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  1. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + easygoingpal in What a load!   
    @RomanticRick - Here's the website address: https://www.timtales.com/
    As far as I know, he does not advertise in RM. He is in higher class of men who create content and live off of those profits.
  2. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + aeikaryoko in What a load!   
    Tim Krueger is the top. If you google Timtales Leander, there a links for streaming.
  3. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + easygoingpal in What a load!   
    He desperately wants it... :p:p
  4. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from lonely_john in What makes a good top?   
    Just this one man - https://rent.men/Ninexseven
  5. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to ericwinters in Job Search: Starting Over Past Middle Age   
    Work your resume. Get metrics and accomplishments nailed down.
    Hire a pro resume writer. Spend the extra cash for a LinkedIn profile and build your network.
    Feel free to private message me.
  6. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in How to be middle-class client?   
    You be you.
    If someone makes you feel like that's not enough, they can ceremoniously go fuck themselves
    The one thing you never want to get wrapped up in is becoming the '$30k millionaire.' That's the quickest way to debt and getting yourself into a whole heap of financial trouble. I see it on a regular basis in Dallas, where people try very, very hard to seem important.
    Eventually, their rented Range Rovers are repossessed, their leased apartments evicted and their short run in the social circles of Dallas over.
    Rule of thumb: Don't be Dallas
  7. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to jjkrkwood in Final exit   
    Awwwwwwwwwww, how Romantic Rick ! :rolleyes:
  8. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Final exit   
  9. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to GeoMitch in Worst Ever Massage   
    Many moons ago..... Jake Deckard. I was young (maybe 20 years ago) and enamored of the pics he was posting on the internet. I had never been to a masseur before and reading up, and ogling over his pics, I created this great big fantasy of how wonderful it would all be and how happy and satisfied it would make me. Well, I arrived 15 minutes early - anxious to be there. I didn't think much to have the desk guy call up to say I was there. Jake wasn't very happy about my early arrival - which I can now totally understand - he gasped and sighed and over the phone said I should wait. I was upset at myself for being early and sat, waiting in the lobby. Once I went up, in my nervousness, I think I said all the wrong things which made him appear even less happy with my presence (I think I tried to ask him what else he did other than massage and he might have taken that as offensive - which I really didn't mean in a bad way, as being a masseur is a totally legitimate profession, and I was awkwardly trying to make small talk)...Maybe he had personal stuff going on as well, I don't know. Well, during the massage, not sure of how to go about it, I tried touching him but he kept batting my hand away, huffing and puffing like I was ruining his routine - a master doing his work... So I just gave up and laid there, miserable - with some hot dude who I totally offended mad at me and distant. My fantasy of how wonderful it would all be shattered and I couldn't stop wondering wtf I did. Finally, at some point, when he was ready, something started poking my head and I outright asked him, "May I....?" That was kinda weird. I imagined it would have been sexier than that. It was mechanical - no warmth. I half nearly choked, gave myself a HE, and left. I walked down the street sad, mad at myself for I-don't-know-what. I'd have to say that was the worst experience I've ever had.
    Years later, however, watching Tim Kruger rip Jake's asshole apart on video gave me a sick sense of pleasure, LOL..... Thanks, Tim!
  10. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Ajac in Worst Ever Massage   
    Ok this one goes back awhile. Back to the years of finding masseurs in the ad section of Frontiers Magazine. Before the advice of forum members. There was a guy whose body was amazing kind of like the guy from Tarzan movie with Bo Derek ... Miles Okeef I think. ( 20 somethings start googling). Any way I arrived at a dingy little apartment. He seemed pretty out of it. He in told me to go ahead and lie face down on the bed which was unmade and sheets were obviously not fresh. ( OK let me say it is amazing what you will let slide when some one is extremely good looking. ) He then lay on top of me and kind of kneaded my shoulder with one hand occasionally mumbling incoherently. On a side note his hair was shoulder length but more little lord Fontleroy then Sexy romance novel and obviously had not been washed in a very long time. I digress,the strange Kneading continues until it becomes obvious he has dozed off. Yes full dead weight on top of me asleep. So he come to as I writhe about a bit. continuing to mumble and pinch. At this point I initiate the turn over and just want it all to end. So I am a bit fuzzy on this but there was some sort of HE, more Hurried than Happy. The kicker, as I am getting dressed he decides it is time for him to prep dinner. This is a one room with kitchenette so I get to watch as he waves a huge knife around and tries to make small talk. Now had it been a paring knife to cut his potato no biggie but this was a fight crocodiles in a swamp knife so I was wondering if was ever going to be seen again. I go into compliment mode, going on and on of what a great time it was as I dressed and edged toward the door. I made my escape to home and a very long shower.
  11. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to mattr in Is it time for some sexy humor in the gallery?   
    Look for it... "like" if you find it
  12. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + sync in Is it time for some sexy humor in the gallery?   
    Beyond the "shadow" of a doubt. You are a word-master.

  13. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Starlight77 in Los Angeles tops for first timers...   
    I'll admit my post may be a bit of a fib, as I have bottomed before, but in all honesty it's been almost 10 years since I've did the deed. When I meet with an escort, it's usually everything but anal that I get into but lately I've been craving trying to bottom again. Who can recommend Los Angeles tops who are great with "first timers" (or guys like me who feels like it's their first time..lol). Kissing is a must. I'm not the type of guy that wants to be flipped around on my knees and get pounded from behind. I need a patient, passionate top who will go slow and gently while kissing me face to face. I won't do doggie style ever.
    recommendations? Thanks!
  14. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Smurof in MindTheZac aka Josh in LA -- 411   
    "The only Nazi's I'm a fan of are Soup and Grammur (sic) "
  15. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in 5 star reviews   
    This is what can happen when the chemistry is off and the client takes it personally.
    As other here have said before, when it's just not a match- but nothing terrible otherwise- sometimes the best thing you can do is part ways and not submit a review.
    You cannot always force a round peg into a square hole. Some personalities are not meant to mesh.
  16. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to + Charlie in Daddy's Extraordinary Jan 14 review of https://rent.men/Rainer   
    What I find hard to understand is that there is no indication in the "review" that the "reviewer" was a client or ever had had any kind of hiring relationship with the escort or masseur in question. I thought a "review" was only allowed for an actual meeting between an escort/masseur and a client.
  17. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from + azdr0710 in MindTheZac aka Josh in LA -- 411   
    So nice to see the correct spelling and usage of "pique". Bravo!!
  18. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from + Steve yabsley in Safe vs. bare   
    One's reasoning could be that daily PrEP prevents HIV (99%). Others are treatable with medicine. So, no reason to use condom if one does not prefer it. As simple as that.
  19. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Safe vs. bare   
    One's reasoning could be that daily PrEP prevents HIV (99%). Others are treatable with medicine. So, no reason to use condom if one does not prefer it. As simple as that.
  20. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from + 7829V in Safe vs. bare   
    One's reasoning could be that daily PrEP prevents HIV (99%). Others are treatable with medicine. So, no reason to use condom if one does not prefer it. As simple as that.
  21. Like
    RomanticRick reacted to Guy Fawkes in Bottoms not douching   
    Have you considered putting down a towel?

  22. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from + Just Sayin in My house has been a bordello!   
    Just a lurker here. But, having followed this thread over these weeks, feeling compelled to add 2 cents.
    You have let love reign supreme. Even though you had so much reason to hate, all your actions rightly tinged with caution, have been to just excise this "tumor" (you still love) out of your life while not destroying it. Nothing nor no one can bring you down. Congratulations!
    The "tumor" will self-destruct.
  23. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from + bashful in My house has been a bordello!   
    Just a lurker here. But, having followed this thread over these weeks, feeling compelled to add 2 cents.
    You have let love reign supreme. Even though you had so much reason to hate, all your actions rightly tinged with caution, have been to just excise this "tumor" (you still love) out of your life while not destroying it. Nothing nor no one can bring you down. Congratulations!
    The "tumor" will self-destruct.
  24. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from + sam.fitzpatrick in My house has been a bordello!   
    Just a lurker here. But, having followed this thread over these weeks, feeling compelled to add 2 cents.
    You have let love reign supreme. Even though you had so much reason to hate, all your actions rightly tinged with caution, have been to just excise this "tumor" (you still love) out of your life while not destroying it. Nothing nor no one can bring you down. Congratulations!
    The "tumor" will self-destruct.
  25. Like
    RomanticRick got a reaction from + WilliamM in My house has been a bordello!   
    Just a lurker here. But, having followed this thread over these weeks, feeling compelled to add 2 cents.
    You have let love reign supreme. Even though you had so much reason to hate, all your actions rightly tinged with caution, have been to just excise this "tumor" (you still love) out of your life while not destroying it. Nothing nor no one can bring you down. Congratulations!
    The "tumor" will self-destruct.
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