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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Those would be 'briefly' on him. And then I'd be smelling them like his towel. (Oops ... outside voice again.)
  2. BBC radio program I was listening to, forget the guest's name at the moment. In line with the 10 pounds of grain for one pound of meat statistic that gets referenced a lot.
  3. Clever accessorizing to distract from that ugly bike
  4. I'm sorry but, he's looking kind of young, dumb and full of cum (not necessarily in that order ).
  5. Animal farming takes up 83% of farmland but is responsible for just 18% of calories.
  6. Almost all of them are suitably dressed for a Zoom meeting, maybe lose the toque
  7. Maybe they do music videos as part of their work out routines?
  8. Well if things work out, I'm going to be the 'smartest thing' he's done next year
  9. Perfect age for him, and 39 will be perfect next year. If you see him, pass on my regards
  10. This was one of the background demographics between BC and Washington State regarding mortality rates. BC has a 19% obesity rate and Washington's is 29%
  11. Apparently his age as well - 29. But I don't care
  12. When I saw this thread I was hoping someone was going to be telling me, Derek was wandering around naked in my city and looking for something to do.
  13. An upbeat song, with the bonus of rugby legs
  14. A bit off topic, but it's music and dancing and feel good.
  15. Guys! After 17 days of this photo being posted, and no one has said ... "he's got a big package"
  16. Looks like you caught them at the exact moment that the soap bubbles hit the drain ... so to speak
  17. Clever distraction from that ugly shower curtain!
  18. "No Detective Meloni, it's your turn to drop the soap ... "
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