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Everything posted by Coolwave35

  1. His texting to me was pretty incoherent too.
  2. It never happened. I don’t even remember why.
  3. You shouldn’t feel offended, but I get it. When I first started hiring I had no self esteem. I didn’t see my own worth or value, and it led to a lot of hurt feelings and jealousy with providers. It took a couple of years to work out, so I get why seeing that could bring up some feelings for you. As others have said, you have no claim to his time outside of what you paid for and if he can make a lucrative weekend out of his trip, let the man hustle! I wouldn’t “mention” that you saw him post his ad in your city. That’s a bad look.
  4. It’s $20. It’s been $20 for at least 15 years. Who cares if a song is 120 seconds or 135 seconds or 190 seconds. It’s $20.00.
  5. The percentages of the spending were way off which I found oddly distracting.
  6. You should have cancelled and paid him. I find it INCREDIBLY hard to believe you offered his full fee and he said, “I can make my fee for doing nothing? No way, come get me sick the week before Christmas.”
  7. A good personality goes a long way. I’ve had sex with tons of guys that I wasn’t particularly attracted to because they had a cute face, or a great sense of humor, or were interesting or I wanted them out of my apartment.
  8. I’ll take it! I eat lunch twice a day so I know I can make something work.
  9. Can I take you to dinner next time you’re in the hamptons. I’m gunna keep chipping away at you.
  10. And it was probably shot 2-3 years before that.
  11. I was young 10 years ago and valued aged gay wisdom. It’s when they tried to fuck me when I wanted friendship that problems formed.
  12. If you are paying more than the minimum this isn’t usually something that’s hard to find.
  13. His cock was really big when he got hard. I don’t like him.
  14. I hired him for a private after the nude party last night and it was the best paid sex I’ve ever had in my life. Highly recommend.
  15. Whenever I don’t know what I should do, I search for a nugget of wisdom in Nikki Minaj songs. I suggest you “fuck who you want and fuck who you like Dancehall life, there's no end in sight”
  16. He’s hot. Negative reviews don’t matter.
  17. It’s different. And @Mike D let’s hang. I’ll get you good at being with men.
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