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Posts posted by Pd1_jap

  1. On 1/28/2023 at 4:31 AM, dcbbvers said:

    Have to say the curt responses are a huge turn off and will almost always make me check out other providers. For $300 I sort of expect responses that are more than one word. Its fine when texting friends but not when someone is looking to drop some nice money on time with you. 

    I made this exact point in another thread and was demonized by the community here. 

  2. Hi, Bitter Nancy here 👋

    In general toxic masculinity runs deep in our culture. I'm not sure why you would think this site would be unaffected?

    Many of your photos heavily feature your lips so... Gurls gonna gossip hunty. Is Taco Bell angry that people make fun of the food and the gastro intestinal after effects? No. The publicity is what keeps the brand alive. 

    I'm a strange person, I have a congenital deformity, and atopic dermatitis on my face. Many providers treat me like garbage and if they are nice they rarely listen to what I want and just end up doing what they want. I've had really great experiences with maybe ten providers. 

    Accounting for all that, clients need to vent their frustrations. You need to learn to be okay with that. Let them laugh in an Internet forum while you laugh all the way to the bank. 


  3. I've sent a deposit once and the guy scammed. Twice I paid before services rendered. The first, promptly told me, right after I gave him 300, that that was only for his company and even a massage would be extra. The second, I paid a masseur for three sessions in advance. After the first session he was always to busy to find time. 

    The lesson, when you give over your leverage you lose all power and are then at the mercy of the provider; many of whom aren't exactly forthright. 


  4. On 2/19/2023 at 10:57 AM, NYXboy said:

    i came on here to find out information about this provider, and thank god people replied to your comment - you are so in the wrong to post a review, and a comment like that it blows my mind.  You should be ashamed of yourself to try and hurt someone's business like that.  the fact that you are indignant is even more shocking,  wow.  You need to get a grip on reality - you have paid him NOTHING. you are not a client, he owes you NOTHING. he was polite enough to turn down your request in a straightforward and polite way and you come on a forum and try and deny him work. I hope other providers read this and steer clear of you.  You are piece of shit. 



    Wow, someone has anger issues. I never said this was a review. Y'all need to chill. He's just not for me. What is so horrible about that?  

  5. 2 hours ago, ChasingGirth said:

    I have seen him in real life at Eagle and he is not that appealing face to face. He advertises as being 5’11, in reality he is much shorter at most 5’8. 

    8 reviews including 3 from the same client. 



    I got lap dance from him at Adonis Lounge. His ass 😍

    I'm also 6' and shorter guys kinda turn me on but also tall guys or maybe I'm just a slut. 

    Golden Girls Flirting GIF by HULU

  6. 1 hour ago, BenjaminNicholas said:

    Real talk:  A dude with this kind of social media following doesn't need to take a cheap date.

    If he's smart- and I hope he is- he's heavily monetizing his followers.

    I good friend once told me, "it's not how much money you make that's important; it's how much money you save."

    Something tells me he has expensive taste and thusly will always need more money to satisfy that taste. 🤑

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