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Kevin Slater

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Posts posted by Kevin Slater

  1. 2 hours ago, Pensant said:

    I can think of three former regulars from the 2005-2007 era who have gone on from being very popular twinks to great careers. All three earned their undergraduate degrees while escorting. One even got an MBA from a top school. There is definitely a life after escorting if you plan well and set goals, as these three did.

    Completely agree.  Would also like to advance the argument that life after escorting may simply be a very comfortable retirement, not necessarily the need for another career.

    Kevin Slater

  2. 41 minutes ago, BtmBearDad said:

    I live in NYC, if I’m taking an MTA bus it’s just habit at this point when I get on, and say “good morning/afternoon/hello/etc”. Similarly, getting off, I say “thank you, drive safe”. I do the same with cabs, Ubers. 🤷🏼‍♂️

    What was that expression - “manners are the cornerstone of a civilized society”? I think we see every day on the news what happens when there is an absence of manners. 


    Oh, I do to.  But I use the NY shortcut: "Fuck your mother."

    Kevin Slater

  3. 8 minutes ago, gallahadesquire said:

    I’ve been with a Financial Advisor / Fraternity brother for 37 years. One investment I never made was anything to do with real estate—because, as he puts it, he just doesn’t understand it. 

    Oh, the three properties I already own have done great by me.  Passive income means money while I sleep, let alone any capital appreciation.  It's just that they're all paid off and I want to step back up to the table (albeit without going through the painful mortgage process again).

    Kevin Slater


    5 minutes ago, Lookin said:

    I've participated in two Invision-based sites for a number of years and one thing I've learned is that the site Admin has a lot of control over the user editing panel.  A couple months ago, I asked what happened to the center-alignment button and @RadioRob , who had removed it, kindly put it back in.

    I guess over the years we find our useful editing tools and then someone comes along and wonders who would ever need such a tool and -poof - it's gone. 💨

    The happy times for me were a couple years ago when the other Invision board I infest allowed HTML commands.  Even the little I knew would usually get things in my post looking and acting the way I wanted them to.  Not sure if this board had them briefly after the conversion, or possibly has them right now in plain sight and I just haven't seen them.  🧐 

    I like the blue-text-as-hyperlink function too, and hope it comes back.  

    Oh, I don't know.  I've been asking for enforced Haiku for years now to no avail.

    Kevin Slater

  5. 2 hours ago, keroscenefire said:

    Just signed up to get the vaccine here in Denver. They do seem to be trickling through the public health services. I have a few friends who've been able to get it already. I'm on a waitlist apparently. They are only giving out the vaccine at a clinic every Wednesday. It doesn't look like I'll get it this Wednesday but maybe next. 

    Curious any side effects for those who've taken it? COVID shots kinda kicked my butt but the Jynneos one doesn't seem to have major side effects. Is that right?

    A tender bruise was it for me.  Then again, I never reacted to any of my Covid shots either.

    Kevin Slater

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