire. My one complaint is that that didn't suffice. These guys are persistent. Polite, but persistent. A few pointed out that it was an escort venue and implied that if I wasn't looking to hire there was no point being there (I proved them wrong, but that's a different subject ). I would say that if you indeed aren't looking to hire, the barrage of solicitations can be annoying. The place was clean and large. It didn't allow smoking (a major plus in my book, especially when compared to Sauna Casanova down the block which didn't seem to have money boys but a lot of smokers). I didn't ask about rates, but if it was ~€50 as I think I've read, you'd be a fool to hire in any other city. At four times that rate these sexy boys would be a bargain, so long as you're ok with a sauna hook up (which I imagine has its pros and cons). The front desk boy was extremely cute and, shall we say, dedicated to customer satisfaction. He was not a money boy. As an aside, Grindr also seems to have a large number of hustlers in Barcelona. I did ask rates there, it got responses ranging from €50 to 120. To their credit, they did not seem to engage in outbound hustling but simply made it clear when you approach them. I did not sample any professional wares in Barcelona but suspect I will be called upon to do so in Madrid later this week, client in tow. Kevin Slater
  19. The cheapest plan on (yech) M4RN is $30. Rentmen may be ~$80, but that may depend upon city-- I don't know. But a better question is which gives more bang for the buck. Kevin Slater
  20. Cousin Mela Noma of palm desert once removed Kevin Slater
  21. Tequila Mockingbird Kevin Slater
  22. Mariachi of Thrones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdpjxbSBbfw Kevin Slater
  23. OK, can we speculate as to what's gonna happen? All of this in conjecture, as I'm only on book three (and unlikely to continue reading), and haven't read any of the fan pages. But here goes... (Conjecture spoiler alert): Obviously Jon Snow is not dead. Or rather he is, but conveniently the red witch, who has a habit of resurrecting the dead, is nearby. Notice what his death accomplishes though. Think about his vow to the Night's Watch: "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death." So if he dies and comes back, oath taken care of. Why the fixation on Jon Snow (who has had a really boring story line, IMO)? He's the crux of the story. He ain't Ned Stark's bastard son. He's Ned's nephew by the dead sister and the Targareyan she had a fling with. (Don't really remember this but I think it's in there.) Targareyans have a habit of marrying siblings. Daenerys Targaryen is widowed. Wedding bells. Oh, and she has three dragons she's slowly losing control of. Brandon's a worg (controls animals with his mind). Last we saw of him he was told he'd never walk but would fly. Done. Or one third done. Maybe the Imp rides another. He has that special saddle. The Imp is aligned with Daenerys. I say the four of them come together, probably with others, to rule the seven kingdoms, or maybe we unite both sides of the ocean as well. Arrya is roaming around aimlessly, as is now Sansa. Sansa's wolf died in the place of Arrya's (King Robert needed a wolf to kill and took Sansa's when Arrya's bit Joeffry). I think that portends that Sansa is somehow going to die to save Arrya. Don't know how that figures in yet. But he haven't had a good Stark killing in a few seasons now. Just some of where I see all this going. Kevin Slater
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