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  1. Applause
    JulianLondon reacted to MscleLovr in Seeking arrangements success!   
    I completely agree.
    I don’t mean to be harsh @Coolwave35 but… 
    Did Bottom promise you fidelity and monogamy? Did you promise Bottom that he would be your only boy?
    Did you tell Bottom that you wanted him to be exclusive? Did you promise Bottom that you would pay all his bills even when you were not together?
    Earlier you mentioned how you admired Bottom’s drive and initiative, eg his making money trading on Amazon. How is his resourcefulness on Fire Island different?
    It seems to me that maybe you had some romantic notions about him. Bottom is a lovely, fit young man who does what you like in bed. He wanted to enjoy the Summer and he met other guys who, like you, were happy to reward him for his company. Having successfully navigated the social whirl of Fire Island, Bottom was able to enjoy spending time with other lovely, fit young men. 
    You’re not naive @Coolwave35 but I wonder if there isn’t some jealousy that Bottom was able to have a great time without you? When you were not there to orchestrate his activities? 
    From what you’ve written, it doesn’t seem to me that Bottom misled you in any way. You had a thoroughly good but transactional relationship with him. I feel you overreacted in cancelling your other planned trips with him - that to me seems like “cutting your nose off to spite your face”.
    I’d urge you to be the bigger, more mature man here. Call him up and tell him you really want to see him again and make a date!
  2. Like
    JulianLondon got a reaction from Kevin Slate in London   
    My current favorite three.
  3. Like
    JulianLondon reacted to TorontoDrew in Only Fans & Just for Fans escorts?   
    I wish he'd actually have sex with men.  He's a gay baiter and we shouldn't support him.
  4. Applause
    JulianLondon reacted to Kevin Slater in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Moderator's warning:  Gents, what part of stick to the topic (seeking arrangements, not the cost of living in NYC) didn't you understand?  Multiple replies have been hidden.
  5. Thanks
    JulianLondon got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Villa Gianni   
    I think it's probably the cheapest room by the hour in London.
    IF you bring in a guest it's £40.
    £130 if you don't.
    Because they are supplying the masseur too.
    Clear as clear can be. 😇
  6. Agree
    JulianLondon reacted to + Charlie in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    The essential difference between the British and American system is that Americans vote for an individual to be the political leader for a specific period of time, while the British vote for a party, whose representatives get to choose the leader for as long as they can maintain a majority in Parliament, and the party can change the leader whenever they wish. The American Founding Fathers thought they could eliminate what they saw as a pernicious power of parties by making the executive independent of a legislative party, and how did that work out?😒
  7. Eye Roll
    JulianLondon reacted to Rudynate in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    While we are waxing sentimental about the Queen, it is worth noting that a significant minority of Britons think that they should do away with the monarchy and the UK should adopt a republican form of government.  More than 20% feel this away.   Within that 20%+ there is a vocal minority who think the Royal family are little more than parasites.
  8. Like
    JulianLondon got a reaction from + WilliamM in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    I believe it will be King Charles III as there will be a King George within many people's lifetime.
    Charles, William and George. 
    The optics of this Jubilee apart from celebration was one of succession. 
    Also there may be a Regency again if and when the Queen is completely incapacitated but she would not abdicate as has been stated on here previously.

  9. Agree
    JulianLondon got a reaction from + Charlie in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    I believe it will be King Charles III as there will be a King George within many people's lifetime.
    Charles, William and George. 
    The optics of this Jubilee apart from celebration was one of succession. 
    Also there may be a Regency again if and when the Queen is completely incapacitated but she would not abdicate as has been stated on here previously.

  10. Like
    JulianLondon got a reaction from mike carey in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    I believe it will be King Charles III as there will be a King George within many people's lifetime.
    Charles, William and George. 
    The optics of this Jubilee apart from celebration was one of succession. 
    Also there may be a Regency again if and when the Queen is completely incapacitated but she would not abdicate as has been stated on here previously.

  11. Like
    JulianLondon reacted to CuriousByNature in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    With all due respect, I think you may be exaggerating her health difficulties.  She can speak, she can stand, and she can sit.  But she is evidently experiencing enough discomfort at this time to limit her engagements. As a figurehead I think she is likely aware that the way she presents herself is important.  If she were to be seen wincing in pain as she walked, or struggling to get in and out of a carriage, it would be upsetting to many people.  I don't think she would want that - not because of pride, but because she has never sought the nation's pity.
  12. Like
    JulianLondon reacted to kingsley88 in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    My first visit to London was back in 2002 and I remember the Golden Jubilee festivities. I woke up early just to get a good spot at Pall Mall for the march and was surprised that it was mostly tourists who showed up early. Locals came too but they weren't that excited as they were this past weekend. I recall organizers gave all of us Union Jack flags to wave along the route so the photos would look better and more patriotic.
    I think the Queen is definitely more popular nowadays especially after people watched The Crown and seeing what she had to deal with all these years. 
    Anyways, kudos to her! I hope she makes it to her 75th!
    As far as age goes, that shouldn't matter. Supreme Court judges here in the USA have that position for life and most of them stay on the supreme court until their death.
  13. Like
    JulianLondon reacted to wsc in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    From stories I've read, she's never much liked riding in the Gold State Coach even when she feels fine. The coach was built in the 1760s, weighs four tons, moves at a snail's pace, being pulled by eight large walking horses (too heavy for them to trot), which makes the unpleasant trip even longer. The suspension was state of the art -in 1762- but is extremely uncomfortable and hard on the bones. She spoke some years ago about her experience with the coach on Coronation Day in 1953, when she was 27. She didn't like it much then and I doubt she would today.
  14. Like
    JulianLondon reacted to CuriousByNature in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    It isn't about what God wants or doesn't want.  She is known to be a person of great faith, and it's about her personal integrity and the desire to remain true to the pledge she made during her coronation. In fact, she made another pledge on her 21st birthday a few years before to serve for her entire life, whether it would be short or long.  Unlike many people today she has somehow been able to maintain that level of commitment for more than 70 years.  I think that is something worthy of admiration and not likely to be repeated.
  15. Like
    JulianLondon reacted to CuriousByNature in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    From what I have read, the issue is one of mobility.  She is apparently a very devout person who took her coronation vows very seriously.  I highly doubt she will ever abdicate, because she would consider that breaking the vows she made before God.  I imagine she is having some sort of joint issues given her age - her mother had joint replacements in her mid-90s, so perhaps the same will be done for the Queen.  I can't remember if it was the hips or knees, but the surgery gave the Queen Mother a few more years of mobility anyway.   I'm hoping she can see her 75th anniversary as Queen... she would be 100 at that time, and her mother made it to almost 102 herself.
  16. Applause
    JulianLondon reacted to + Charlie in The Queen and I: Jubilee reflections   
    The hoopla about the Platinum Jubilee this weekend has revived some memories for me.
    My maternal grandmother was born in 1885, in New York City, which qualified her to claim to be a native-born American. However, a child's nationality is usually determined by its parents, and in the 19th century, a married woman's nationality was determined by her husband's. Her mother was born and raised in Scotland by British parents, and emigrated on her own to New York, where she met and married my great-grandfather. He was born and raised in Bermuda, where his English family had lived for several generations; although he had moved to live in New York as a young man, he had never formally renounced his allegiance to his monarch Victoria, so my grandmother was technically a subject of the Queen-Empress. She was also the 12th of thirteen children born to my great-grandparents, and her two oldest sisters had both returned to Bermuda, where they married local men and raised their own families.
    My great-grandfather died suddenly when my grandmother was only three years old, and her mother sent her to Bermuda, to be raised by her father's elderly step-mother, helped by her two married sisters. She grew up as a typical child of the colonial Empire, with references to the monarchy everywhere, and she was seventeen before she finally returned to New York, a "British" teenager still mourning the recently deceased Queen Victoria. In New York, she lived with her twenty year old brother, who had  lived there all his life, and his Irish-American wife. Her new sister-in-law had an unmarried thirty year old brother, who immediately fell in love with the teenager, and within a few months they were married, making her truly an American, by marriage as well as by birth. But she often felt confused about whether she was more British or more American.
    I spent a lot of time with my widowed grandmother when I was growing up (I was her oldest grandson), and I'm sure that my fascination with her bifurcated identity had a lot to do with my own personal and professional interest in American and British literature and history. By my adolescence, I had memorized the names and dates of both the American Presidents and the British monarchs. My undergraduate honors project was on Jane Austen (I hear someone murmuring, "That's so gay...." but she was a favorite of my grandmother as well), and I proposed a master's thesis on James Fenimore Cooper's feeble attempt to write an American novel in imitation of Austen to my advisor (he just rolled his eyes). The only cruise I have ever taken was to Bermuda, where I visited the family home in which my grandmother and great-grandfather were raised, and met some of my distant relations. I achieved my ambition to live in both New York and London. As a child, I watched Elizabeth's coronation on TV, and, of course, I went to England for Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee, the first such celebration in my lifetime. My grandmother always followed the news about all Victoria's successors, and if she were still alive, I'm sure she would be glued to the TV for this latest event.
  17. Applause
    JulianLondon reacted to + Lucky in London recommendations   
    Your Ethan posts ...wouldn't one be enough?
  18. Applause
    JulianLondon reacted to shadowcatzxxx in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Good to see that other people are finding success on this site. It has been pretty much a bust for me in the Boston area. I joined after my previous SB (bisexual, unbelievably drop-dead gorgeous from head to foot and everything in-between), after a wonderful 2-year relationship, was convinced by his therapist that if he really plans to marry a woman, he ought to stop cultivating relationships that don't support his going in that direction. Unfortunately, I was very vulnerable at the time we met, and allowed myself to fall DEEPLY, deeply  in love with this sweet, smart, charming adonis.  Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved, I suppose ... but I am now in a dizzying tailspin. In despair at this loss, I joined seeking, and have been not at all impressed. The best-looking guys seem to be charlatans, scammers, or guys who think they can get 4 figures monthly by doing private videos. Ah well, such is the SD life ...
  19. Applause
    JulianLondon got a reaction from Alex93108 in London recommendations   
  20. Like
    JulianLondon reacted to young11 in London recommendations   
    Maybe it is a matter of taste, but I find his face below average. Maybe that is why he hides his face.... I am usually into nice body and care less about face but his face is far below the average escort range....Even if I am not paying, I am not sure if I would be able to kiss him passionately lol
  21. Like
    JulianLondon got a reaction from polydoron1977 in Gay brothels?   
    Would love to know more. This is news to me. In London and Paris? Dm if you like 😀
  22. Like
    JulianLondon reacted to polydoron1977 in Gay brothels?   
    Most major European cities have them. Some of them have been around for a very long time. They are generally quite expensive, extremely discreet, and do not advertise. Admission often requires a personal introduction from a current patron. 
  23. Applause
    JulianLondon got a reaction from beachboy in PORNSTARS I MISS   
    Love this story. Hope it's true. I'd like to know what happened to Ty. Only two films I can find with him.
  24. Like
    JulianLondon got a reaction from MikeBiDude in PORNSTARS I MISS   
    Shawn Michaels. 
  25. Applause
    JulianLondon reacted to + Tarte Gogo in Gay brothels?   
    I have been many, many times. 

    It is not always 10 out of 10, there are always encounters that don’t work well, you can’t expect humans to ALWAYS be perfect. and sometimes you just don’t click with a guy, it’s nobody’s fault.
    But this place is always there, every day, reliably, and they give you choices.
    So it if the first guy is not a 10, just get another guy right after that first. For that price, you probably can afford it anyway. 
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