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Todd Jenkins

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Posts posted by Todd Jenkins

  1. 1. MILTON BERLE in drag is a FAR CRY from whatever the F this is in the pic. 

    2. MOST drag queen PERFORMANCES are inappropriate and lewd. If you have been to a performance, YOU KNOW THIS so stop acting like I am making this up - you all know it's true. THESE performances don't belong ANYWHERE near kids! Drag that is appropriate is 100% totally fine. The problem is, that's very few performances / performers. 


  2. 12 hours ago, mike carey said:

    A person in dress-up is not inherently sexual.

    So, you've never been to a drag show then?

    THEY ARE DEFINITELY SEXUAL! If they weren't, nobody would have a problem with it. I am a gay man, I have seen MANY drag shows. If they were CLEAN SHOWS, it would be fine. But, they aren't. YOU know it. I know it. EVERYONE knows it. Stop acting like this isn't a problem - IT IS!

  3. 8 hours ago, Unicorn said:

    It's not how you say it; it's what you say. Do the drag queens promote hate and intolerance? In other news, libraries have turned down Ye's readings of Mein Kampf... 😉 Maybe Ye and Kirk Cameron should meet if they haven't already. 

    So, it's ok for drag queens – who are inherently sexual in performance – to read stories to children? 

  4. 1 hour ago, Gymowner said:

    I am jealous! He does vids riding dildos and getting off. He seems like a real sex freak and humungous. Muscles and cock. His ig is actually a family man. I hope the missus gives a thumbs up. 

    Who are you talking about? 

  5. 4 hours ago, alexslaveboy said:

    I meet up with him back in 2016/2017 when he was GavinCarter on RM 

    He didn't have all the neck, shoulder and back tattoos and our sessions ranged from good to terrible 

    He was pretty open to nude muscle worship wrestling and oral when we met.  But our last session was horrible he was very hairy sweating profusely and seemed out of it...maybe on some sort of substance 

    That was enough for me plus he moved to Vegas shortly thereafter 


    Thank you for the feedback, it is much appreciated.

  6. 1 hour ago, davebk said:

    If you're just looking for the muscle worship side of things, I think he could be a good match.  If you're looking for the more interactive, or just fun play with someone who happens to be muscular, I think you might come up short.  It kind of felt like I had just interrupted a chaterbate session type vibe.

    Communication was clear but aloof. And the interaction was basically the same.

    To his credit, I like muscle guys but am not "into muscle" so maybe my vibe was off from what he prefers.  I was really looking more for the dom alpha side, which didn't come out much despite my asking for it.

    @davebk, how recent was this interaction? I do know he was not as comfortable in the past but from our communication recently, he feels WAY more comfortable with who he is / what he can provide. 

  7. Well, with 30 seconds of Googling, I found this:
    Link here: https://www.peabodymemphis.com/peabody-ducks

    "Raised by a local farmer and a friend of the hotel, each team of Peabody Ducks lives at the hotel for only three months before retiring from their duty and returning to the farm, where they are free to live as wild ducks. With a return to the great outdoors in mind, the hotel recognizes its resident waterfowl as wild animals and does not domesticate them or treat them like pets."

    It's truly amazing what you find when you just take a moment to do just a little itty bit of research. 🙂

    I think they're just fine. And your observation of "When the ducks arrive into the fountain, some of them immediately feel the need to rush to a podium to grab it quickly before another duck did" is quite possibly your own projection onto the situation. That may not be - and probably isn't - what is occurring.

    It's a cute tradition. It's not harming anyone, or any creature. 

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