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Posts posted by Pd1_jap

  1. 15 minutes ago, CuriousByNature said:

    I don't think you should call yourself a weird person, and there isn't anyone who is everybody's cup of tea.  You have your interests and those did not happen to intersect with the interests of this provider.  You expressed the desire to photograph him and he was not interested and he let you know that directly, but still politely.  If you put yourself in his shoes, there is very little incentive - even paid incentive - to pose for a non-professional photographer.  You or I could be absolutely anyone looking to do something with his photos that he might not approve of.  With a professional photographer there is a greater likelihood of professional conduct and ethics than with someone just showing up at his place with a camera.  I'm not suggesting you would do anything nefarious with his photos, but he does not know that.  It makes sense that he would like to see examples of your work before accepting that sort of offer, or at least have some sort of a relationship with you beforehand.   I looked at his advertisement and I didn't see any mention of him posing for clients, or an interest in being photographed, so your desire to photograph him may have made him uneasy rather than feeling complimented.  The reply you gave him 12 hours later about being dismissive seemed a bit over the top to me, but I understand from various experiences in life that sometimes we can take the rejection of what we consider a reasonable proposal as something harsher than it was intended.  I don't think he was being dismissive towards you - he was being straightforward, and saving both of you time and effort going back and forth about something that was not going to happen.   If he was truly dismissive he could have blocked you after knowing what you were interested in - the fact that he did not do this suggests he is likely quite reasonable.  Does that make any sense at all?

    Yes, I agree with you on several points except for the part about being dismissive. I asked a question and he dismissed me. His language implied he was done with the conversation and deemed me unworthy of serious consideration.


    I get there is some trepidation about photos as there are a lot of want-to-be photographers out there who expect models to work for free and then also fuck. He assumed what I wanted and dismissed me without asking follow-ups. 

    I have had several experiences with providers who rush and/or completely scam me. So when I text a provider and they already seem like they are in a rush it's over for me. 

  2. 31 minutes ago, former lurker said:

    Stop digging.  You came across poorly, to him and to those of us who've read this thread.  You wanted to take his pics, he (politely) declined.  That should have been the end of that particular issue, but you became obnoxious and agressive by suggesting  he must have been burned and that he was dismissive.  That interpretation says tons about you, and nothing about him.


    Not digging for anything. Again 😤, this is just my opinion. Am I not allowed to have my own opinion or is it mandatory that I conform to the rest of y'all? 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Beancounter said:

    Just out of curiosity @pd1_jap…..how old are you?  The vast majority of forum members here have been around the block more times than the good humor man (well-versed in life and matters like we’re discussing in this thread).  You, on the other hand, seem to just be starting out in life.  Give it a rest and learn something from what members are trying to tell you.  

    I'm in my early forties. I'm a weird person. I understand that and I also understand that I'm not everyone's cup of tea. So my communication patterns are setup to feel out difficult and conceited people. 

    What I don't understand is why y'all going crazy over that? I've seen some messages on here that are pure vitriol. I'm not swearing, not calling names. I'm simply calling it the way I see it. If y'all got a problem with that block me. 

    Since you've been around the block so many times you should go take a nap. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Tom Harding said:

    This was your original statement. You are in the wrong. Learn from this.

    (1) Making a broad statement. Off of zero to little interaction on a forum to damage the character of a provider isn’t ok.

    I'm not damaging his character. People like you are still going to see him. 


    1 hour ago, Tom Harding said:

    (2) You showed us all how you did not communicate effectively to the provider. He turned you down and your feelings were hurt. 

    Please do tell what the appropriate communication with providers is. There isn't! Everyone is different and reacts to language as such. 


    1 hour ago, Tom Harding said:

    (3) You’re now telling others to move on. It’s clear via your messages, you did not move on when Lewis told you NO. You had to text him a day later to call him “dismissive”. A day after commenting on this forum and calling him conceited??? Your interactions do not make sense. 

    Obviously from what little interaction I had with him it is safe to say that if you expect a certain level of customer service this is not your guy. 


    1 hour ago, Tom Harding said:

    No this isn’t a Del Taco. This isn’t a restaurant. This isn’t a typical  “customer service industry”. 

    Just because it's not typical doesn't mean common sense shouldn't apply. Again, I'm the client. If I feel like have to put in a bunch of work and endless texts to setup an appointment I'm not going to do it.  


    1 hour ago, Tom Harding said:



  5. You guys are blowing this way out of proportion. There are plenty of guys like me who expect a certain level of customer service when spending hundreds of dollars. This isn't a Del Taco.

    For guys who don't mind having to do their own customer service then this provider will be great for you. And I wish all parties well. 

    However, for those like me, it's not a match. 

    That's it plain and simple. I have my opinion and you have yours. Move on!

  6. 2 minutes ago, Tom Harding said:

    First off you said “We’ve been chatting on RM”

    You haven’t been. According to his response you only requested his private pictures. Therefore, you start off with a lie. That’s already concerning.



    2 minutes ago, Tom Harding said:

    He then asks you “what’s up?” and you asks to take his pictures. That’s all. I’m sure Lewis is asked all the time to have his pictures taken. Why do you think he asked for your professional link?

    You did not say - I would like to take your pictures, I’m only an amateur. But, if that doesn’t interest you Lewis, I would love to set up an appointment to meet for a massage or …

    He is the service provider. I'm the client. Why should I be doing his job for him?


    2 minutes ago, Tom Harding said:

    His response was direct to what you asked. “Sorry not interested” and even said “Thanks though” 

    Providers are contacted by multiple people daily. Lewis himself is in school and has a full time job. This isn’t a sales career for him to pitch himself to you. The same with many other providers. So yes providers are busy and do not have the time. 

    Them maybe don't engage in a line of work that doesn't suit you. I'm looking to hire a professional not a hot Uber driver. 


    2 minutes ago, Tom Harding said:

    You then antagonize him 24hrs later. By asking him “How many people fucked you over to be so dismissive” 

    Antagonize? Really? It's a Greek tragedy. 😂 I'll admit I could have been more gracious. 


    2 minutes ago, Tom Harding said:

    To be honest, his response afterward was still polite. Why did you need to contact a day later. Especially after commenting on this forum that is was conceited?

    He is polite. Never said he wasn't.


    2 minutes ago, Tom Harding said:

    I’m sorry but you are way off. Take accountability. Lewis is not in the wrong here. You need to know how to communicate to providers. 

    I'm a client. It's his job to know how to communicate with me! If the service industry isn't right for you then maybe find a different job. I worked as a waiter when I was in college. Could you imagine walking over to a table and a conversation like this takes place,

    Waiter: "hello and welcome to yadayada. What would you like?"

    Client: "I'd love a a margarita and a Cesar salad."

    Waiter: "we don't have those, have a good day" And the waiter walks away from the table. 🤷

    Lastly @Tom Harding, you're profile shows you only comment on this thread. Me thinks you are Lewis. Please remember that creating a fake account for your own promotion is against the terms of service of this site. 

  7. I didn't realize this guy had an army of sycophants. 

    Sorry I gave my actual opinion and not not some pc canned response. And since you're so invested in this, I'll attach a screenshot of our convo. 

    Mind you this is just my opinion. I'm not trying to force anyone to agree with me, unlike you all, who seem to think no dissenting opinions are allowed. 

    And yes, I think he's conceited and dismissive. Not just from the texts but also from his RM profile. What kind of business man doesn't follow a lead? Did I say something like, "I want to take pictures for free"? Nope! 

    Instead a dismissive, "no thanks". And he doesn't follow up with any sales pitch. Something like, "I'm not really into having my pictures taken by amateurs. May I offer you a massage. I have several options ..." 

    If this guy tried to work as a professional in sales or customer service we would all agree that he's not very good at his job. I'm sure he gives great massages. But unfortunately he never gave me the chance to find out. Just a dismissive no thanks. He's obviously too busy and doesn't have time to discuss. 

    The last thing I want is to take up someone's time when they are busy. 



  8. Wow, you guys really have a hard-on for this provider. Now I'm sad I'll never get to know why y'all so obsessed. It seems as though you're not willing to listen to my side of story and honestly I've spent too much of my own time defending myself. Keep enjoying his services but tell him, if he wants to gain more business he shouldn't be so dismissive to potential clients. I just got a big bonus from work and he won't be getting any of it. 

    God forbid I expect basic customer service when working with a professional.

    Note: he was not rude just dismissive which I read as conceited.

  9. Hey guys, I haven't been with a provider in a while. I'll be looking for one this coming month. I love well muscled posterior but a good personality and chill vibe are more important.  

    My current top pick is Brogan. 


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