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Posts posted by Pd1_jap

  1. 1 hour ago, xyz48B said:


    I don't even want to go on vacation with my partner most of the time. Not all of us are easy to travel with. Not to mention the patience required just to get through things like airport security and customs. Unless you're paying for him to travel by himself to a destination he wants to go, it's not free. His expenses are his time and his attention and no matter how you sugar coat it that is an obligation. A pretty sweet obligation considering all viable comparisons but still an obligation. 😘

    When you travel with a guy, do you buy his ticket and other logistical expenses directly or do you give the guy the cash and let him purchase it? I've thought about hiring a guy to travel with me but I feel like giving cash to an escort for travel expenses is rife for scamming. How do I know he'll even turn up?

    But I do agree that many of these hot guys are accustomed to having everything paid for them and are in effect shielded from the grim reality of market forces. Life isn't fair. There is a reason why we pay to spend time with these guys. Reality may hit them when they are older or if they get turned out on meth but until then I wish them every happiness. 

  2. Let's all be real here. If I was as hot as some of these guys I'd be trying to get my way onto David G's yacht. The other half of the time these guys are attending circuit parties, IML in Chicago, market days, pride in several cities, carnival, Christmas, Hanaka, Festivus, Folsom, the world cup, et cetera. And like all of us we are busy people and time is the only currency worth having. We make the best choices we can within the constraints of the physical world. 

    Peace be with you my friends. 

    Season 19 Nbc GIF by SVU

  3. 1 hour ago, Monarchy79 said:

    I’m going to pick at you for a second just to make a point…. (so don’t be offended). 
    You were able to adhere to a scheduled time and date for a dinner with friends (at least some time in advance); why would it be so problematic to have the same consideration for a masseur? 🧐

    I pay for the time a masseur spends with me. I do not pay my friends to spend time with me. That is small but crucial difference. Why cut short a good time when you don't have too? Also I'm very appreciative of a good masseur and have become friends with a few but at the end of the day the masseur will not be there when you have no money but a good friend will. 

  4. I get frustrated with scheduling. Some providers have very strict scheduling and then they forget or blow me off for a client with deeper pockets. Also many providers don't take reservations. I find if I want a "special" massage I just look to see what's available the day of. 

    Although occasionally I have bailed on a provider for a hot hookup. If I have to choose between paying for a message that may or may not be gratifying v.s. a hot hookup that is free and also a guy who wants me for my dick not my wallet, I will choose the later.

    If you're a provider with impeccable professional standards I will come through but most of the time providers rarely stick to their own schedules. 

    Everyone wants to be the exception to the rules they want others to follow. 

  5. I saw Brogan last month and he is one of my all time favorite escorts. He's full of energy and his body is amazing. Last time I saw him I loaded him with my cum and ate it out. If you haven't been with him you should. I paid $350 and still jerk off to the memory of my cock filling his ass.

  6. I would rent out Xcaret in Cancun or the Fairmont in Maui then hire the top 1% of gay onlyfans performers. 

    Imagine a massive gay orgy, a behometh of bachanalian delights, a festival of toned and tanned flesh overlooking the ocean where dolphins and whales swim by. Fresh fruit served by models garbed in hellenistic fashion adorned with gold and azure blue.

    Damn, I'm horny.

  7. On 10/1/2021 at 8:01 AM, marylander1940 said:

    Back to subject:

    when texts make no sense... most escorts have a 6th sense unfortunately with texting is more difficult to realize if someone is serious. 

    Also when is noticeable the client haven't even read the ad of the escort or can't even tell where is he located, etc. 

    This isn't exclusive to escorting. Imagine all the wanna be homeowners texting real estate agents. 

  8. 38 minutes ago, jetlow said:

    I asked a local provider feedback on my communication - it came across as concise and to the point . 

    I travel a lot internationally , and some people don’t do English so well - this might be a language problem 

    TBH, the ad I replied to had photos of a quasi-famous Instagram influencer/fashion designer. I suspect it was a scammer trying to use his pics. However, the Instagram influencer is so hot I had to try. 

  9. On 8/23/2021 at 10:17 AM, StLouisOct said:

    Well, he’s young and joined RM only two months ago, so I wonder how long he’ll stay at $500 per hour. Maybe he’s not looking for quantity or perhaps he’ll have a rude awakening.

    This guy isn't new. I live in LA and he posts and deletes his ads all the time. IMHO, he's not worth it. Why would you hire this guy when you can can get Brogan, PorfiMax, or many others who are hotter than him for $300–350. 🤷

  10. On 9/28/2021 at 1:09 PM, Gymowner said:

    thats joey sullivan aka daniel carter of internet fame. i dont think its against rules to broadcast his name since it is interchangeable all over the place with daniel carter. he did/does escort. i met him in February of 2020 in las vegas. great guy. very humble and cute personality. HUGE chest and enormous sweeping quads. looked 245-250. he claimed only 225-230 then. 

    God bless you kind sir!

  11. On 9/14/2021 at 7:47 PM, Talented said:

    Never said escorting made me feel dirty!  Also never said escorting deteriorated my mental health. Reading comprehension is key. It was the stds specifically that made me feel disgusted. Bravado?! I don’t need to impress anyone. Gotten to the point more quickly? My point was made in my very first sentence of my post. I quit so that I could just be taken care of by one man. Pretty simple! 

    We all need to chill. Chemistry between two people define the nature of the relationship and the benefits determine the level of comfort. We all walk our own path. If you look too hard and long on another's path you will lose light of your own. 

    That being said, I find this thread fascinating. I would love to be taken care of by a Daddy but seeing I'm already in my forties(and fat and bald), I think I missed the boat on that. I'm currently trying to save up enough money so when I retire I can be Daddy for someone. 

    Providers, what are the benefits that entice you into being a kept boy? What are the minimum expectations?

  12. 32 minutes ago, Lucky said:

    The guy had no connection to this whatsoever. No one here was talking about hiring him, and neither were you. It was a gratuitous slam, which seems to be something you like to do.

    Who made you arbiter of acceptable commentary in this message board? If you want to be that person why are you wasting time here? There are billions of neo Nazi discussions happening all over the internet. Please take your critical eye for justice to those places. You are needed there. 

    Me and my fellows in this thread are here to commiserate on the crazy dealings we have to put up with just to talk to these guys. It also sounds like OP wants a sounding board to see if anyone else thinks the ad is unreasonable.

    Sorry if you are offended but offense does not equal injustice. 

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