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Everything posted by CheckCar

  1. To the back of your throat
  2. Obviously a show-er. I wonder if he’s a grower as well. (Hopefully not 😳)
  3. Yes. It happened under the Obama Administration. https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/blog/2016/06/24/president-obama-designates-stonewall-national-monument
  4. Congress voted a few days ago to make Pulse a national memorial. Even though the shooting happened 5 years ago, I still look for all the exits when I go to a gay bar, just in case. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/congress-votes-make-pulse-nightclub-national-memorial-rcna1170
  5. More than a snack. This right here is a whole meal. 😋
  6. This looks like the softest place on earth.
  7. I stayed in a hotel a week ago and couldn’t find paper pads and a pen to leave a note with a tip. It was my first hotel stay since Feb 2020, and it didn’t even occur to me that the missing pad was a pandemic precaution. Thanks for mentioning this.
  8. This Buzzfeed post may be of interest to those who stay in hotels. #19 on the Buzzfeed list seems particularly relevant to those of us on this forum. I wonder if it applies to men in that line of work. https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephenlaconte/hotel-secrets-from-employees-reddit 19. "We don’t bat an eye at sex work or whatever goes on in the rooms, as long as it doesn’t affect other guests. Half the women who come to the bar are working girls looking for a sale. The only thing that the hotel industry ever really reports is human trafficking. There are telltale signs, and if something doesn’t add up, we do report it to local authorities."
  9. The two reviews on Rentmasseur were suspiciously posted on the same date, so I’m hoping someone on this forum has firsthand intel to share on this masseur. Thanks. https://rentmasseur.com/Alesseur/reviews/
  10. This and other threads on OmarCures (who’s based in NYC) end in 2020. Anyone have more recent experiences with him? I’m curious to find out if he still offers the sensual experience that earned him rave reviews in the past. Feel free to DM me if you’d prefer. Any insights will be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. He’s an actor named Brett Davis (in case anyone wants to Google more pics of him)
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