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  1. Applause
    SirBillybob got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in No PreP status?   
    Tangent alert.
    Any more obnoxious attempts to throw me off my game and I’m going to have to siphon off power from the EV charger. 
  2. Haha
    SirBillybob got a reaction from + DrownedBoy in No PreP status?   
    No bot is capable of programming handling the convoluted reasoning evident throughout these threads. 
  3. Haha
    SirBillybob got a reaction from Marc in Calif in No PreP status?   
    No bot is capable of programming handling the convoluted reasoning evident throughout these threads. 
  4. Eye Roll
    SirBillybob reacted to + nycman in No PreP status?   
    And that’s the most important point.
    Everything else is angels on a pinhead.
    1, 10, or 1,000.….It’s never zero.
    Am I the only one that thinks @SirBillybob might be an AI robot?
  5. Confused
    SirBillybob reacted to pubic_assistance in No PreP status?   
    Obviously the 20% risk factor assumes an HIV positive partner.
    You are correct in your comment that this number doesn't assume the other Russian Roulette factors of wondering whether or not your partner is HIV negative, poz, undetectable poz, or also recently infected from lazy adherence to medication schedules.
    The overall point is that we don't live in a laboratory so the controlled study numbers are giving people a false sense of security with their 99% efficacy claims.
    Bareback sex always comes with a degree of risk.
  6. Confused
    SirBillybob reacted to pubic_assistance in No PreP status?   
    Failure of the medication if taken as prescribed is low. But the real-world statistics show that a low number of people actually remember to take their medication consistently enough to be assured of avoiding a break-through infection. Thus the big difference between real-world and controlled studies
    If you're not fastidious you're playing Russian Roulette with a 20% risk of infection.
  7. Confused
    SirBillybob reacted to + nycman in No PreP status?   
    No, I think you nailed it. 
    As a population scientist, you worry about the "n" of 100 million. 
    As a human, you worry about the "n" of one. 
  8. Eye Roll
    SirBillybob got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Ugly Clients and Providers With Substance Problems   
    Private Benjamin? [I’ll let myself out.]
  9. Like
    SirBillybob reacted to soloyo215 in Ugly Clients and Providers With Substance Problems   
    Personally I have not seen comments that have little regard for providers, but I might have missed them. In fact, I have seen quite the opposite, good, open, honest and respectful discussion about the many aspects around the entire industry. Also, and I can only speak for my own experiences, I am a respectful person, period. Providers or non-providers, they should be treated with consideration and respect. There have been discussions about clients being in conditions that are less than ideal. I myself posted that I went to see a masseur while being sick, but even under those circumstances I had a talk with the provider and he was the one who decided how he wanted to proceed.
    Street hustlers who just walk around or use hookup apps might have a different reality, but the vast majority, if not all of the providers who post here have a well established system for advertising, communicating and screening clients. Those are the type of discussions that I have read of here. So far my providers have been good, and the oned that I don't want to see again are for behaviors or practices that I don't agree with, not because of being drunk or high on drugs. Without playing savior, any decent human being will provide emergency help to whoever needs it (I would).
  10. Haha
    SirBillybob got a reaction from soloyo215 in Ugly Clients and Providers With Substance Problems   
    Private Benjamin? [I’ll let myself out.]
  11. Haha
    SirBillybob reacted to secgoo in Ugly Clients and Providers With Substance Problems   
    Ah shit. I monologued again 
  12. Like
    SirBillybob reacted to secgoo in Ugly Clients and Providers With Substance Problems   
    Well, I suppose the objective of this site is to enable clients to provide commentary of providers.
    This site is for clients primarily.
    I would imagine (although I have zero evidence to support the theory) that we clients have a collection of providers that we hold dear. I know that I certainly do. I like to broadcast positive vibes about the providers that I like. I like to drum up new, fresh, reoccurring business for the guys I think favourable towards.
    However, if there happens to be an encounter with a provider that I have felt particularly cautious or uncomfortable about, then I feel obligated to broadcast that to this community too. I try to do it in a factual perspective rather than an emotional one but I would most certainly broadcast every single detail of an interaction that was not a professional transaction between someone who is selling themselves as a business model and myself who is purchasing time with that person.
    I understand that some providers are not actually in a great place mentally, emotionally or physically to be in this industry of client satisfaction, however, we *should* be alerting one another about providers like that.
    Treat the providers with respect. Treat other clients on this site with respect. State factual reviews at will.
  13. Like
    SirBillybob reacted to secgoo in Ugly Clients and Providers With Substance Problems   
    Not been keeping up to date with the forums recently but man, if this is right then some people need to have a good hard think about themselves.
    You should treat everyone with decency.
    And why on earth would anyone arrange a meeting for sex with anyone else (paid or otherwise) without taking care of their own  basic personal hygiene?!?! Eeeew!
  14. Like
    SirBillybob reacted to PileDriver in Ugly Clients and Providers With Substance Problems   
    Too many comments on this board from clients who have so little regard for providers and their problems. life is complicated. have had my share of issues with providers. including providers too drugged out to perform. even passed out. BUT have heard it a thousand times from guys i hire about how much they appreciate my stability given the litany of alcoholic,  drugged, closeted guys, stinking, rancid in their body hygiene clients who walk through the door. Providers have a really tough job. Just shocking what i have heard about how clients present themselves. But then expect easy going absolute perfection from the provider at any cost.
    So, please give providers who have a problem a break. Especially a substance problem. Be kind. Rise above your sexual needs at the moment and reach out and be compassionate. Kind. Call 911 is the situation warrants it. No excuse for not being a decent human being. Period. Please.
  15. Confused
    SirBillybob reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in No PreP status?   
    That has very little to nothing to do with the effectiveness of PrEP.
    Do you have a link to studies that backup claims of widespread unreliability?
    Breakthrough cases are extremely rare.  Yes, they happen, but it's not a concerning number at this point:
    Many of these cases were due to user error (adherence).  
    Newer formulations of PrEP are even more effective and they will continue to refine it.
    PrEP is not the bad guy.  It's a fucking life saver.
  16. Haha
    SirBillybob got a reaction from BonVivant in Currently not hiring due to lack of interest?   
    Out of Bordeaux nothing wrong with a full-bodied Pinot Gigolo. 
  17. Like
    SirBillybob reacted to PileDriver in No PreP status?   
    negative here on prep. i always am up front in my contact with someone about that and ask for their status. and although i expect honesty i also assume that for what ever reason there the possibility of dishonesty. same goes for other std's. has worked for me. have had a few guys cancel after an std diagnosis. and a few times after the assignation received an honest alert that i may have been exposed to an std. in those cases didn't get an infection. and the honesty only made the guy's value rise in my mind.
    and have used condoms when requested for a few guys. when someone has topped me i asked that the condom be left in me.
    being up front, proactive, honest but also guarded works for me...had syphilis once and knew the second i met the guy there was a problem but had a lapse of judgement. but then waited, got tested, then took care of myself and never had a lapse of judgement again. 
  18. Like
    SirBillybob got a reaction from + augustus in Are YOU better off now than you were before COVID-19?   
    Yes, more disposable funds beyond nest-egg target. 
  19. Agree
    SirBillybob reacted to pubic_assistance in No PreP status?   
    Which speaks to the unreliability of PreP in the general public rather than the pharmaceutical company's oft quoted  stellar efficacy in their own controlled studies.
  20. Like
    SirBillybob got a reaction from pubic_assistance in No PreP status?   
    The categorization is overly simplistic, so the ad platform offers the info opt-out. The drop-down field is designed to stimulate rapport, to support that it is normative to maturely discuss STI topics. The provider will have explicitly chosen among status choices, albeit not all semantically fully accurate. If it is blank he had nevertheless decided to redact the info. Therefore, an inquiry opening up the topic will (should) not be out of left field as it was formally kick-started upon ad registration.

  21. Thanks
    SirBillybob reacted to + nycman in Pulled low back muscle   
    The only problem is that, as we’ve recently proven in healthcare (in an epic nationwide failure), many humans don’t have your strength. Or to put it in more politically correct terms, they don’t have the genetic make up that evidently allows you to resist becoming an addict with "just a taste" of narcotic. You’re lucky. For short term severe pain, nothing beats narcotics. Unfortunately, it’s like playing Russian roulette with 5 chambers loaded for many people.
    I’m glad you’ve found a solution that works for you. I agree it’s a good one. This is just a PSA for others that it might not be right for them. 
  22. Haha
    SirBillybob got a reaction from mike carey in Seeking arrangements success!   
    That’s usually a cover for grandmother fracturing her tibia doing motorcycle wheelies and needing to get to her in urgent care. 
  23. Like
    SirBillybob got a reaction from marylander1940 in Pulled low back muscle   
    Do you think it was an identifiable injury from some kind of exertion or that the musculature cluster just basically went into spasm spontaneously, like a mind of its own, releasing chemicals that irritate the nerve group? The latter occurs for me occasionally. Past week I think triggered by tensing up when wearing heavier clunky footwear on icy walkways. Max discomfort tends to be when getting out of bed after a nap or full night’s sleep. 
    Things I do: 
    Walk it off, trying to keep surrounding muscle groups loose, as opposed to staying immobile.
    Tylenol-3, usually max 2 or 3 per episode, cumulatively half a dozen tabs annually, but when taking time to rest as they promote drowsiness. 
    Continue more peripheral resistance training at the gym, but not focused core exertion. Sounds counterintuitive but helps. Today I did my full chest & upper back routine. Also stretch, with emphasis on hamstrings, as all muscle groups are implicated in spontaneous sciatic spasm. That said, such activity is based on lack of evidence of the problem having been triggered by exertion such as heavy lifting in a bad position. I feel nerve pain, not muscle discomfort. In other words, I only know the spasm exists due to nerve irritation and body line nude in the mirror is a bit off.
    Apply external Thumper Massager which my effective chiropractor of years back, now retired, used on me in treatments, along with a rolling pin (his playbook; I use a foam roller and slide on it under me). He had put little emphasis on conventional adjustment manoeuvres. 
    Hot pool water jets directly on the area at Spa Scandinave in Old Montreal. Very effective but the jets must be extremely robust, so that I gently anchor myself as they propel my floating body away from the jet flow. I find it’s the most effective mitigator. 
  24. Like
    SirBillybob reacted to + APPLE1 in No PreP status?   
    Also not sure what the "obvious" would be. But, back to the question of not publishing Prep status, I feel like writing "not on Prep" would generate a lot of personal questions a provider may not want to answer. I have to assume there are folks out there not taking Prep specifically due to existing health conditions and pharmaceutical interactions.
  25. Like
    SirBillybob got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in What can escorts and masseurs write-off?   
    I went about 10 years ignorant of what eligible expenses I was missing out on claiming, but then had a good tax accountant for two decades. She got me extremely organized and we only met annually for about an hour at tax season, billing me only for that time. 
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